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Vvti air filter query


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As there seems to be no VVTI induction kits left in the world, is there any way around custom making one to work with the OEM MAF housing or is there an aftermarket MAF housing option to use with a non VVTI induction kit?


Also whilst I'm here I'm currently sourcing parts for a 6 spd conversion and I still need the following parts if anyone can help me out that would be much appreciated


V160 gearbox mount

Clutch fork

Clutch master cylinder

Clutch and brake pedal assemblies

Gear lever interior plastic panel and gator

6 spd Propshaft

6 spd Driveshafts

6 spd clocks

6 spd differential


Thanks guys

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Ive read about a million threads arguing both sides of cone filters and panel filters with pros and cons etc and to be honest mate as much as I'm not a chav I can't help but like the noise of a cone filter, as they don't give any performance benefit all I'm after is the noise

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These intake kits should all fit the VVTi, double check though when ordering.


12511019 Greddy Airinx B Type



AI-T329 Power Enterprise Air Impulse II



70019-AT047 HKS Super Power Flow R



Gruppe M also do kits for the VVTi do a search here http://www.gruppem.co.jp/en/matching_search

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Theres no argument. For performance the stock air box with its ram air cold feed is the best, for scene points/chav noises/heat soak its cone filter. Enjoy.


HKS did an intake pipe with a slot for the flow meter but Im not sure if its still available any more.

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Cheers Nic, I'll have a look at them see what the crack is.


Swampy442: Argument as in exactly what you've just summed up contradicted by people saying cones with heat shields and cold air feeds etc or modifying the stock ram air cold feed into a confined heat shield where the cone sits shouldn't make a difference bla bla bla I can understand both points like but anyway I'm just after the noises basically plus the fact the standard air box doesn't fit well with the fmic apparently which will be coming soon.


Cool mate I'll have a hunt about see if I can find any, thanks for the help guys!

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Yeah I see what you mean, I'll try and get best of both worlds see if I can chop up the stock airbox and use the cold air feed and route it into a secluded heat shield area with the cone filter. I'll let you know how I get on anyway, cheers for the help!

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Can't get them anymore mate, all VVTI induction kits have been discontinued, or atleast discontinued being brought into the UK. I've tried every website going. I'll try get that power enterprise shipped over from Japan though if it's VVTI specific

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  • 5 weeks later...

I managed to get a second hand blitz lm kit but I'm not happy with the way it's sitting in the engine bay, the filter is attached to a long solid pipe with the MAF housing on and it's wedged between the intercooler pipe and the deck because of the lack of flexibility :(

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Correct fella I did ask for advice, I did listen however the whole point is to get away from the stock system so why would I go back stock especially when it doesn't fit with fmic? But erm cheers for the "constructive" comment [emoji106]

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Correct fella I did ask for advice, I did listen however the whole point is to get away from the stock system so why would I go back stock especially when it doesn't fit with fmic? But erm cheers for the "constructive" comment [emoji106]


If you could be bothered to use the search function you would see that the stock air box can be made to work with the FMIC with a little fettling.

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I also found using the search button that you can custom build a heat shield in conjunction with the two standard airfeeds that houses a cone filter which also fits with an fmic pal [emoji106] if you could be bothered to read the full thread you would see that was my plan in the first place. It's called test and adjust

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I also found using the search button that you can custom build a heat shield in conjunction with the two standard airfeeds that houses a cone filter which also fits with an fmic pal [emoji106] if you could be bothered to read the full thread you would see that was my plan in the first place. It's called test and adjust


How very dare you!


You asked for advice, you were advised to stay with the OEM setup which wasn't what you wanted to hear. You decided you knew best, you didn't! You then start whining as it caused problems and became defensive when you realised you had egg on your face and no one cared.


I read the thread and gave you good advice along with a lot of other members. Toyota designed the stock air box like that for a reason, do you honestly think they would waste time and money on R&D if it wasn't what the best option for the car? However you wanted to remove it, not for "test and adjust" (this has been done many times over, nothing new to be found) but to make a noise of all things?! You are either trying to compensate for something or at a guess the power of a Supra too much for you to handle which is why you want to restrict it.


On a side note, the HKS VVTi intake is still readily available to buy and there is also a 2nd hand one currently for sale.


I'm out.

Edited by Frank Bullitt
spelling (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I asked for advice to see people's opinions, or to find out about any alternatives or custom set ups. it's not that it's not what I wanted to hear nor did I decide I knew best, I simply done what I wanted to do. Just because it's what you would do doesn't mean to say it's what everyone should do, so wind your neck in.


I did not whine at all franky boy, I simply stated im not happy with the way it's sitting, nothing a couple of silicone hoses can't fix.


I didn't get defensive neither, I just don't appreciate your cockiness and I couldn't care less if no one cared, I don't know if you realise but this is a forum, people post up problems they encounter and get help and guidance and once they over come the problem the opportunity is there to then help other people with the same problem.


You read the thread and gave the worst possible advice in the world mate. Sorry. But yes most car manufacturers design the equipment for specific cars as it's the best option for the car however they also try and budget the cost hence why there are a lot of aftermarket options. Everyone is different, I find it looks better, clears fmics and you can hear the turbos spool...so what? Sure I can take the piss out of you for things you like that I don't.


Oh my word, the supra too much for me to handle? You need to grow up. And do you honestly think swapping the stock airbox for a cone filter would make THAT much of a difference if any? If the answer is yes then you need to sort your life out.


So next time if you have nothing positive or constructive to say then don't say anything at all just keep your opinions to yourself. Do us all a favour and go and learn some manners and respect.


With reference to the side note, thanks much appreciated.



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To be fair, I think Frank got hold of the wrong end of the stick and thought you were asking what is best, when in fact you were asking how can I make a cone filter work with vvti engine and does anyone know where I can get one.


I don't think reducing your thread to a slanging match is a good idea even if you feel you are retaliating and have a right.


Good luck finding your intake and hope you are happy with the results.


I didn't notice any change in performance when a K&N cone filter was put onto my old car, just a bit more induction noise!

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Quite possibly mate.


No one wants their thread to be turned into a slagging match to be fair.


I agree, I haven't seen any change in performance, just getting rid of the big plastic box makes the bay look abit neater and you can hear the tubbies spool more now.

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