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Paint protection in sunlight


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Hi all,


Trying to think of a way to best protect my paint on the supra. Now it's summer the sunlight faces one side of my car in the mornings from around 6am to 11am, obviously over time this will start to fade paint but how long that will take I don't know nor do I want to risk it. I wondered if anyone knew how good certain waxes were at protecting paint from UV rays and stop fading? The last thing I'd want is one side of the car faded and one not, I checked the car this morning before I left and the paints not blaringly hot, only warm but I can only imagine as it gets hotter in the summer this will change. I've either got waxes or to buy a car cover as my options. I've heard many horror stories with outdoor car covers on aftermarket paint jobs and I've seen them ruin decent paint jobs, so its quite a risk putting one whether it be down to the really good quality cover that doesn't like aftermarket paint or just a bad paint job that causes it. I'm trying to weigh up the pro's and cons for both options... Either way I'd imagine both over time will require a new re-spray but which will hold it off longer.


I can't move the car as it's on my drive

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The majority of decent waxes and sealants will protect against UV as long as you keep them topped up.


Do you know if the paint is a decent quality? I know you have a metallic colour so there will be a clear coat and that will help slow a lot of fading.

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Drive it in one day, reverse it in the next?


I'd be surprised if the sun is strong enough here to make that much of a difference, unless the paint and clearcoat that was used is very cheap/poor quality.

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As Jim says, turn it around once a week, unless you live in some micro climate with Saharan type sunshine of course. In which case sell the house to sun worshippers and buy somewhere with a garage :)


You are on fire today CW:)

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I'd be very surprised if UK sunshine would do much damage to your paintwork but if you really are concerned there are a few products which get sold at dealerships which might give a small protection! The main ones are supagard, dimondbright and gardx and as much as I'm sure a lot of people will slate these products I've seen some good demonstrations to why they are good if applied correctly... Sun being one protection but it will also give you some time to get bird s**t and tree sap of the paint before any damage to the lacquer happens!


These are very over priced from dealerships but you should be able to pick up full packs on eBay for no money as most valeter's steal them to sell lol...

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