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The greatest conspiracy theory EVER!


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That's nothing. You should study the hollow earth theory. Admiral Byrd's flight over the North Pole etc. It's far more plausible in my humble estimation, though not without it's own lack of apparent evidence.


There is no actual magnetic North or South Pole for example, since it forms a ring before you get near to the geographical axis centres about which the earth (allegedy) spins. Pole magnets, of which the planet is one, all share this characteristic, since N/S magnetic fields are toroidal or donut shaped with varying elongation. There is no actual centre of a toroidal field.


For a brief introduction to the hollow earth subject see, for example:- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/10961412/Hollow-Earth-conspiracy-theories-the-hole-truth.html


Anyway, presumably you're coming from the skeptical camp here, as am I.


As far as I'm aware, the horizon is only 3 miles away at 6 feet above sea level which demonstrates how very curved the earth actually is if this were true.


It's patently obvious that the earth is curved to anyone who's flown or sailed around it or seen camera footage from high altitude aircraft, not all of which could be faked or explained by wide angle lenses being used in every instance.


When I went to New Zealand you could see the Milky Way clearly whereas you can't see the main cluster from here in England.


How could the earth be a flat plane anyway? There's no such thing as 2D. It's impossible. 2 planes must exist in 3 dimensions without exception or they'd have no 3rd surface upon which to be projected or imagined, even in purely theoretical terms, since no theory is valid if not based upon observed reality. The closest you could get to 2D would be a projection onto a 3 dimensional object such as a screen or diaphragm but even that has thickness and a location in 3D space, not to mention the source of the projection requiring 3 dimensions, even if totally imagined.


We are not a flat plane, so why should the earth be? (Or are we all nonlocal, multi-dimensional, infinite consciousness just creating this entire illusion of locality and solid matter for the purpose of overcoming boredom? I mean, matter is just an interference pattern decoded by our brains, after all).


I do however find the lighthouse arguments fascinating, if indeed they are based on real data. Light can of course refract and bounce off the atmosphere etc. possibly accounting for the ability to see lights from much further away than should be possible by direct line of sight and are more than likely just the effect of 'light pollution', as we normally call it and only visible at night when all other light sources are diminished as competition.


Still, given how much of what we are told is obviously a complete lie by the 'establishment' about so many things, my only question would be, what do they have to gain by keeping a flat earth a secret if it were true? To just keep us going round in circles as it were? Heads down, chasing our tails? Accepting a limited and confined view of the world and our own potential? Not much else would make any sense.


It's not like it really matters to any of us either way under practically any scenario and could best be described as only an exercise in self-satisfaction at pulling the wool over our eyes.


For what purpose, who would care to guess? Talk about an elaborate hoax and all for what?


Perhaps to spread obvious disinformation linked by being on the same website and 'investigated' by the same 'researcher' to genuine enquiry about other subjects that are gaining significant ground in the public mind?


Subjects which no longer require debate, as everyone who matters knows already and will definitely do nothing about it if it threatens their careers.


Or their lives.

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Just watched the first video and whilst many interesting points are raised, the seasons aren't mentioned and neither is gravity explained as needing to exist on a flat plane but only somehow necessary on a globe.


The interviewee even stated that on a ball shaped planet a helicopter for example should be able to lift off, hover and then descend at it's destination if it was opposite the direction of earth's rotation, as if the atmosphere wasn't carried with the planet as a closed system due to 'magical' gravity which he denies even exists!


Otherwise a fairly interesting take on things.


This reminds me of a video I watched by another Christian Fundamentalist where he made a pretty good case for the earth being only 5000 years old because of flaws in the carbon dating technique and various other anomalies.


I welcome anything that makes me think about things from another point of view and this certainly is an interesting proposition, however bizarre.

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This reminds me of a video I watched by another Christian Fundamentalist where he made a pretty good case for the earth being only 5000 years old because of flaws in the carbon dating technique and various other anomalies.


Got a link? Oddly, I like watching, listening or reading this stuff....

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Is there not a theory that life as we know it is actually 2D and it's a projected third dimension that allows us to perceive 3D? I'm sure it was Hawking or someone that came up with that one, so not taken lightly.

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Got a link? Oddly, I like watching, listening or reading this stuff....


I'll have a look. It was a few years ago. It wasn't ultimately convincing because of various things like DINOSAUR FOSSILS FFS!!!! and he even had an explanation for that by saying that there are ancient accounts of men hunting and riding on them or their bones being found together in caves but it was intelligently and thoughtfully presented in most respects. There are many accounts of ancient civilisations pre-dating our own by hundreds of thousands of years and cities being discovered under the sea around India and Japan, for example that have been submerged for at least 10,000 years.


I think this sort of thing is healthy because if you consider alternative versions of events with an open mind and still reject them after an honest evaluation, it only serves to test your beliefs, which, let's face it, all of our opinions are. We believe that we trust some information as fact and we reject other alternatives if we believe that they are incorrect but without first hand knowledge there has to be room for errors in our judgement and we can still be fooled, particularly by prejudice, bias, dishonesty or stupidity etc.


We can only ever make a best guess at things based upon the evidence presented to our senses and our capacity to honestly evaluate said evidence. Needless to say, this varies wildly from one individual to another, depending on the topic and the attitude, experience, prejudice or mental ability of the 'believer' in question.


I believe that I'm sitting here typing but I can't prove it to a skeptic as they could claim that I'm nonexistent and a figment of their imagination. They could even claim to be highly intelligent to have dreamt it all up, (or had such a bad nightmare! :D). Denial is the most powerful weapon against facts ever invented, trust me, I know. Our human will is ultimately supreme and always has the last say, however deluded or dishonest.


This will of course present as a fantastic irony to some people, who believe that I am myself deluded, however well presented and irrefutable my evidence on a topic.


I believe that this is what our physical bodies are actually intended for. They allow a multifaceted split in the otherwise one mind of 'God' for want of a better name which is by definition, the sum total of all things (and non-things) and therefore a way to see who and what we are and what we are capable of on many levels simultaneously.


We're all like tiny facets on a huge diamond, some of which are polished by long experience but eventually the whole stone will be perfected or I think that's the plan anyway. From this point of view time doesn't exist and therefore everything is inevitable because we have forever to get it right!


It may take that long at this rate. :cool:

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Is there not a theory that life as we know it is actually 2D and it's a projected third dimension that allows us to perceive 3D? I'm sure it was Hawking or someone that came up with that one, so not taken lightly.


I think you're referring to The Holographic Universe theory. There's a book by the same name by Michael Talbot, though I haven't read it yet.


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Rings a bell :D


"Is this the man you saw in the clock tower?"


"I don't know but his face rings a bell!"


Quasimodo went to the doctor one day about his terrible back ache and the doctor asked him to kindly remove his jumper. He did but there was layer upon layer of them. Eventually the doctor asked him if he'd ever lost a school satchel!

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Got a link? Oddly, I like watching, listening or reading this stuff....


Blimey, they're everywhere!




So not only is the earth flat but only 6000 years old as well as being created in just 6 days.


Thing is, days didn't exist until the earth was created so it could mean anything.


It's like saying that one second after the big bang 'x event' happened as scientists like to do when the relative calculations required to translate our current earth seconds into microwave background radiation pulses at the beginning of the universe or whatever before time as we know it even existed due to the complete absence of any physical matter would be impossible to accurately determine.


One error of measurement early on could throw the entire equation off by billions of what we now call years.

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Its intresting that all of our planet in our solar system including the sun and moons are sphere's alot of it is to do with the gravity of the core of the planets moons and star. But is the norm for the rest of the galaxy.


It's all to do with the gravity. Rotating mass with high gravity will always even out. They are slightly out of round due to the acceleration of the equator.

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Just incase anyone actually gets sucked in by this flat earth nonsense, as clearly there are still people stupid enough to believe it, I just watched the video below and in my exasperation I then spent a while composing a comment but can't post it in either Explorer or Google Chrome for some reason and I'm signed into both. Maybe they are on to me? :taped:


Maybe it's just too damned long as usual?!!


I think it sums up why a flat earth theory is 'slightly flawed' shall we say? Like anyone should need to be told.


The video speaks for itself!


It's pretty scary stuff.




My comment was going to be as follows;


I haven't read all of the other comments so hopefully I'm not repeating anyone else here, though somehow, I very much doubt it.



'Gravity' or some unseen mysterious force is still absolutely necessary in the Flat Earth Model, (in fact even more so), or it would be very lucky indeed that the surface of the Earth just happens to be the 'right way up' (phew!) and we don't just fall off into the Sun. In space, there is no up or down, left or right, as it's all relative to your point of view so how can there be a right way up without localised gravity, i.e. electrical attraction of some sort, to a spherical body?



If the Earth is the 'right way up' as decided by God for our benefit, why doesn't the Sun fall out of the sky? What's holding it up there? The Hand of God? I hope He's wearing good oven gloves!



Far from making no sense, the only model that does make any sense is the globular one. It's a pattern repeated at all levels of creation, from atoms to cells to the 'heavenly bodies' to the Universe itself, or is that flat too? Why would it be? How could it be? Centrifugal force?



Why shouldn't the Earth be a globe anyway? It answers many more questions than a flat model, which only creates more paradoxes.



Why is the Flat Earth's surface cold in the middle at the North Pole and also around the outer edge at the South Pole and baking hot only on the Equator and why are there even poles in the first place when a magnetic field is toroidal or donut shaped? Is the Earth's surface like a speaker magnet and why isn't it hotter in the middle at the North Pole or is the Equator a ring, half way between both poles where the Sun happens to be positioned, confirming the spinning disc theory in your Flat Earth Model?



What about night and day? How is it dark all the time on the back of the planet and light all the time on the side facing the Sun as it rotates? What about the seasons? Does the Sun orbit in a circle above the Equator whilst the Flat Earth stays still? What does it orbit? The Moon? Why does it orbit anything at all? If it orbits something, why shouldn't we orbit something, like it, (the Sun)?



What about mountains and earthquakes like the recent one in Nepal? The disc must be shrinking but centrifugal force must have created it. Did someone turn off the centrifuge and then begin to apply compression to the outer edge, like fitting a piston ring into a cylinder bore of an engine with a ring compressor and why isn't the North Pole higher or lower as a result of being squashed in the middle of a disc?



Why doesn't the disc buckle and warp? It couldn't remain flat, (and is obviously not flat anyway except as an average of its surface area), unless it was spinning so the 150mph and 1000mph issue still remains. You don't feel the Earth spinning because the atmosphere is spinning with you. You are a part of it. Wind is the only effect of the Earth's spin that you feel and that is a complex system of heat from the Sun and moisture levels circulating in the atmosphere causing high and low pressure zones that constantly equalise and balance themselves out, air moving from high pressure, (warmer), areas to low pressure, (cooler), areas.



Why don't we see the Sun and Moon as discs if the Earth is disc shaped? I suppose they are just holograms? That's not to mention why on Earth the Earth would be flat anyway under any known 'laws' of observed physics?



What 'magical' force keeps us attached to the surface of a flat Earth and makes it so hard to escape the atmosphere if not some form of gravity, however that works?



I'll give you my hypothesis. Standard gravitational theory, not that I've read it, apparently says that it's all mass relative, i.e. that a larger object attracts a smaller one 'somehow' unless the atomic mass of the smaller object is greater or denser than the larger one but generally speaking it holds true for the purposes of this argument.



Consider that both the planet as a distinct body and our bodies and those of leaves, branches and falling trees for example, are atomically in balance, or equalised as far as their chemical reaction with other bodies goes, save for lightning strikes, static charges or harmful chemical exposure etc.



Now, with many orders of magnitude greater number of atoms in its 'body' (and therefore many more protons [+], neutrons [-?] and electrons [-]), the Earth as a sum total, whether flat or spherical, attracts lighter objects such as ourselves by the relatively much higher number of protons in the planet pulling on our smaller number of electrons and the same with the Earth's larger number of electrons pulling on our smaller number of protons.



Both are chemically balanced systems in and of themselves and ostensibly separate from one another but RELATIVELY speaking we are still overwhelmed by the attraction of both the positive and negative charges of the electrochemically/magnetically stronger/larger/denser planetary body and no valent or covalent chemical bonding upon contact is necessary for this model to work. Gravity behaves effectively like static charge and we are like dust particles clinging to the surface of our computer monitors, except that they are both usually missing electrons, making the force of attraction much stronger.



We are very strongly attracted to the Earth but we don't become a part of it as we are both in chemical balance or homeostasis. Our cell's outer layer of electrons repel the electrons of all the other objects with which we come into contact, save for chemical reactions that bond with us or rob us of electrons. For example, free radical damage from smoking or frying food and breathing the oil smoke; a huge health risk by the way.



So the way I see it, gravity is really very simple, at least in chemical terms where positive and negative electrical attraction and repulsion governs all atomic structure and relativity. I'm sure that there are many subatomic components at work here too, such as how neutrons work to regulate the proximity of their atomic counterparts.



They cannot actually be truly neutral or they'd have no place in an atomic nucleus, (not being attracted to or repulsed by either positive protons or negative electrons), so must be somewhat negatively charged because they are always in equal number to protons in the nucleus of an atom and are always shown bonded to them in pairs and they also repel negatively charged electrons, keeping protons and electrons from coming together as they otherwise would by repelling and suspending the electrons in orbit around the highly attractive proton/s. Without neutrons present, protons and electrons would instantly collide and annihilate each other, either releasing enormous energy in the process or creating anti-matter, whichever way that reaction would go, since the basis for matter itself would be destroyed and energy is normally released when this happens.



Therefore, understanding neutrons and how to alter their charge is the key to unlocking unlimited energy and understanding all physical atoms and their behaviour, whilst to me understanding gravity is just by comparison, a simple matter of total parallel positive AND negative electrical charge between chemically stable bodies or objects in relatively close proximity. The shorter the separation, the stronger the gravitational force outside the atmosphere between stars and planets but within the atmosphere a direct electrical circuit is created by the opposing poles of the protons and electrons of both bodies attempting to come together under basic magnetic attraction but being unable to do so fully because they are both closed loops or balanced equations chemically.



This should enable accurate predictive modelling based upon atomic mass and it presumably does.



I therefore find it strange how no-one seems to be able to explain gravity when they clearly do understand it and use it to slingshot rockets and probes around the Moon or Jupiter, or is that just another hoax?



It is still possible to make great leaps and strides in our technological achievements by only observing the world around us with the scientific method and closely mimicking its 'laws' of nature in our experiments and we've had much success in that regard but truly understanding them will take us much further, since unfortunately we still have the legacy of religious dogma and ignorance to deal with and land grabbing wars for 'energy' that should be free to all by now.



Perhaps God in His infinite wisdom has kept this information from us until we learn to respect each other's right to coexist on the same planet. Sorry, plane.


Feel free to tell me that I'm also an idiot or whatever but please explain why.


Yes, I know that I'm completely wasting my time but if one other person benefits from my musings, then it was all worth it. I know I have!

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