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El Supra build thread (pic heavy)


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Hello Guys


First a little bit about myself. I've always loved supras & ever since i drove along with a 450 HP supra, I was blown away. I'm 20 years old (becoming 21) & besides the supra. I own a Hyundai Coupe from 2005 (2.0 with 143 hp) as a daily driver.


This is going to my build topic for my supra. First off some information about the car itself.


It's a j-spec Non turbo from 1993 with manual tranmission. The state when i bought her was bad if not horrid. My buddy bought her from a fella in the uk in 2012 & ended up on his driveway never started it or tried importing her into belgium. In July 2014, I bought her off him in a horrible state. The battery was close to dying, the starter was all messed up, the paint on the bonnet is absolutly horrid, theres a squar whole in the rear bumper, the little engine on the drivers seat didn't work, etc etc ...


Many flaws to be Fixed, so here goes the story of El Supra :D


The first day when I went for a viewing, the car instantly blew me away & I fell inlove with the rims, the look & the side skirts.


Viewing and buying (complete album here: http://imgur.com/a/dOykM



First viewing, they are putting her back on his driveway with a cover over her.


Some of the flaws



No radio



Squar whole in the rear bumper & exaust hanging really low


Couldn't really pay for the car, but my buddy would keep it aside from me, Payed him a small deposit & left the car on his drive way until i had the money.


Finally after a couple of months waiting & after a lot of luck (i won the lottery so i could pick her up really fast! Was so happy lol)


Things I will do on the supra


Die the carpet black

Change the roofing from gray cloth to black leather including visors

Do a 2JZ GTE engine swap

Do a R154 gearbox swap

Get the glass headlights

Put devil toyota badges on it

19" rims

Audio system

Change front seats to black leather with working engine to move drivers seat

Do luck front bumper

Fix all paint damage

Full paint job to blue (yet to descide what blue, but pretty sure it'll be blue)

Change interior lights to white



Driving her home (full album here: http://imgur.com/a/Ugwkw)


This will be mostly pictures, only thing i gotta say is that the exaust was sooooo loose due to a broken exaust rubber in the back.




First stop to get sigarettes and food lol



On the high way.



Home after an 35 min drive.


No plates because not yet imported.


Getting her ready (Full album here: http://imgur.com/a/0IbTE)


First things first, getting her ready to get her on belgium papers. In Belgium, getting these cars imported is a pain in the ass to do. You need extremely much time (from 1 month up to 10) to get a paper called COC. To get this you need to pass a certain MOT which took me almost 8 months to do.


First thing to do was remove the MPH converter.



Getting ready



Dash disassembled



Cluster out to take the mph sticker of the KPH



Installed the woofer & radio (Don't have an actual picture of the woofer itself but it's a 200 RMS woofer from pioneer)



After a long day of work got this beautiful shot. Still lowered on the OEM toyota bilstein shocks & springs.


going to the import inspection (Full album here: http://imgur.com/a/m7V4U)



Waiting for them to let me in D:



Finally inside, 30 minutes after the appointment...



This is when I drove over the pit so they could inspect under neath the car. Just to show how low the exaust really was.

The exaust by then had the rubber fixed but still hung extremely low (& scraped alot). Got it fixed by welding a piece in between so it doesn't hit the rear axle anymore.


First time i went: Failed



1. No headlight conversion

2. No foglight

3. No papers for axle weight, motor specs

4. Suspension does not clear the 9 CM you need to have

5. Headlights to foggy

6. No european approved seatbelts

7. No papers for the suspension that, according to them, is not OEM.

8. Need geometrie MOT done

9. Exaust rubber in the middel was on breaking point.


At first, i started to change the suspension. I found a cheap set online (4 schocks & springs for 350 euro, so cheap :D). Quickly ordered them & they arrived a week later. Started swapping out the rears which worked great, but the fronts were allot more horrible. We broke a suspension arm & at that point, I kinda lost my love for the supra for a while. Didn't really do much on her until recent. (Keep in mind, wasn't really that active on the forums as well back then). Eventually, the starter acted up into her not starting anymore, when the start immobilizer went bad due to a flat battery in the fob, i lost all hope & let her stand asside for 4 months until I moved. Then i Tried selling a car that didn't start but no luckily, had no serious offers. When i moved, i descided to get her picked up by the garage & fixed up. Eventually they got the start immobilizer out, replaced the battery & she started again.


Second time for mot!

Was really happy, figured i'd pass, but no. They started talking about airbags all of a sudden (which is irrelevant for belgian law, if the original car doesn't have an airbag it's ok not to have one. Since this car is never produced in Belgium they can't know nor cry about me not having an airbag). All of a sudden the foglights was required (when the mot paper said it wasen't), Worst of all, didn't got an outlining done nor a geometry MOT which had to happen in Ypres & or brugges. It's easy an hour driving from my house to there lol.


So on to the tyre centre to get an allignment done & got the wheels balances + fitted the centering rings. After that, went to pick up the 2 front seats in lancashire from Jimmy1985 (thanks alot, they still look bloody amazing mate! :D) & the black rooflining at kerons place. When i came back home got a package with wheelnuts i've ordered with anti theftnuts. Started undoing all the nuts & changing them to the ones i ordered & guess what happened, one of the nuts broke off.

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- - - Updated - - -




First signs of bad luck :c



Quickly called a buddy of mine, day after that, he helped me to get it fixed. Big shout out to him btw!



After an 7 hour fight, finally got it off. Quickly went to the garage to pick up a new stud.



What was left over off the nut



Left over of the drill


On the same day, started installing the roofing & the seats.





Passenger was the easyst one



Done :D



Drivers side done, not so easy due to that half working electrical engine, broke one of my small rachets on it :c



Found this weird black thing under my chair, no idea what it does :p



Driver side done :D






Rears seats removed to take off the side covers to get the original roofing off



All panels removed



Old roofing removed



New roofing installed



Black leather visors


Eventually on the 17/03/2015, I passed the import inspection. Now it should be around a month waiting to get the COC paper that is required in Belgium. Then going to the normal MOT, get her taxed & insured!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a small update as of today, but still a huge achievment:


WOOOOOOP she's street legal! I recieved the plates today, got all the legally required documents to be able to drive her :D.


It's been a wild adventure that took me 310 days or 44 weeks + 2 days. Really excited for the first legal drive tomorrow :D

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As a small update as of today, but still a huge achievment:


WOOOOOOP she's street legal! I recieved the plates today, got all the legally required documents to be able to drive her :D.


It's been a wild adventure that took me 310 days or 44 weeks + 2 days. Really excited for the first legal drive tomorrow :D


Good work mate :thumbs: nice to see your giving her some love :) keep it up !

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Will do, will be starting to save up for the maintenace right now like timing belt etc, (will be selling the engine to a buddy of mine so i'd rather have it be all ok :D), den going to do the TT swap hopefully by the end of the year :p


Last 2 weeks been so happy cos i've finally made progress, i'm tellin you, buying something you really want & not being able to use it the first year sucks dick lol


Best thing about the timing: 3 may is racewars in belgium & 10 may is japfest in holland, will be attending them both :D


Just waiting to recieve the bonnet from the boddy shop (should be tomorrow :D)

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Will do, will be starting to save up for the maintenace right now like timing belt etc, (will be selling the engine to a buddy of mine so i'd rather have it be all ok :D), den going to do the TT swap hopefully by the end of the year :p


Last 2 weeks been so happy cos i've finally made progress, i'm tellin you, buying something you really want & not being able to use it the first year sucks $#@! lol


Best thing about the timing: 3 may is racewars in belgium & 10 may is japfest in holland, will be attending them both :D


Just waiting to recieve the bonnet from the boddy shop (should be tomorrow :D)


Nice one mate!


But few things to think about, if you don't mind.


1. What powerlever is your goal? like 380+ or 500+? Because NA-T with w58 could be good (and cheaper) option if you don't aim for very high hp/torque numbers.


2. Do you have cash surely for this project? I mean there is a lot of unfinished projects because lack of money. 2JZ-GTE+r154 complete package costs like 5000 euros. And you are still in basic TT power level and you have to have a more money to make BPU...


But if money isn't an issue, this sounds very interesting project :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey lassev


sorry for the late reply, didn't see this anymore until now :p, My powerlevel goal at first will be 330 HP aslong as she isn't older then 25 years (registered in 1995) so that's in 2020 from now. Then she's old timer meaning no more MOT what so ever.after that it depends on the money where i take it haha


Cash currently, not really, next year, most likely yes. Wil not do an NA-T, cos it's to expensive, a GTE swap would be cheaper & more legit in belgium. We're not allowed to turbo charge engines, you'll just fail at MOT if they see it, the GTE gives a nice "stock" look, so i'll pass easily. and yea it's expensive, but sooner or later i'll get to it, it might take awhile tho :D. Money is an issue at the moment, but that'll soon be gone anyways when i get to save up a bit. Taxes for the supra are 2500 euros, taxes for my daily another 400 & a few other big bills incoming that need paying first :(


Anyways, Little update, been doing the clutch today, was gutted when a bolt from the pressure plate into the flywheel broke off, off to find new bolts tomorrow so i can change them, so hopefully tomorrow she's drive worthy again :D


Some pictures of today:








Gearbox removed



New apexi airfilter


Replaced: Rear main seal, airfilter, clutch kit, tranny oil


Going to finish it up tomorrow, then finally drive her again :o

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Thanks guys, really appreciate the feedback, after another day of getting the clutch installed (only took me 3 more hours or so) everything works


Clutch installed

Gearbox oil changed

OEM steeringwheel installed aswell (horn doesn't work, but it's a small thing i'll look at tomorrow)


Still coming up in the next few months:





Timing belt

serpentine belt

Compression test

Front main seal

Refurbish the brakes

Flush brake fluid

Change clutch fluid

New diff oil

Fuel filter

New tyre for 18" rims (only need 1, will use these rims to fuck about with, they are the ones that are on the car now, but could use a new paint job)

New tyres for 19" rims (Bought these for my daily driver but descided to put them on my daily lol)

Get longer wheelstuds lol, mines keep braking

New wheel nuts aswell

Some TRD things like TRD shiftknob, leather thingy for around the shifter, ...


I'm sure i forgot some stuff, but that'll conclude the maintenance. First thing i'll buy after that is a 3" exhaust, mine is rusted to pieces lol


Anyways, some pictures of today :D



This dumbass bolt braking off in my flywheel lol



There we go :D



New toy for my daily driver :D :D :D

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As another quick update ;(


Looks like its game over for now, got involved into an accident, chassis is bent so will probably be breaking this one unless i find a shell,


I will upload some pictures later today, when i get off work. :(

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How mate hope you are ok !!!


If you break it, I could help you with buying some parts if you want.


LHD Headlights, catalysators or so.


Pfff I'm disgusted for you after sooo much pain to have the papers !

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Yes indeed, will be braking loads of stuff, dunno if the headlights survived, will make a break topic in the for sale section, so keep an eye open :(


Guy came around a corner, swerved my direction i dodged right to avoid frontal, went into grass, back kicked out, couldnt catch it and it went into an comcrete electric pole

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Wow must have been horrible... sorry again for you man !


I can help you by buying these parts :


- LHD Headlights,

- OEM shocks (if not damaged),

- J-Spec brakes (if not damaged),

- first cat,

- LSD ??

- ??


PM me your prices ;)

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Wow must have been horrible... sorry again for you man !


I can help you by buying these parts :


- LHD Headlights,

- OEM shocks (if not damaged),

- J-Spec brakes (if not damaged),

- first cat,

- LSD ??

- ??


PM me your prices ;)


I'll put my break topic up in a few days bud, just been busy with work, damned long hours

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Oh no! Terrible news, are you going to buy another?


Yes, i'll be breaking this one soon, reshelling an NA is just a waste of money to be honest, unless someone willing to give me a free shell lol. Will break this one & save up money for a TT 6 speed, so hopefully by the end of the year i'll be back.


it's just a temporary set back to be honest, it's sad, i only had to drive her around for 1 month (more like 3 weeks, but close enough). I learned alot of the entire project though. Learned loads about cars & about importing them into belgium so thank god for that!

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Damn, i'm sorry. This is not a good thing, but it is most important thing that you are ok. Supras are little bit special cars, so it is always shame to see when this kind of things happens. But life goes on and blah blah. Did you get money from insurance?


I can buy some stuff from you when you are ready to sell. :)

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Damn, i'm sorry. This is not a good thing, but it is most important thing that you are ok. Supras are little bit special cars, so it is always shame to see when this kind of things happens. But life goes on and blah blah. Did you get money from insurance?


I can buy some stuff from you when you are ready to sell. :)


Keep an eye for the for sale section next week if you want to buy stuff, its indeed very sad and im really gutted to. Just happy i hit it on the fender and not the door or id probably be worse off than just a whiplash..


No money from insurance, the guy didnt even stop :(.

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