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Is like Peroni when beer drinking, single malts for relaxing. I don't mind drinking Tiger or some Chinese beers also at times.


Tiger is another good shout. It's a cracking beer. My favourite Indian beer is, I have no idea how to spell this, Loutufal (something like that anyway). It's amazing when having a curry as it's only lightly sparkling and a lovely flavour. Not a lot of places have it unfortunately.


I really should ask for the spelling so that I can find the stuff outside of my local Indian restaurant lol.


Just found it Lal Toofan, I was close lmfao :eek:

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As above really but I'd also add Staropramem to that list.


Staropramen is made in Alton Hampshire by the Bass brewery, do the quick brewery trip and see if you can smash ten pints of it down in the bar at the end before time is up :)


Duvel will muller poor Jazz as its 8.0% and packs a whallop!


A nice alternative to peroni that isn't generally as pricey is birra morretti.


Stella has never been the same since they changed the recipe to make it 5.0% instead of 5.2%


Carlsberg is an OK 4% beer but its export strength 5% brother is king of cheaper lagers. You can get it in pint cans at Iceland for £1 a can regularly.


Kronenborg is a decent tap beer but it does have a rep for turning people doo-lalley!


Has anyone tried the desperado's mint?

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Has anyone tried the desperado's mint?


I like desperado's but I can't get away with the mint version they do it at a local night club,


my problem is once I swap to desperado's it's a struggle to swap drinks to something else as they just dont taste as nice that night anymore

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Desperados ftw.


Also Peroni, San Miguel are great lagers. Also Kopparberg cider has my attention of late.




The guy at the bar on DB knows how much you like Desperado's too..... :D


Kopparberg - Strawberry and Lime - dangerous stuff. I can drink it like it's made by Robinsons!!


For me it's mostly Desperado to start then into pints of Stella and moving onto Morgan's and coke and some tequila. I don't really have a posh pallet for wines or ales. What I drink is fairly limited as these are the only things that don't turn me into a nutter. I have quite a good night drinking this combo. Don't drink a lot though maybe once a month.


Stella makes me a naughty boy usually. :(


If you like Morgan's and coke mate, try Morgans Spiced rum, lime cordial and lemonade. You sound like a proper poof ordering it, but my word, the taste makes up for it!


Also the same with the pallet for wines etc. As long as it doesn't taste like vinegar, I'll drink it.


Corona brother :D


I consumed rather a lot of this last night. Usually, the offers up at the off licence up the road are on Corona or Coors Light. So either of them, but I do love a Corona or 12... :innocent:


Im the worst, 4 bottles or prosecco last week, bottle of white wine and melon vodka last night. Also a few beers to mix things up a little :D


And then you sat down to piss it all out? You'll be drinking Lambrini next ya big girl... :D

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And then you sat down to piss it all out? You'll be drinking Lambrini next ya big girl... :D







Kopparberg - Strawberry and Lime - dangerous stuff. I can drink it like it's made by Robinsons!!


Pot.....kettle! I'd need to swim in that stuff to get a dunt!

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Pot.....kettle! I'd need to swim in that stuff to get a dunt!


Aha... But it is handy when you're on an all dayer.


Plus you don't get looked at like a hobo for drinking it out of the bottle.


AND I bet Chris drinks it out of a wine glass with his pinky sticking out aswell...

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Aha... But it is handy when you're on an all dayer.


Plus you don't get looked at like a hobo for drinking it out of the bottle.


AND I bet Chris drinks it out of a wine glass with his pinky sticking out aswell...


Maybe not in England, up here you would be asked if you were on a ladies night.

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Dam i only had 4 cans last night and i feel drained at work now :(, must be getting old!.


- - - Updated - - -


Im the worst, 4 bottles or prosecco last week, bottle of white wine and melon vodka last night. Also a few beers to mix things up a little :D


Does your dad know :innocent:......

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Anybody tried Modelo Beer? Its Mexican beer which makes Corona taste like the bottom of the barrel compared to this.




Tried the light beer on the left once and it was nice.


It's another vote for Stella for me, asda do it really cheap, £15 for 28 beers or something. Belgium like Germany have purity laws where all they can put in their beer is water barley and hops. So for me I don't get as bad a hangover as I do when drinking something like tennants, even though Stella is stronger.


In a trip to Germany a few years ago I discovered paulaner weissbier. It can be hard to source here but it's heaven.


If there are also any fans of sailor Jerry spiced rum, check out a rum called old J's spiced rum. It's the origional Sailor Jerry recipie that uses real vanilla that the new owners of sailor jerry ditched. You can tell the difference.


Also Jazz if you like Budweiser you should try Budweiser budvar, budvar is the beer from the chech republic in it's origional form before Budweiser bought it and ruined it, I mean "improved" it.

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Sailor jerry rum changed its taste slightly a couple of years back, but too much for its original fans who were furious! So much so that the original flavour as it got rarer were selling for £100+ a standard sized bottle! A mate of mine bought 2 creates, sold some to balance out the costs and kept the rest... Not sure if it's back to the original flavour or not now

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Sailor jerry rum changed its taste slightly a couple of years back, but too much for its original fans who were furious! So much so that the original flavour as it got rarer were selling for £100+ a standard sized bottle! A mate of mine bought 2 creates, sold some to balance out the costs and kept the rest... Not sure if it's back to the original flavour or not now

It was a travesty! The original recipe was far better than the new one; this thread was worth reading just to find out about old J's. I am a bit of a rum fiend and usually have no less than 10 different bottles in the house!! Rarely drink then, but like to pick and choose depending on the mood!


For those rum drinkers out there, try Pyrat rum. Never seen it in the shops but you can buy it from the whisky exchange. This nifty little website had everything from your run of the mill spirits to £50k bottles of single malt! Worth a browse......


And Scott....I can know see why your car never get finished! ;)

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For years I have only drunk lager, but the last few months I have started drinking ales, started on IPA then just experimented since. I like to try different ales when I can and its sooooo much nicer than lager, after drinking real beer, lager tastes like gnats pi$$!

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I had a wheat beer not long ago called einstok - Icelandic white ale. That was very refreshing, fresh taste with a hint of coriander and orange peel. Enjoyed drinking that one, would recommend it.


I do like a pint of Guinness every now and again. While I was in Portugal, I got accustomed to the taste of sagres (available cheap and in bucketloads, went for a stag do) wasn't too bad for a chilled out beer to be fair. We took about 50 bottles on a booze cruise, some peroni, corona and desperados chucked in there too.


Every now and again we indulge in some of the ciders, bulmers, magners, Kopparberg, rekoderlig is a decent one


Budweiser tastes like shitty water to me, whats coors comparable to? Never had that...

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