DodgyRog Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 Game have just rung me to offer me a PS4 on release day, I was orginally in 2nd phase Apparently they had a lot of people that pre ordered both go for the XBox and cancel the PS4 pre order, which is what I have done, they had just forgotten to take me off there list Adding you now Ross My Gamertag is DodgyRog if anyone fancies adding mine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tkddav3 Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 Can't wait for forza.... My good side told me to wait til after Xmas to buy one but I just get so tempted everytime I walk past a shop that has them!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashbuster Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 ps4 had driveclub on release but they pushed it back which upset alot of people. to the guys with them...whats the xbox one like considering its 720p? and ive heard good things about battlefield 4 from a friend that has it on next gen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DodgyRog Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 I have a 65 inch screen and I am mainly playing Forza which is 1080p, but Battlefield looks stunning, I really can't believe 780p makes any difference while your gaming, frame rate is much more important If the PS4 had some decent games on release I may well have got it instead or as well, but I really don't see the point at the moment As I said earlier in the thread from a gamers point of view the XBox is the better release day console due to it having a decent selection of games, we will have to wait and see what happens I the future, but for now I am very happy to have an Xbox One under my TV Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashbuster Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 yes mate the only game for the ps4 that i have interest in now is killzone, i wanted drive club but they pushed it back. the other games i want are on both, tom clancys the division looks good but unsure of release date Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DodgyRog Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 Drive Club have got me to buy a PS4 as well, it looks really good, but Sony seem to be getting good at advertising games for release and then pushing them at the last minute It really is history repeating it self as them did the same on the PS3 I am not bias for either console as such, I wl end up with both at some point, I have actually kept my PS3 for Gt when it comes out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supra joe Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 My American pal says that kill zone looks good but it's got nothing on kill zone 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chris Bailey Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 I notice all the playstation fanboys have stopped talking Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ross C Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 I notice all the playstation fanboys have stopped talking We all just wish you would too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampy442 Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 I was gifted 2 cars today on Forza 5 In related news is anyone else pissed off with COD ghosts? The online maps are a joke! Far too big and complicated (for me anyway) Or maybe Ive just played far to much MW3 lol. But I really like the way it feels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j_jza80 Posted November 25, 2013 Share Posted November 25, 2013 Anyone after an Xbox one, I've been informed that Asda have "plenty" of uncollected pre orders in many branches, £470.00 inc two games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Markie Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 Jealous of the people with the new Forza! Some of the things that have stood out for me: I love the look of the new engine swaps - LS1 swapped RX7s and s13s etc. Graphics look amazing and new paints look great - at last carbon fibre paint! Painting engine bays Loads of custom wheel paints Apparently the physics are great Bathurst track looks awesome! Can't wait to get my hands on an it around Christmas time, hopefully by then a few of the bugs will be sorted out and they will have released some more content as from reading the forums it looks like there is going to be lots more to come....although that does mean more money Thought I might edit this after more reading I have been a little put off, now I don't have the game so feedback from people who do would be great but it seems that micro transactions are being pushed to the point where some people are saying it is on the model of the free to play pay to win style games but with a £50 initial price tag!! Apparently the top cars are as much as £30 real money???? Surely this can't be? If someone with the game could shed some light that would be good as if this is true I will seriously be reconsidering any purchase! Can't say I have noticed.. You have to buy tokens if you want to fast track buying parts and cars, but if you have I'm game money I don't think you have to spend real cash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j_jza80 Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 Forza has been taking some serious flak: "The rarest car in the game is Lotus F1 E21 car costs 10,000 tokens which equates to 32.50 GBP if you buy the 64.99 GBP 20,000" Turn 10 explained the high microtransaction prices on the Forza 5 website saying, “On the upper end, our goal is to make the truly elite cars feel really exclusive. As a result, the top-end cars in Forza Motorsport 5 will cost significantly more in tokens than they would if you earned them with in-game credits. In the past, expensive cars could be purchased with very few tokens (not in proportion with the amount of effort required to earn the cars through racing), thus allowing players willing to spend tokens to jump straight into the most exclusive cars in the game. Now, we’ve made token prices equal to in-game credit prices. For those who want to spend some extra real money and get those exclusive cars, they’ll have that option, but they will no longer devalue the hard work of those who earned the cars through racing and building up in-game credits. Either way, expensive cars will have real rarity.” Funny, I thought one of the main reasons people played driving games was to make otherwise untouchable cars accessible. Unless Microsoft do something about this culture of milking gamers for every penny they can, I won't be buying any more Xbox products. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DodgyRog Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 Forza has been taking some serious flak: Funny, I thought one of the main reasons people played driving games was to make otherwise untouchable cars accessible. Unless Microsoft do something about this culture of milking gamers for every penny they can, I won't be buying any more Xbox products. To be honest what Turn 10 have said is right You can get the car with out spending anything other than buying the game, what they have done is made it more expensive for the people that buy their way through the game There was a time that you didn't even have a choice, it was hours of gameplay to get the better cars or nothing and for me that is how it should be By putting the price high on certain cars it make people think hard before just splashing out and then being able to go online and destroy other racers, just because they have spent a couple £s more than someone else To this day I can honestly say I have never bought something in game to fast track my way through, not even Candy Crush lol I don't see it as milking gamers, as long as you can get the cars in game with normal gameplay Milking gamers is when you can only get the best things by buying them, a huge game of recent times that has done this is World of Tanks and the affiliated games Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tayfun.tugra Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 To be honest what Turn 10 have said is right You can get the car with out spending anything other than buying the game, what they have done is made it more expensive for the people that buy their way through the game There was a time that you didn't even have a choice, it was hours of gameplay to get the better cars or nothing and for me that is how it should be By putting the price high on certain cars it make people think hard before just splashing out and then being able to go online and destroy other racers, just because they have spent a couple £s more than someone else To this day I can honestly say I have never bought something in game to fast track my way through, not even Candy Crush lol I don't see it as milking gamers, as long as you can get the cars in game with normal gameplay Milking gamers is when you can only get the best things by buying them, a huge game of recent times that has done this is World of Tanks and the affiliated games In a few weeks time somebody is going to find a glitch that gives them unlimited money and before they get banned the cash will be dispersed to thousands of players, thus all buying that lotus anyway. The honest gamer is getting milked, just by peer pressure and psychology... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonR24 Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 To be honest what Turn 10 have said is right You can get the car with out spending anything other than buying the game, what they have done is made it more expensive for the people that buy their way through the game There was a time that you didn't even have a choice, it was hours of gameplay to get the better cars or nothing and for me that is how it should be By putting the price high on certain cars it make people think hard before just splashing out and then being able to go online and destroy other racers, just because they have spent a couple £s more than someone else To this day I can honestly say I have never bought something in game to fast track my way through, not even Candy Crush lol I don't see it as milking gamers, as long as you can get the cars in game with normal gameplay Milking gamers is when you can only get the best things by buying them, a huge game of recent times that has done this is World of Tanks and the affiliated games There should be NO option to use real money to purchase sod all. You paid for the game that is enough. End of. Companies that put in Micro transactions are purely greedy scum playing on lazy gamers who are either stupid or are children who have access to mummy and daddy's credit cards.... Its a disgusting culture. What's the point in paying for a "game" and then buying your way through it.... What a waste of time for idiots and what a great idea for greedy businesses. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
st3ven1 Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 I don't see it as milking gamers, as long as you can get the cars in game with normal gameplay Milking gamers is when you can only get the best things by buying them, a huge game of recent times that has done this is World of Tanks and the affiliated games You cannot get some of the cars in normal game play though. Take LaFerrari for instance, although the car was complete and obviously ready to go into the full game they held it back to introduce the "Forza 5 LaFerrari car pack" which includes the LaFerrari the new BMW M6 and eight other cars that were available in Forza 4 without paying extra. And with another nine car packs planned for the future, it makes the complete game very expensive ($9.99 for each car pack). I don't have any issue with the whole pay to play type game, I totally understand the gaming model. What I don't think is fair is shelling out full price for the game only to be asked to pay again for access to cars which won't be available otherwise, no matter how much you play the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j_jza80 Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 Milking gamers is when you can only get the best things by buying them, a huge game of recent times that has done this is World of Tanks and the affiliated games World of tanks is free to play though, with Forza you're already paying £60 for the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j_jza80 Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 In a few weeks time somebody is going to find a glitch that gives them unlimited money and before they get banned the cash will be dispersed to thousands of players, thus all buying that lotus anyway. The honest gamer is getting milked, just by peer pressure and psychology... Any glitch like that has the potential to cost Turn 10 / Microsoft hundreds of thousands of dollars. I think you'll find that it'll get patched immediately. Also, has anyone considered that with this new , Microsoft have the potential to not only ban your current console, they can ban you from playing ANY Xbox one online? Thank you Microsoft for making my new console choice so much easier - it won't be yours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
st3ven1 Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 It's £45 in most places(Amazon etc). But the point remains, or does it? Did somebody say glitch. Obviously this doesn't allow you to drive any DLC cars but all the cars in the game are drive-able*. *For now, until they release a patch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kendo11 Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 It all depends how achievable it is to get those cars. If they've made it nigh on impossible or you have to spend about ten years of driving time to unlock them, it's already pushing people towards buying the cars with real money or you'll just get owned in competitive races. Very similar to battlefield 3 (not got 4 yet) with expansion packs making the game cost about £90, and almost all online matches ending up playing lots of the newer maps (as well as a load of achievements) you have little choice but to shell out if you want to compete and complete the game (achievements). People go mad when mobile games charge you for things but don't bat an eyelid when it's a major console game. They're all as bad as each other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wez Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 Pay to play has been around on PC for years, was only a matter of time before consoles joined the club, in fact im surprised its taken this long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampy442 Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 It's £45 in most places(Amazon etc). But the point remains, or does it? Did somebody say glitch. Obviously this doesn't allow you to drive any DLC cars but all the cars in the game are drive-able*. *For now, until they release a patch. Well it still works at the moment Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashbuster Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 if forza is 1080p why are games out there 720p ? like titan falls ect.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakey Posted November 26, 2013 Share Posted November 26, 2013 if forza is 1080p why are games out there 720p ? like titan falls ect.. Depends on how good the studio's guess was of the hardware they were developing for I recon. They would have been developing for something they haven't seen or used until maybe 4-5 months ago so optimizations are lacking for launch games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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