DodgyRog Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 I can't agree as just a normal game player From a release day console point of view Sony have yet again promised lots of games and then they have been delayed, this is exactly what they have done with previous Playstations If I was only buying one console I would wait and see, but as I will more than likely have both by the end of 2014, then I might as well get an XBox now as it has games ready to be played now Sonys record for delaying game releases in the past means I have know reason to believe they will release games on the dates they give. GT for PS3 was originally a release title, I actually got a PS3 for it and the full game came out nearly 4 years later Both consoles have good and bad points, but I don't want a console I have to wait 6 months plus before games of significance are playable I still have both consoles on preorder, but from a gaming point of view now and the immediate future i can not justify an argument for the Playstation over the XBox You have used the word offered a couple of times, which somes up the PS4 for me, it is offering great things, but nothing is there yet. I am not saying it won't be the better console it may be further down the line, but not yet Quoting graphics etc are pointless at this stage and to be honest very few people will even notice the difference between resolutions, frame rate is more important to a degree Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Markie Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 I am getting XBOX One with Forza.. So if anyone getting it, then let's race! Markie Parkie is my gamer tag Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
st3ven1 Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Hmmm I almost don't want to believe this, but it looks like certain batches are having issues(BLOD, blue light of death). They appear to be from Amazon and GameStop in the states. Could be down to how they were stored, transported or packaged. People are still reporting issues with the HDMI port. Sad really that this appears to be happening with some consoles, in reality the number of failures will represent a tiny percentage of consoles shipped but as always we will hear loudly from the people receiving the DOA consoles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonR24 Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Hmmm I almost don't want to believe this, but it looks like certain batches are having issues(BLOD, blue light of death). They appear to be from Amazon and GameStop in the states. Could be down to how they were stored, transported or packaged. People are still reporting issues with the HDMI port. Sad really that this appears to be happening with some consoles, in reality the number of failures will represent a tiny percentage of consoles shipped but as always we will hear loudly from the people receiving the DOA consoles. Why buying either console on release is a stupid idea.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Hmmm I almost don't want to believe this, but it looks like certain batches are having issues(BLOD, blue light of death). They appear to be from Amazon and GameStop in the states. Could be down to how they were stored, transported or packaged. People are still reporting issues with the HDMI port. Sad really that this appears to be happening with some consoles, in reality the number of failures will represent a tiny percentage of consoles shipped but as always we will hear loudly from the people receiving the DOA consoles. That's major if that's legitimate and not just people posting dodgy reviews IMO. DOA out of the box is never good and it's never going to give confidence with people buying. Yeah.... it works now.... but what about in 6 months? I reckon I'll definitely be holding off a little longer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Al Massey Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Reading those reviews and you can clearly tell a lot of then we're written by xmong owners. To go as far as writing fake reviews is low and very childish. Clearly need something better to do, obviously xbox isn't as good then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
st3ven1 Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Reading those reviews and you can clearly tell a lot of then we're written by xmong owners. To go as far as writing fake reviews is low and very childish. Clearly need something better to do, obviously xbox isn't as good then Why do you think this? That's a complete fabrication, the reviews are from people who have "Amazon verified purchace" which means they have bought the item from Amazon. Calling them "xmong" owners only reflects badly on you. The Xbox One isn't even out yet! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashbuster Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Xbox fanboys make false reviews all the time. Childish. You can't say they are real because anyone can make them up. Buy one and see for yourself. Don't believe bullshit reviews on amazon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Supes Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 It's a Playstation... of course it's mediocre. I mean, they haven't released a decent console since 1996. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Supes Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 It's fantastic for console sales. Incentives for buying a product have been around since the dawn of production. Must admit I've not played the game before but the fact that users can buy the console and enjoy freebies is a VERY good angle as far as marketing goes. The games will sell themselves regardless of the console, the amount of consoles sold determines which platform is going to sell the most titles. I agree there's an incentive there, although I don't think an Indie game such as this won't make any difference to sales. Xbox already has a ton of Indie games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
st3ven1 Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Xbox fanboys make false reviews all the time. Childish. You can't say they are real because anyone can make them up. Buy one and see for yourself. Don't believe bull$#@! reviews on amazon No they can't! "Verified Purchase Reviews What's an "Amazon Verified Purchase" review? When a product review is marked "Amazon Verified Purchase," it means that the customer who wrote the review purchased the item at Customers can add this label to their review only if we can verify the item being reviewed was purchased at Customers reading an Amazon Verified Purchase review can use this information to help them decide which reviews are most helpful in their purchasing decisions. If a review is not marked Amazon Verified Purchase, it doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product – it just means we couldn't verify that it had been purchased at Amazon. They may have purchased the item elsewhere or had some other interaction with it. If we could somehow validate their experience with the product, we certainly would. The Amazon Verified Review label offers one more way to help gauge the quality and relevance of a product review." Every review on the first page is a verified purchase. Do you honestly believe people are buying the console off Amazon just to leave a fake review. I have no doubt fake reviews exist, but the ones linked to are not. Don't get so defensive, it's not as if anyone on here has either console yet. Understandably you want to defend your preferred console. Next week when there are reports of failed Xbox Ones you would do well to report it in a balanced way with proof but I know several posts will just state "MS at it again" proclaiming record number of failures. We were almost at a balanced discussion a few pages back, heralding the achievements of each console and discussing the possible pitfalls of each, but alas we have reverted to A is better than B because I'm getting one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 This doesn't make for good reading either. Obviously some of it is personal preference but a LOT of little features seem to have disappeared.... -save files are pretty big compared to before (around 20m, takes long to copy and backup) -you can see ps3 friends online but they cannot see ps4 friends online. -friend has signed on and off notification gone -usb use gone (can use for saved games only but havent tried yet) -cant store video, no video file support (cant store/play mp4s avis etc) -cant store mp3 (supposenly adding later but will they add videos?) -cant play cd's -no cd player -you cant sort trophys, per game, or all. its one way and thats it. you cant sort by earned date, earned, not earned, you cant do anything except view them the way they are listed there is no changing the view at all) -friends list seperate tab and no status bubblescomments above names -games are gigantic installs (30gigs to 100gigs mandatory game installs i been downloading b4 the entire day on my 60m connection) -100 gigs gone at launch you get 408 gigs not 500 gigs -themes are gone -cant determine which friends are on ps3 or ps4 its just a plain generic list with no details -doesnt say when someone was last online, so if someone hasnt signed on in 5 months you wont know to delete them. you can store more friend though but why make it harder to shuffle through? - no 3d support (havent tested but thats what i heard) - no chord when buying a controller - no external hard drive support (same as usb use gone above) - controller r2 and l2 feels like triangles spearing your fingertips and most games are making r2 mandatory to fire instead of R1 as a selling point for the controller. they also WONT let you change the button configuration to fire on R1 - no pause menu or select button, there is a share and options button. the options button will pause the game sometimes depending on the game -cannot pause downloads - sharing video file, if file fails at any point there is no resume. (i was uploading a short 200m video of about 3 minutes of playin and it failed had to start all over which by that point i had lost interest. this is a cool feature but you can only upload it to facebook and the files are pretty big so unless you have something spectacular like 100 kills in a round then all your doing is taking up gigs worth of background memory. i already have 2 gigs taken up just from captures and i cant delete it) - cannot organize downloaded games. might not be a issue at first but what happens when you have 50 games in a year and there all over the place and you cant categorize them at all. on ps3 you had folders you could make and move files around. there is no folders games are just thrown into one section like the ps store - sub accounts cant use share option? (havent tested this, heard it) -photos seem to be gone, no photo tab, cant import photos no more, i dont think you can send photos either in a message anymore -cannot turn the light off on the controller. may not seem like a big issue at first but wait till it flashes in your face a thousand times like a strobelight it gets annoying fast!!! -no backwards compatability - no blu ray remote support (not a big issue for me but others seem to be really mad at this) - only 2 usb slots which sucks but since you cant use it for anything anyways it dont matter at this point -unstable ps plus, disconnections and being booted to the menu. cant play certain games offline. if were paying for a internet connection to our cable company then theres no reason why we should have to pay sony to be online. if were paying for dedicated connection then that proved false on launch day with the disconnections. -price tag, if all the above features are removed then why is the ps4 more then the ps3? it should be the same price as a wii when you think about it they do the same thing. all the media has been removed and you only have a gaming system and quite frankly there is no games that knock my socks off right now. and there wont be for a very long time - dlna support gone, media servers gone -controls make your hands sweat more then usual Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Al Massey Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Why do you think this? That's a complete fabrication, the reviews are from people who have "Amazon verified purchace" which means they have bought the item from Amazon. Calling them "xmong" owners only reflects badly on you. The Xbox One isn't even out yet! If you re read my post I said a lot of them, meaning not all. I know some are genuine but if you carry on reading the rest of the 49+ pages you will find they are not all amazon verified. And it isn't hard to write a review and get it verified on amazon. Look at veet for men on amazon and you will see. I'm calling them xmong owners because the way they are behaving towards a console is so stupid and childish. I have no problem with the xbox, it's a great console and has some great features, including the xbox 360. But what does annoy me is the idiots who have to make things up to try win an argument of who has the better console. I know the xbox 1 isn't out yet, but it's going to be funny when it is as Microsoft is renowned for mistakes on launch day, but yet the die hard xbox fans will stick up for it and carry on slating the playstation for no reason. Xbox owners tend to be more aggressive towards any other console. Why? If you read through the reviews you will clearly see a pattern of xbox owners. Considering half the reviews state get an xbox, xbox is better, xbox is this yet it's not even out. They can't even be original. But if you look on other review sites, magazines and any other establishment that has the ps4 you will see honest reviews. Yes there is flaws, and things aren't working properly, but xbox owners are surely used to that by now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonR24 Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 People that say here's my money quick take it, deserve a broken shoddy product. Should have been patient! I hope the Xbox one has the same issues! Ill be waiting patiently for a decent version to come out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
st3ven1 Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 If you re read my post I said a lot of them, meaning not all. I know some are genuine but if you carry on reading the rest of the 49+ pages you will find they are not all amazon verified. And it isn't hard to write a review and get it verified on amazon. Look at veet for men on amazon and you will see. I'm calling them xmong owners because the way they are behaving towards a console is so stupid and childish. I have no problem with the xbox, it's a great console and has some great features, including the xbox 360. But what does annoy me is the idiots who have to make things up to try win an argument of who has the better console. I know the xbox 1 isn't out yet, but it's going to be funny when it is as Microsoft is renowned for mistakes on launch day, but yet the die hard xbox fans will stick up for it and carry on slating the playstation for no reason. Xbox owners tend to be more aggressive towards any other console. Why? If you read through the reviews you will clearly see a pattern of xbox owners. Considering half the reviews state get an xbox, xbox is better, xbox is this yet it's not even out. They can't even be original. But if you look on other review sites, magazines and any other establishment that has the ps4 you will see honest reviews. Yes there is flaws, and things aren't working properly, but xbox owners are surely used to that by now? Firstly it's not the reviews that are verified, it's Amazon verifing that the console was bought from them by that user account. I've just read through 100+ of the 1 star reviews and only 5 or 6 of them even motion the Xbox, every single review I read was from a verified purchaser. Within the reviews are lots of people trying to help out others by suggesting how to start the console in safe mode and how to check if the small bit of metal in the HDMI port has been seated properly. Other people have uploaded videos showing the issues and bricked PS4's. Sony themselves have came out and said that around 0.4% of units shipped are having technical issues, that equates to over 6000 consoles just based on pre orders alone. I like the way you believe that Xbox owners are more aggressive when in fact both sets of fans are just as bad as each other. It's your own prejudice against the Xbox that makes you think this. Do you honestly think there won't be PlayStation owners leaving fake non verified reviews next week? I would guess that any technology manufacturer would be happy with a 0.4% failure rate in any complex product. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
st3ven1 Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Nice video showing the effects used in Killzone 4, love the lighting and weather effects. All these effects make a big impact on the overall atmosphere and look of the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Al Massey Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 It's your own prejudice against the Xbox that makes you think this. Clearly you are an xbox fan. Want to know how I can tell?? It's your own prejudice against the Xbox that makes you think this. My own prejudice? Where you get that from? Because I said xmongs? Whilst referring to fake reviews? Think you will find I have stuck up for xbox for many years in all discussions on this forum and on Facebook! Xbox has/had many great attributes that play station doesn't. But yet it's my prejudice against xbox? I have no prejudice against xbox. It's a great machine. There is things I don't like about it but I don't hate it. As I said earlier, it's the fan boys that will slag it off. It's your superior beliefs because you pay for online services, because it's Microsoft etc that think it's the best out there. And yes xbox owners are more aggressive and defensive in the discussions. And I'm not saying ps owners are not. Again you are not reading my post, just jumping up and down on one or two words and filling in your own defensive points. And as I said it's not hard to be amazon verified on a review! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abz Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Clearly you are an xbox fan. Want to know how I can tell?? My own prejudice? Where you get that from? Because I said xmongs? Whilst referring to fake reviews? Think you will find I have stuck up for xbox for many years in all discussions on this forum and on Facebook! Xbox has/had many great attributes that play station doesn't. But yet it's my prejudice against xbox? I have no prejudice against xbox. It's a great machine. There is things I don't like about it but I don't hate it. As I said earlier, it's the fan boys that will slag it off. It's your superior beliefs because you pay for online services, because it's Microsoft etc that think it's the best out there. And yes xbox owners are more aggressive and defensive in the discussions. And I'm not saying ps owners are not. Again you are not reading my post, just jumping up and down on one or two words and filling in your own defensive points. And as I said it's not hard to be amazon verified on a review! You seen the post from the Playstation fans on this very thread, one of them pretty much said if they don't have any games he would still buy one on release I don't have either console & won't be buying either, just enjoying watching the clearly two sided discussions here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
st3ven1 Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Clearly you are an xbox fan. Want to know how I can tell?? My own prejudice? Where you get that from? Because I said xmongs? Whilst referring to fake reviews? Think you will find I have stuck up for xbox for many years in all discussions on this forum and on Facebook! Xbox has/had many great attributes that play station doesn't. But yet it's my prejudice against xbox? I have no prejudice against xbox. It's a great machine. There is things I don't like about it but I don't hate it. As I said earlier, it's the fan boys that will slag it off. It's your superior beliefs because you pay for online services, because it's Microsoft etc that think it's the best out there. And yes xbox owners are more aggressive and defensive in the discussions. And I'm not saying ps owners are not. Again you are not reading my post, just jumping up and down on one or two words and filling in your own defensive points. And as I said it's not hard to be amazon verified on a review! Xbox fan? Well I've owned 3 xbox 360's and 4 PS3's so read into that what you will. More of a fan of console gaming. I get my opinion from "xmong"(talk about childish) and another quote from yourself: "obviously xbox isn't as good then". My "superior beliefs” also believe that you now need to pay for PS online as well. Talk about not reading posts with regard to Amazon verified purchases, I'll explain again: You can only tick the box to say this is an Amazon Verified Purchase when you have bought and paid for the product from Amazon. If you haven't, you can still write a review but the verified purchase tick box won't be there for you to tick. This system was put in place to stop fake reviews. There's enough fay boys of each console on this thread, what we need is more balanced discussion. I'll give my first hand view of mine on the 29th when I plug it in. Assuming it's not DOA. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Al Massey Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Xbox fan? Well I've owned 3 xbox 360's and 4 PS3's so read into that what you will. More of a fan of console gaming. I get my opinion from "xmong"(talk about childish) and another quote from yourself: "obviously xbox isn't as good then". My "superior beliefs” also believe that you now need to pay for PS online as well. Talk about not reading posts with regard to Amazon verified purchases, I'll explain again: You can only tick the box to say this is an Amazon Verified Purchase when you have bought and paid for the product from Amazon. If you haven't, you can still write a review but the verified purchase tick box won't be there for you to tick. This system was put in place to stop fake reviews. There's enough fay boys of each console on this thread, what we need is more balanced discussion. I'll give my first hand view of mine on the 29th when I plug it in. Assuming it's not DOA. My remark of xmongs are for the childish idiots who will smear play station purely because it's not xbox. As said wasn't aimed at all xbox fans, just the mongs. And people tend to get defensive or aggressive when they are either wrong, have nothing relevant to say or input. Yes I've seen play station is now a pay for use system, and I've already heard xbox fans calling it pay station lol And as I've said there is ways to get around amazons verified purchase reviews. So yes I've read your posts. But you are right, there are plenty if fan boys for both consoles, some are genuine and most are idiots with blinkered vision lol But to be honest every console on launch day has had problems, and xbox have generally been worse, and not just for launch. I do believe Microsoft have learnt from the success of ps3 and have seriously upped their game for the new console. And still have a few tricks up their sleeves for later to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a98pmalcolm Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Nice video showing the effects used in Killzone 4, love the lighting and weather effects. All these effects make a big impact on the overall atmosphere and look of the game. Yer I'm really looking forward to playing this. The Multiplatform titles will look crazy similar but the PS4 only titles is when we see the bigger ram and more powerful graphics chip come into play. I can't wait to see what the new Uncharted will look like. Naughty Dog make flawless visuals and incredible game play. The last of us was insane for PS3!! Lets keep our eyes open for it This is all they revealed on PS4 launch but as usual in the Naughty Dog way theres loads of clues within the teaser of what the story line will be about: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashbuster Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 killzone is an amazing shooter, just look at killzone 3 compared to other shooters Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Supes Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Killzone 2 put me off the entire franchise, but Killzone 4 looks pretty impressive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a98pmalcolm Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 Killzone 2 put me off the entire franchise, but Killzone 4 looks pretty impressive. I've never actually played a Killzone so this is my 1st try Well I did at euro gamer but you know what I mean lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashbuster Posted November 17, 2013 Share Posted November 17, 2013 the whole environment and the movement make other shooters look a little dull Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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