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Xbox One or PS4?


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Il be changing from the 360 to a Ps4, i havent heard anything exceptional coming from the new xbox, every instore "expert" ive spoken too about the subject see the Ps4 far surpassing the xbox which is expected too flop, the pre orders are ahead infavour of the Ps4 too, their words not mine :)

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Didn't really have time to reply properly before.... just my take on a couple of Xbomb things:


Before the fanboy outcry and Sony capitalising on it, Microsoft were actually attempting to release a 'next gen' console, but thanks to all the bitching we now have what is essentially a PS4. Prior to the U-turn on the DRM policy the Xbox One would have downloaded all updates, games, content and installed them offline. Something anyone who has owned a PS3 should have been jumping for joy about! I'm not talking about background updates that'll cause performance issues years down the line when the games will require heavy lifting either.


You could have allowed up to ten friends access to your entire games library online -in which you could have played those games together simultaneously- over Xbox Live. Your entire games library would have been with you 'on the go' merely by signing in on someone else's console. You could have gifted digital games to friends... in my case, instead of getting in the car and driving to Basingstoke with the physical copies of unwanted games, I could have allowed my nephew complete access to my games via the cloud. All this whilst digital & physical games were still allowed to be traded. Being honest, I was like "Yes, farrrking, please!", but, no. No one seemed to take an honest look at the deal as they jumped on board the good guy Sony bandwagon.... all while it transpired that Sony was actually planning the same DRM policy, but purposely waited to see how it went down after Microsoft announced it.


Nevermind, the fanboys won. I've got my glorified 360 coming and it's based on my history with both companies, owning both a PS3 and 360. Just my opinion, but Sony are incapable of developing a decent UI, their marketplace is a joke and the online experience has been weak compared to Xbox Live. Xbox has repeatedly dropped the smacked down in every department... hardware, developer support, UI, exclusives, exclusive DLC, indie games, marketplace, dedicated servers, game server reliability, companion apps and here's a biggy: security. 'Never quite got round to thanking our good guy Sony for leaking my credit card details online. Useless twats!


If you've made it this far - thanks for baring with me. :D


One other thing that swayed for for Xbomb:





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ALL my xbox friends (most being xbox fan boys) are going PS4 so in all honesty its not about a fan based thing.


Sonys Market base were a joke? So why has the PS4 deffeated the Xbox one so much? Sonys marketing was flawless and as for Microsoft staff were sacked it was so appalling.


Your glorified 360 your going to purchase has Sony technology.. The blue ray player!! And you so realise the graphics chip in the PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox one!


I'm also afraid to tell you that the PS4 will have more DLC content for the Sony players over microsoft..


Yes Xbox live is good. But sony have invested millions on PSN for the PS4 release which now has made it a better online service..

Oh if you weren't watching the Gamescom conference sony has teamed up with many internet providers to reserve online bandwidth for PS4 gamers.. Has xbox done that? Nope another point to sony!


To be perfectly honest sony has Marketed the PS4 incredibly well and the Gamers have seen and it has provailed in over double amount of pre orders!


The Xbox One is good. But the PS4 is the Superior console!


End of the day get what you prefer and want. My points are only facts...

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ALL my xbox friends (most being xbox fan boys) are going PS4 so in all honesty its not about a fan based thing.


I've got a load of mates on Xbox and they're all going with the XB1. I don't see your point.


Sonys Market base were a joke? So why has the PS4 deffeated the Xbox one so much? Sonys marketing was flawless and as for Microsoft staff were sacked it was so appalling.




Your glorified 360 your going to purchase has Sony technology.. The blue ray player!! And you so realise the graphics chip in the PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox one!


You completely missed the point I was making. My PS3 has a lot of Sony technology in it, also.


I'm also afraid to tell you that the PS4 will have more DLC content for the Sony players over microsoft..




Yes Xbox live is good. But sony have invested millions on PSN for the PS4 release which now has made it a better online service..

Oh if you weren't watching the Gamescom conference sony has teamed up with many internet providers to reserve online bandwidth for PS4 gamers.. Has xbox done that? Nope another point to sony!


PSN on the PS4 hasn't even gone live yet to millions of user and you're stating it's a better online service. Reserved bandwidth is an option on any mediocre router. It also doesn't compare to dedicated servers. That one shot over the cross bar, I'm afraid.


To be perfectly honest sony has Marketed the PS4 incredibly well and the Gamers have seen and it has provailed in over double amount of pre orders!


I agree. Sony have done a grand job at sitting back and watching Microsoft take a load of flack then changing their policy and coming out as the good guy.


The Xbox One is good. But the PS4 is the Superior console!


Like I said before, if the PS4 lives up to the hype, I'll get one. I honestly think Amazon and eBay will be inundated with pre-owned PS4's when the kids realise the exclusive content for the biggest games will go to Xbox first, as per usual.


End of the day get what you prefer and want. My points are only facts...


Your points are whack. :D

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I assume whack means not good? I could reel a list of points were the ps4 is better. But just google it it will save me the time lol.


I think I will leave this thread or will be going on all day. We will all enjoy our new toys when we get them. And Im very excited for mine..

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That does look fantastic.


For those who enjoy a good FPS, I think it's going to be hard to ignore.


I assume whack means not good? I could reel a list of points were the ps4 is better. But just google it it will save me the time lol.


I think I will leave this thread or will be going on all day. We will all enjoy our new toys when we get them. And Im very excited for mine..


Don't mind me mate. I'm just hungry and bored whilst waiting for my Domino's to be delivered. :D


I've done a fair bit of research on the PS4 and I haven't been all that impressed by the lack of launch exclusives and their main titles. Killzone looks promising, but I remember buying into the hype that was Killzone 2. Jesus that game sucked.

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Halo will go down with the classics that shaped FPS's as we know them. No doubt. The Division looks insane. Love how you can have a friend assisting if they log in with a tablet. I think Drive Club looks like a promising new (and much needed) driving franchise for PS. It's no Forza, but will cushion the blow for Xbox peeps who are jumping ship.

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I'll be probably be getting the Xbox One when prices drop around the new year.


I've been an Xbox guy since the first console and will continue to be so purely because for me the 'console exclusive' games are far better on Xbox, the online interface on the Xbox is far better and most of the guys I play Battlefield with online will be sticking with Xbox too.


Both are too expensive though and both will have faults, don't believe all the media hype though, most of the initial problems people had with Xbox have been or will be addressed by launch.

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Am I the only one that couldn't stand Halo, the first one I played was Halo 3 and I thought it was rubbish, then I tried ODST and it remains to this day the only game I have ever traded back to Gamestation the day after I bought it. Gears of War 1 is still my favourite game of all time, I really didn't rate the other ones as they changed the game mechanics and made it worse imo. That Titanfall does look pretty epic though, not enough for me to want to buy an Xbox though.

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I tried ODST and it remains to this day the only game I have ever traded back to Gamestation the day after I bought it.


I'm with you there, I have seemed to inherrit peoples various halo games or bought them for about a quid or 2 when game was on the verge of closing but yeah overrated games. ODST looked like being really interesting when you first get out in the open enviornments and then after each level you are slung back into that dark futuristic city thats really boring.


I played a lot of left4dead on both PC and Xbox and had a lot of fun with it and a friend persuaded me to get halo 4 so we could co-op on it. I think we played one session before I decided it was cack. My original Xbox gets more use than the 360 these days.

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Id of said PS4 all the way... BUT, think I'll save my £££ and wait, as Gran Turismo 6 isnt listed as coming out for it! I only bought my PS3 for GT5 ha! its the only game that interests enough to buy one, as I get shot to s*** playing cod and the the other 'shoot um ups' anyway :s

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Are you sure it was on an XBone this time? Last showcase was on a PC, disguised as an xbox.


shows how sneaky and shit microshaft are being , cant be trusted anymore.

still having issues with it crashing and so close to release date, they are not moving the release date by the looks of it so xbone users will be in for alot of issues

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shows how sneaky and shit microshaft are being , cant be trusted anymore.

still having issues with it crashing and so close to release date, they are not moving the release date by the looks of it so xbone users will be in for alot of issues


This is exactly why I didn't buy the Xbox 360 on release. I waited years later when they fixed they issues. Which is what will happen with next gen stuff. Hence why I'm waiting... It's wrong tbh. A company should never release a product that has issues....

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To be fair, the 360 would have passed the trials with flying colours as, like the yellow light of death on the PS3, it's a problem associated with long term usage. I've been pretty lucky with mine... had it 5 years and no issues. Same can be said for the PS3, although I have to watch a film with the volume cranked to try and drown out the noise of the fan.

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To be fair, the 360 would have passed the trials with flying colours as, like the yellow light of death on the PS3, it's a problem associated with long term usage. I've been pretty lucky with mine... had it 5 years and no issues. Same can be said for the PS3, although I have to watch a film with the volume cranked to try and drown out the noise of the fan.


I'm guessing you have one of the newer 360s? I have the elite black jaffa cake (or whatever it's called) console and it sounds like a hovercraft. It's WAY louder than the original PS3 (I have 3) and uncomparably louder to the slim (2nd gen, I only have 1 of those).


I literally need to up the volume when I use the xbox to watch a flick.

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To be fair, the 360 would have passed the trials with flying colours as, like the yellow light of death on the PS3, it's a problem associated with long term usage. I've been pretty lucky with mine... had it 5 years and no issues. Same can be said for the PS3, although I have to watch a film with the volume cranked to try and drown out the noise of the fan.


The Red Ring of Death was a common issue with 360s, right from launch. I believe it was caused by a combination of very poor heat management and lead free solder. The yellow light of death was more of an age related issue, but again down to poor solder. I had to send my Xbox back within 6 months to be repaired, my original PS3 is still going strong, though my early release 60gb (the PS1 + PS2 compatible one) has just had to go in for the YLOD. It is 5 years plus old though :)


Also, like others have said, the Xbox internal fans are a nightmare, though its noticeably worse when you're playing games. I have cooling fans in my cabinet, and they still really struggle with the XBox.

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