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Complete loss of power


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I have had the battery and tray out plus the headlight and checked all the ic hoses. Gave them all a good yank, even took a couple apart and reassembled. I have had a good look at the vacuum pipes. I have changed them all the silicone ones so they are easily identifiable. Still no boost though so I shall try the turbo elbow next and inspect the first turbo. Looks like a pita to do though.

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I am next off work on Sunday so I will remove and inspect each and every hose. Hopefully I will find a damaged or loose hose. By the comments from you guys who have plenty of experience with these things an based on numerous threads I have read it does point towards a hose as I had no symptoms prior to suggest the turbo blowing. I have had a ic pipe blow off before and that made a pretty hefty noise however the characteristics are pretty similar so here's hoping.

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  • 5 months later...

Resurrecting this thread as I have still not fixed it. Had everything apart today and checked every connection, hose and clamp. I can't see anything wrong with them.


Could the boost controller I have got have anything to do with it not boosting. It's and Apexi AVCR?



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Guest Budz86

I had a problem similar to this, but was getting about 0.2/0.3 bar; turned out the exhaust baffle had been dislodged and was blocking the back box! Pulled the baffle out completely and it works fine now :)


Was a bit of a random one and wasn't by any means my first port of call! Had most of the hoses off, checked vsv's etc until I happened to have a look up the exhaust and presto!

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Yeh I took the ic system apart and checked each hard pipe and silicone connecting pipe and found no splits, at least none that were visible. The ic has no punctures in it. I'm going to go over it all again tomorrow. I want to find something conclusive but as yet I have not.


- - - Updated - - -


Yeh I took the ic system apart and checked each hard pipe and silicone connecting pipe and found no splits, at least none that were visible. The ic has no punctures in it. I'm going to go over it all again tomorrow. I want to find something conclusive but as yet I have not.

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Had this same thing happen on my skyline, No power or boost but no oil or anything!

Turned out the ceramic turbine wheel lost all of it's fins!

Shaft turned fine from the compressor side so I must have disassembled and reassembled the Intercooler system and all pipes like 5 times. Finally started the car to move it with the intake off and saw the turbo wasn't spinning.

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I'll have to get stripping the turbos then, I'm going to have one last look around the ic pipes and vacuum pipes and check vsvs etc and then if still no joy I'll get the spanners out!


Looks like a pita job.


I will have the twins from my car soon if it turns out it is them drop me a pm

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  • 1 year later...

Never got chance to do anything last year as got married and had no free cash.


Just insured the Supra and I've been round it replacing vac lines and checking all intercooler hosing etc. Still the same issue. I have not been able to get underneath it to check to vac hoses under there. I'm going to take it some where to get looked at locally.


I want to get an Mot on it first so do you thinking will be ok to drive without doing any damage?


I have removed the boost controller and all the plumbing is back to the stock TT setup. Still no boost pressure and it is really loud like it is if you out it in TTC mode. If you build the revs up to around 2.5k and then let of there is a very loud throaty roar from the exhaust.


Any advice from anyone would be appreciated. My thoughts were get an Mot on it get it taxed and then drive it to the garage I am going to get to look at it, DWR performance in Chesterfield. as they are close to me, good reviews as well from various people with performance cars

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Hi James

Just posted a thread on what solved my boost problem. I would say check all vacuum hoses and take them off to do it (or even better just replace them all as they are pretty old now) because when mine was still on it was impossible to see the hole. It's not a nice job and very fiddly but I tend to go for the cheapest option first and go from there!!!! Next I'd check all the vsv valves ( I think there a thread on here that tells you what reading you should have when you meter them out) and intercooler pipes.

Good luck and hope u sort it without to much grief

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You can just about get the first turbo hard pipe off without too much dismantling in order to see if the vanes are spinning and responding to being revved, maybe it's desperate enough to give that a go. If it's got vanes, and spins, then the exhaust wheel is probably still intact, and it should be generating boost. If that's the case you might need the coloured smoke test.

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I had a problem like this 5 or 6 years ago, it sounded rough and airy and no power, it turned out to be the EGCV, it's down under between the turbos and the exhaust, check that the smaller vacuum valve is moving the link rod to the main EGCV and make sure the EGCV is opening and closing. The EGCV is known to stick, and this was the problem with mine, oh! by the way all this movement happens at around 4000RPM when the 2nd turbo should come on line.

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  • 1 month later...

It's been to the garage now and had a pressure\smoke test done. There was no loss of pressure anywhere in the system. All actuators tested and working correctly. All vsvs tested. It's going back next week to have the turbos looked at as it looks like that's the issue.

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It's been to the garage now and had a pressure\smoke test done. There was no loss of pressure anywhere in the system. All actuators tested and working correctly. All vsvs tested. It's going back next week to have the turbos looked at as it looks like that's the issue.

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