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clifton alarm making me go nuts! Adjusting sensitivity?


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The f-ing alarm on my supe is making me go nuts... its to the point where i have to disconnect the battery all the time as the shitty thing goes off every two minutes!!


Does anyone know where to/how to adjust the sensitivity?? Or just how to completely disconnect the shit?



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Alternatively, depending on the model of Clifford - if you fancied investing in the USB cable you can download Cliffwizz and adjust everything to do with your alarm, sensitivity, alarm sound, alarm duration, arm/disarm sound, log of sensors triggered and many others. Cliffords are fantastic when they've been configured properly:angry:

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Unfortunately that fob works with many different Cliffords, namely:


Matrix 2

Matrix 3

Matrix 2.2X

Matrix RS1.1

Matrix RSX1.2

Matrix RS2.1

Matrix RSX3.2

Clifford Concept 100

Clifford Concept 200

Clifford Concept 400

Clifford Concept 450

Clifford Concept 600

and the Clifford Cyber 4.......


The USB cable is slightly different depending on the alarm too..


If you can get to the alarm box it should be coded on the alarm itself :cool:

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Yeah dunno where it is and havent really looked other than the engine room while fixing some vacuum hoses earlier today.

How big is the box usually?




The box is usually under the dash somewhere or the centre console


Have a dig about and you will find it

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Dunno lol... cant find the bloody thing! Have checked under the carpet on both the passenger and drivers side...

The siren is located on the drivers side in the engine bay with the cables going in there... must I remove the whole speedo console?

Waiting for the seller to contact me, hoping he knows, hoping this one has the function in the remote.

Worst case, can I disconnect the siren in the engine bay? I am using it as a daily for a couple of months now so I need the shit working :/


Its gone completely nuts. Cant leave it 1 minute without the alarm sounding, think they loved me when I went shopping and just said F it and left it....


Thanks for the help!

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Bonnet switch.... now its pitch black but it should be easy to find i suppose?


Yep, should look a bit like this...




Open the bonnet and have a good look, I would disconnect the siren if it was constantly going off, until you find the problem.


Is the car parked near a main road?


Can you work out a pattern? i.e is happening exactly 30 seconds after you lock the car? Happens only at night after a certain time etc?


Do you also have interior sensors? I had an issue with a old laserline alarm and just by a stroke of luck I managed to find it was the interior sensors which was setting it off (was waiting in the car and locked while I was fiddling with the fob, then notice the interior beeps when I wasn't moving!!).

Edited by Abz
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Thanks for all help, was out now and tried to lubricate the connector as it was stuck at the bottom (but again then it should not sound because of this?)

I also changed the screw as it wasnt tightend.


Now the alarm is going every 10 seconds!! I have the battery disconnected now and it really takes the enjoyment away as I cant even park it anywhere...

I live in a quiet place, and drive my car in my driveway so its far from sound. It has been hot weather so it might have something to do with it but it has gotten sooooooooooooo much worse!

I have had the headlights out and converted them to Euro-spec and I saw the cable from the switch went there... so I guess I'll take it off tomorrow again and have a look.


Hoping this is it! This forum rocks!

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Thanks for all help, was out now and tried to lubricate the connector as it was stuck at the bottom (but again then it should not sound because of this?)

I also changed the screw as it wasnt tightend.


Now the alarm is going every 10 seconds!! I have the battery disconnected now and it really takes the enjoyment away as I cant even park it anywhere...

I live in a quiet place, and drive my car in my driveway so its far from sound. It has been hot weather so it might have something to do with it but it has gotten sooooooooooooo much worse!

I have had the headlights out and converted them to Euro-spec and I saw the cable from the switch went there... so I guess I'll take it off tomorrow again and have a look.


Hoping this is it! This forum rocks!


Would take the enjoyment out regardless which car it is, hopefully it is something simple :)


Are you able to take the siren off so then it saves you disconnecting the battery?


Talking about battery and it might sound silly but is the battery full charged? The reason I say this, my Clifford alarms goes off if the battery is low.


I am sure you'll get to the bottom of it, just take a calm approach tomorrow with a clear head :)

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If the switch was stuck it's probably corroded, if it's corroded it's more than likely not making contact to earth. No earth and the alarm thinks someone's opened the bonnet. I would remove the switch and clean the contacts that make and break contact when you open and close your bonnet. Then test with a multimeter, between the terminal on the back of the switch to a good earth. Also check the terminal that plugs onto switch and make sure it's free from any corrosion. Check the wire hasn't gone all green and mucky, it may need cut back and reterminating. Does it have an after market boot switch to activate the alarm?


Surely a Clifford alarm has some sort of indicator, (LED on the dash or the hazard lights pulse) to indicate which sensor/switch has activated the alarm? Most alarms normally have something to warn you that the alarm has been activated when you unlock the car, and which sensor/switch activated.


Does the manual say what model alarm you have?

Edited by ScottC (see edit history)
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When you put the ignition on the first time after the alarm has gone off the led will flash a number of times to tell you what set it off.


Does the imoboliser arm separately to the alarm ie: if you leave it unlocked for a while and go to start it do you need to press a button first?


If you don't this rules out any kind of cat 1 alarm which means for now take the panel out under the drivers side and pull the fuses for the alarm out.


They will be obviouse and possibly in black covered fuse holders depending on the age of alarm

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Ok just been out changing the connector to the switch and cleaning it good. It is still not going up and down easy (like its a little bent inside).

The alarm is going off every 10 seconds!

Have tried to disconnect the siren but (ofcourse) you cant from the hood, if nothing else works I will cut the siren cables and resolder them later as I am getting so annoyed of this.


If I leave it it does arm itself and I need to press the remote control, dont remember if I can start the car with the alarm running... I'll try this and read how many times it blinks after the alarm has gone off.

I cant really leave the car to let it arm itself as the f-ing thing is going off every 10 seconds! :'(

It was bad when I got the car and went off a little when it wanted... but since I came back from the states and picked the car up it has been like this, and even gotten worse now as it is going off every 10 seconds!


Again, thanks guys!

Edited by Thomas.B (see edit history)
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