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Idle "problem" ?

Steve W

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YEP, another idle question ! !


Normally (last 6 months !) mine starts cold at ~1,700 and immediately

starts dropping...1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300 down to ~1,100

then I set off and by 2nd/3rd set of lights it reaches THAT point

where the idle 'self-corrects' (?) and drops to ~800 (on GUAGE!)


AND, there it sits, ROCK steady. I know it's supposed to be ~600

but I've a feeling the needle MAY be just out slightly.



ANYWAY, 2 days ago it went through the normal routine, BUT, at

the 3rd set of lights it was still at ~1,000.


The next cold start it STARTED at ~1,200 and quickly dropped to

~800 - BUT was a bit unsteady ie. it was obviously TOO low TOO


BUT, once it reaches normal temp' it rises back to 1,000.


It FEELS (?) like it may be the temperature sender ? ! ?


ANYONE had same trouble ? ?


Is it gonna' be item 2 in photo below ?


{I would think 1 is the temp guage sender and 2 is the EM sender

? ? ? ?)



water sensors x 2.jpg

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just noticed similar problem over the last few days. the start in the morning starts at about 1500 then normally drops to about 800 once warmed up. recently, while sitting at the lights, i noticed the revs blip up to 1000 then drop again and keeps going up and down. is this a warning of something not quite right ?

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Unfortunately mine's a steady 1,000 - no A/C.....


I WISH it was that simple (or I was that simple:p )


(I could 'live' with the 1,000, but it's the low cold revs and nearly

stalling...... don't like THAT at ALL..... PLUS it may be running too

rich, or, lean..... THAT'S gonna' cause more agg' )

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That's what mine's always been like..... UP TO NOW !

(always thought 1,700/1,800 was a bit fast, but now I wish

it was BACK like that !)


I suppose it's for a fast warm-up ?


(they probably knew what would would happen once you pull

away ! ! so thought it best to warm the poor things up QUICKLY:innocent: )

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  • 3 weeks later...



got VERY worried this morning 'cos the idle was still too low

when cold, BUT, now up to 1,200 when hot ! ? !


Decided to start unscrewing things....


Unscrewed T.P.S. and turned both ways = no major difference.


Pulled big top Inlet hose off manifold, sprayed loadsa' carb

cleaner in there with/without engine running = no diff'.


Pulled air IN hose off I.C.V. and sprayed CC up there = no diff'.


Checked EVERY little airhose/pipe I could find for a poss air leak

(always fudges-up tickovers) = no loose/nosplits.


Finally managed to unscrew (VERY awkward!) the I.C.V. off the

manifold and INSIDE found a bit of plastic (sort of spacer/gasket?)

which was sitting under the 'plunger'.

I think(?) this has obviously been holding the ICV open even

when the motors hot = HIGH HOT IDLE.

(not sure how/why the cold idle would be very low ? see if that's

cured later/tomorrow).


Onlt 2 problems.....

1)where/what is the bit of plastic from ? ? ? ? it's either come in via

the air feed pipe to the ICV...unlikely.

OR, up/along the manifold....we DID have that big pipe off for

~5 hours when we did the T-Belt ! ? might have dropped

something in then:conf:

2)While doing the most awkward screw back up on the ICV

(down back/underneath) dropped screwdriver-bit and adaptor

down in the 'DEPTHS'.....NO it won't come out ! !


Oh Well, we'll see.................




ps. Forgot, idle when HOT now back to ~800 (still bit high but

where it's always been !)

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OK that unit to the right of TRACTION CONTROL....there is a little bit which goes up and down. Below that is a stopper...if you push on the stopper it will move. This is what I'm talking about.


I sprayed into the collar of that stopper thing, moved it to its fullest extent in and out and then left it over night....with the ECU fuses out...next day it was fine.

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on mine that isn't 'connected' to anything !


it's a damper for when you slam the throttle shut !

if you pull the adjuster right out it lets the throttle slam shut

much faster (but you get a slight 'under' idle for a fraction of a



but, YES, I sprayed that in/on/pushed it up/down just to make sure

it wasn't 'holding' the idle up 'falsely' - it wasn't - even unscrewed

(not touching) the idle was still too high (even with both the

throttle 'stops' unscrewed... that's what made think "ICV" !)

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Originally posted by Alex Holdroyd

Fair enough....wasn't really sure what it was...that's just what made sense to me...and mine was a bit stiff (oo-err)


I think it is meant to be a bit stiff, as it is damped to stop sudden closure during the last few degrees of butterfly movement.

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WELL, just went out and started her up (went to work on ZZR -

so missed 'morning' cold-start)...

though it's been a fairly warm day and it started at ~1,300

- which is better than it was - and after getting to 1/2 on guage

it's settled down to ~800 which is what is was before the 'episode'.


It should start a little higher in the morning (?) when colder,

but I'm fairly happy with it even if it doesn't. At least it's not on

the verge of stalling through dropping TOO quickly and it's not

idling TOO high when warmed.


Still the mystery of where the 'BIT' came from ? ? - ah well, something

'll drop off sooner or later I suppose (probably 1/2 way up a 'strip'

:p )



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