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When am I going to buy a real car?


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I do like TVRs but overall I do think they are a touch overrated. Often unreliable, poorly made, overpriced, straight line only performers with snobbish owners. I don't even like the look of some of them at all.


Anyway arrogant arseholes like that usually think they are god-like and untouchable. This often leads to


Well just let him know that there are Supras who would hand his arrogant ass to him on a plate and that he is certainly not at the top of the food chain, so there is no need to act like he is already...

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I do like TVRs but overall I do think they are a touch overrated. Often unreliable, poorly made, overpriced, straight line only performers with snobbish owners. I don't even like the look of some of them at all.


Anyway arrogant arseholes like that usually think they are god-like and untouchable. This often leads to


Well just let him know that there are Supras who would hand his arrogant ass to him on a plate and that he is certainly not at the top of the food chain, so there is no need to act like he is already...


Chilli, I've driven a T350C, it would completely fuck over my Supra, straight-line, handling (on a track you wouldn't see which way it went). His car still is a bit crap though- panel gaps you could walk through, the window broke, the heater was stuck on full afterburner reheat, the widows kept fogging up, and the seat broke. All in one 30 mile drive.

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There's not really a lot to say. If he can't appreciate the Supra, then it's his loss ;)


I've never understood the so called enthusiast, that thinks that everything but what he owns is rubbish.


If you're a real petrolhead, surely you should respect all performance cars, they may not be your personal choice, but they've all got a lot going for them.


I've been heavily into cars for as long as I can remember, and although I've got my preferences, (Supras & TVRs (obviously) Mopars, MR2s etc.) I can appreciate all of them.

Lots of cars that I like, others don't, but its no reason to be dissmissive of them.


We've all got our preferences, and that's all it really is with stupid cars (as opposed to family ones) like, Supras, TVRs, Skylines, Evos etc. The sooner we all stick together as CAR enthusiasts, rather than bickering in the ranks, the sooner we can be seen as a large pressure group (read voters) that the government need to take notice of, rather than shafting at every opportunity

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The Griff is great, thanks, very complementary to the Supra :)


Now that I've got both it's very difficult to choose one over the other, obviously the Griff is the new toy, but the Supra is such a great car in so many ways that it makes it hard to choose which one to go out in :D

At the moment it seemsto be if its roof off weather, or I'm in a hooligan mood, then its the Griff, but if I want to go somewhere in comfort and don't want to have to think too hard about driving there, then its the Supra every time


No cover at the moment, I've been looking on ebay, but if one doesn't turn up soon, I'll just order one from one of the mainstream sellers. It's not really a big deal, just that it gets very dusty in the garage and it would be nice to take the cover off and go, rather than have to clean it first :D

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I have driven a stock 500, in fact a few, when I was looking to buy.


I know what you're going to say. How much difference is there?


To be honest, the stock 500 goes so well, that unless you put the 2 together at the same time, or were extremely familiar with them, I don't think you'd notice the difference, whatever that may be.


When you've driven one car one day, and then another 2 or 3 days later, unless the performance is considerably different, it would be difficult to remember whether the first one was quicker or slower. Couple that with completely different road conditions and nervous owners who don't want you trying to wring the last ounce of performance from their car :), and you can see that its almost impossible to say with any certainty that car A was faster than car B


I'd hope that mine would show some improvement over stock. Considering the amount of money the previous owner spent on it, it damn well should ;) I really can't see it being slower, as the stock engines, although rated at 320-340bhp by TVR seem to be rated by most others at 260-280 bhp ;)


I've got the dyno sheet from the engine builder for mine, (John Eales) and by all accounts he seems to be very well respected in the Rover V8 building circles.

I have spoken to him about it and he said that the engine is good for more power but is restricted by the intake setup. Apparantly if this was changed and remapped it could push a fair bit more.

Being that its purely a street car, I'm not intending to do any more to it, it seems to have the right balance already ;)


Whatever, I'm happy with it. It idles with a pronounced lumpiness, which I love, but is willing to rev freely to the limit at the slightest opportunity.

It sounds wonderful, especially when its getting some stick. It really shouts down the exhaust pipes, if you know what I mean.

See some open road, double it down a gear and give it some gas, the grin is ear to ear :D


Oh and sorry for the :hijack: :)

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Chilli, I've driven a T350C, it would completely fuck over my Supra, straight-line, handling (on a track you wouldn't see which way it went). His car still is a bit crap though- panel gaps you could walk through, the window broke, the heater was stuck on full afterburner reheat, the widows kept fogging up, and the seat broke. All in one 30 mile drive.


lol well that says it all for quality then!


Sorry I think maybe I didn't put my point across well though in my last post.


Fair enough the car would waste your supra (and mine also no doubt) but what I was trying to say was the supra is capable of a lot in the right hands and if he knew anything about cars he would appreciate a car that is capable of a sub 10s 1/4 mile, 200+mph and extreme handling (Toms etc) is definitely a "real car" in every sense of the word... There are supras capable of handing him his ass on a plate - didn't suggest it was yours (or mine), but he wasn't to know that at the time, so in that respect he showed pure arrogance (or ignorance)!


The supra is so popular with modders because it has so much latent potential. The TVR, lovely as it is, well your paying the price for something thats already had all (or most) of the potential extracted and I suspect has not much more to give (without spending rediculously large amouts of cash on it).


As geoffvalenti put it, he should be able to respect all performance cars - especially one with so much potential as the supra has!


I'm not saying I'd not own a TVR (even considered buying one at one point), but with a new one, anyone with the cash can go and buy one, in that respect they are not unique. The same could be said about any car, but when we each go to the trouble to make our cars better, they become unique, something you can't just buy from a showroom - the supra is a car just waiting to be made unique, if your a petrol head, its a dream come true :) I doubt he will be attempting to improve the 350C, just think of the devaluation and depreciation...

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