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Could these det like symptoms be caused by being low on fuel?


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Some time ago I experienced nasty loss of power and what I can only describe as machine gun like banging when I was pulling hard on full boost at 1.2, I was really low on fuel at the time and when I pulled in at the next garage I had a look and all seemed well, filled up and couldn't ever replicate the symptoms again. I put it down to coil pack connectors that I re-tensioned when I first went BPU and have never got round to replacing, though only through lazyness as I have a brand new set here.


So today on the way back from a job in Newmarket, I had a guy in a golf up my backside and floored it and again when pulling hard on full boost in 4th it happened again. I suspect I had some action from the exhaust as the guy in the golf pulled right back and flashed his lights at me. I can only describe it as rapid banging from the exhaust like you hear when at the strip from the big boys when they are getting ready to launch and have always associated this with detonation.


I don't have a wideband fitted yet, but my narrow band that normally sits well and truly solid in the green under such conditions was flashing all over the place. I eased off and carried on for another five miles or so did some light pulls as I s*.*t myself that i had killed the twins and it was fine. Pulled into the next filling station, (my light had been on for a few miles anyway), filled up and its perfect again pulling seamlessly through all gears until my nerve goes or a car appears in front.


So am I getting fuel starvation when the tank is low do you think or should I be looking elsewhere?

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Can't help with the question, but at least you taught the idiot in the Golf a lesson!

Yeah I guess, but wasnt the best way to do it!


Are you sure it's not hitting Fuel Cut?
No, definitely not fuel cut. I know what that's like and this is completely different.


Sounds odd - is everything else ok? Fuel filter, etc?
Well, I was wondering about that, its something I need to change as I have no idea how long its been in, could well be the original.


Could be the fuel filter getting clogged as you run the fuel level too low and it starts sucking up more crap?
As above, yes maybe this is my next thing to try. Would explain why after re-fuelling its fine again.


I was wondering when if the tank is low that what little fuel there is in there gets sloshed away from the pick up bag so it sucks in air?

Edited by Shane
spelling (see edit history)
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