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Driving licence


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My missus has now gone three times for her licence and failed. She can drive and well too but the same woman takes her for her lessons and also take her to the DVLA for her practical test. Now the thing that bothers me a bit is that every time she goes to the DVLA for her driving test there is another woman that seems to know the driving instructor very well. The same DVLA woman has failed her three times.. Could it be a con? She was failed for simple stuff i.e. dangerous lane changing and being in the wrong lane in a roundabout.

I’m driving with my other half a couple of times a week and think she is a careful and focused driver. She never makes dangerous manoeuvres or are in the wrong lanes approaching or even in roundabouts.

I’m fully supportive of if you can’t drive then you should not have a licence because you have other people’s lives in your hands but the thing is the DVLA woman only tells her later why she failed.. i.e there was a transit van next to you when you change lanes which is b*llsh*t.

Now we have found out she is pregnant (our first :thumbs: ) so she will need to drive when on maternity while I’m at work. I trust her driving enough that I’m not concerned.


Any suggestions what we can do next? Is anyone here from the DVLA?

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Even if the other reasons for failing are a bit iffy, the "wrong lane in a aroundabout" thing should be easy to confirm or refute. Just get her to take you to the roundabout, show you which lane she was in and then you will know if the instructor / examiner are trying it on or not. I don't know if you can lodge an appeal or anything, but at least you could try to get someone different next time.

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My missus has now gone three times for her licence and failed. She can drive and well too but the same woman takes her for her lessons and also take her to the DVLA for her practical test. Now the thing that bothers me a bit is that every time she goes to the DVLA for her driving test there is another woman that seems to know the driving instructor very well. The same DVLA woman has failed her three times.. Could it be a con? She was failed for simple stuff i.e. dangerous lane changing and being in the wrong lane in a roundabout.

I’m driving with my other half a couple of times a week and think she is a careful and focused driver. She never makes dangerous manoeuvres or are in the wrong lanes approaching or even in roundabouts.

I’m fully supportive of if you can’t drive then you should not have a licence because you have other people’s lives in your hands but the thing is the DVLA woman only tells her later why she failed.. i.e there was a transit van next to you when you change lanes which is b*llsh*t.

Now we have found out she is pregnant (our first :thumbs: ) so she will need to drive when on maternity while I’m at work. I trust her driving enough that I’m not concerned.


Any suggestions what we can do next? Is anyone here from the DVLA?


Just go with a different instructor or do the test in your own car and sod the instructor. I have wondered if these people are in cahoots and therefore boosting the revenue of the driving instructors and the testing people.



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Complain to the DVLA centre that is failing her stating that it is unfair that it is the same tester each time....this happened to me when I was trying to pass...failed first time and when I went back for the second attempt it was the same tester, I knew he would fail me as we had words over why he had failed me the first time (emergency stop in the snow and the car slid about 10cm after completing every other manoeuvre perfectly!):blink:

So no surprise I failed again and then complained...3rd attempt I had a different tester and passed with 2 minors I think!!!


My instructor wasn't conning me as first test was after 6 x 1hr lessons and second after another 4 x 1hr sessions (never had another lesson between 2nd and 3rd attempt)....but it the tester just took a dislike to me!

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I told her that we she should not go with the instructor again.. We will book a different instructor and go to a different test centre.. She said the instructor looked nervous the last time.


Mellonman.. She can drive and better than your driving.. Especially when you do your stunts in the Bluewater car park.. :tongue:

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I've heard they have to fail a certain amount of people, so maybe that's what they're up to.


The instructor I had, my brother, sister, sister's boyfriend and two friends had him and all passed first time. The examiner I had was apparently complained about a lot as he failed people for no reason and when I had my test, at the end he said with a serious face "now get out before I change my mind" after he'd told me I'd passed.

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Just go with a different instructor or do the test in your own car and sod the instructor. I have wondered if these people are in cahoots and therefore boosting the revenue of the driving instructors and the testing people.




We feel the same way bud. She has been for loads of lessons with the same instructor.. and by the sound of it the instructor and test centre lady know each other well.. The test centre woman said to her.. dont worry you will get it next time. WTF? Is she psychic?

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I've heard they have to fail a certain amount of people, so maybe that's what they're up to.


The instructor I had, my brother, sister, sister's boyfriend and two friends had him and all passed first time. The examiner I had was apparently complained about a lot as he failed people for no reason and when I had my test, at the end he said with a serious face "now get out before I change my mind" after he'd told me I'd passed.


It's a joke Josh.. Why would she tell my missus that.. "dont worry love, you will get it next time?"

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Do you have any freinds in the US? You can just get a license there and have it transferred to a UK license, expensive but easy :D


Pretty sure you can't do that. My wife couldn't transfer hers. Only from curtain countries. Unless it's got something to do with being a uk citizen but I don't think it does.


But yes. Just use a different test centre

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i did my test in aylesbury, theres one examiner there when i did my test who failed me for no reason, he said i changed lanes when there was a van behind me :blink: i kinda believe they have a quota to fill.. that or most of em are just utter tools


oh and you cant do it on a sunday? well you couldnt 5 years ago when i did mine

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