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A few reasons why not to use Nippon autos


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Update on this. I've spent the day pulling more stuff out and replacing bits and bobs.

Started with fusebox. I offered the fusebox casing upto the car and the second hole to mout it was nowhere near, which confused me slightly. On closer inspection I found this, which would explain why the fusebox casing was mashed.








It looks to me as if it's been hit by something pretty heavy bashing in the panel, odds are the engine was the culprit.

Not wanting to start hammering bits of panel back into shape I removed a small section on the bottom of the fusebox and it slid straight in there. RESULT :D














Next the battery tray. Again due to the body panel being out of shape, this wouldn't fit either. So using a soft hammer in tapped the bottom corner of the panel to allow the tray to fit. It's still very tight but just fits in there nice.

This is the damaged panel preventing the battery going in.







After the battery was secured nice and tight I moved onto the radiator and fans. I removed the sewing machine electric fans ready to fit a stock Viscous unit. Whilst removing these I had to take off the upper rad pipe which in doing so, noticed the rad was just filled with dirty wanted and there was no coolant or antifreeze in there at all, so that's got to be changed at some point too.

The rad was also loose and rattling around. It had rad clamps on, and we're tight but there was no rubber inserts on the bottom of the clamps at all so in hindsight are neither any use or ornimant lol.


All the parts we've needed for the car have either been given from members free of charge, or for very little money at all, which is very greatly appreciated by both myself and Simon as it keeps the cost down of the repair which to be fair after a 3k spend on a very poor engine change is the way forwards IMO.


All that's left to get for the car is a boost gauge and a viscous fan shroud.

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Spent the day on this yesterday and got quite a lot done. I'm just waiting for parts now really.

The issue with the power steering not functioning correctly turned out to be the connector on the rack wasn't plugged in.







Or so I thought, until I found the connector had actually been cut off the loom so there was nothing to plug I to the rack.


Unfortunately I didn't have 1 of those connectors on my spare loom so I had to hardwire it into the plug.


I've also hardwired the reverse light sensor into the loom as that connector was just hanging down under the car.







This is how the vac line as plummed in for the stock resurculating valve.









I've replaced it with a nice piece of blue silicone.






Electric fans were removed and a TT viscous fan put in with the correct studding.

I'm just waiting for a fan shroud coming from Dane at DC automotive to finish this off.







Next I moved onto the ECU. It's by the look of it had a piggyback ECU in here at some and been cut out. Some of the terminal/connections have been wrapped correctly but some ave been covered in " white parcel tape". Yep I did say parcel tape lol.

I'm going to strip off all the insulating tape and recover it all with proper loom tape.













1 of the multi plugs going to the ETU, E10 I think, has no yellow plastic cover on.







Now it does :D


Tomorrow if the weathers fine I'm going to solder a FCD into the loom and check all the connections.




The exhaust is now all done, new cat back and a 2nd decat with a 1.2 bar restrictor ring.

No pics unfortunately.

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1st time I have read this and I am gobsmacked.

To think there are so called proffesionals turning out his carp is beyond comprehension for my small cornish brain.

Well done to Hodge and those that have helped with spares.

To the original owner your car will be to the correct standard soon and safe to drive!!!!!

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I spoke to Simon and his misus last weekend, they told me they spoke to the mechanic who carried out the work. He was drafted in from another garage as Nippon had never done a conversion before. He carried on telling them that he told Nippon parts were bust and they gave him new ones which were also bust. He was then instructed to use "the better out of the 2 BUSTED parts" WTF.

They have offered Simon 300 quid back though, which is a start I suppose.

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Tell you what, this will be one of those Come back from the dead Threads. This will be a new car once the weeman drives it again. :D I bet he's glad he came to the meet now. :D


I think I'm like gravity mate (see the fast and furious reference there). People are just drawn in lmao.

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Great work Hodge :thumbs:


Looking at the pictured of the ecu plugs above, the paint job also looks like it needs some attention.


Best of luck to the owner, he's in good hands now.


It's flip paint bud, not my taste but he likes it.



I've got a feeling this may have hybrid turbos fitted. As I can understand why someone would fit a piggy back ECU, Titan crank pulley and greddy aux pulleys, running stock or BPU.

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It's flip paint bud, not my taste but he likes it.



I've got a feeling this may have hybrid turbos fitted. As I can understand why someone would fit a piggy back ECU, Titan crank pulley and greddy aux pulleys, running stock or BPU.


I didn't mean the colour, the orange peel is very obvious from the pics.

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ya the orange peel is my mistake i got all the paint and Clear Coat Lacquer and the body shop had never sprayed this Clear Coat be4 and it got mest up it need cut back and re clear coated . SAM_9807.jpg its not all bad lol just bits thanks again to evrey1 on the owners club

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Is the ECU in the engine bay? Or have you just pulled the loom up into the bay to work on it?


I'll also add that it's always depressing to see such a offshore-level job done, how can anyone do that and live with it :(

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It's ironic, you having to pull the biggest bit of wiring *into* the engine bay :p


It hurt me to do it Ian, trust me. It was like a stabbing pain in my groin Everytime I looked at it. I'm hoping to sort it all today so it's out of sight once again.

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Bloody hell, just been reading this thread for the first time. What an absolutely crappy job they did. And you really did say "parcel tape". I'm useless with anything electrical but even i know that you don't use parcel tape.


Have to admit, amazing amount of club spirit here. Remember John helping me out with suspension issues on my last car when i first got it. Really good stuff mate :)


makes me proud to be a North Easterner :)



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