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Other peoples bad driving habits


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Lane Discipline - Motorways and roundabouts.

Mobile phones. (Get a hands free kit FFS..!!)

People who do not indicate.

People who do not let people out at junctions


These, plus people who try and bully you out of the way on motorways and non seatbelt wearers. Above all, indication, it's just sheer laziness you can't be arsed to move your finger 2" forward and 2" up or down.

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Mainly those who don't indicate on roundabouts, so I have to stop when there's actually no need.

Tail gaters, although once I've stamped the brake pedal once or twice and sat up in my seat so said tailgaters can see the width of my shoulders, they generally back off.

Silly little boys in silly little KA's that try and race off the lights. There's one in particular who cut me up and made me kurb my wheel that stopped at the next set of lights and lost his keys. When I removed them from his ignition and threw them into some bushes! :D

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On my drive to work to work I go from a 40 to a 50 to a 60 then back to a 40...


99% of the time everyone does 30 in the 40, 40 in the 50 and if I'm really lucky we might get 50 in the 60...


On the way home no one sees the national speed limit sign to we generally do 40 through it... get to the 50 and speed up...


I get so wound up at people that can't actually drive at the speed limit...


And this morning in thick fog can someone tell me why the cars without lights on were all silver or white...?!!!!!

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On my drive to work to work I go from a 40 to a 50 to a 60 then back to a 40...


99% of the time everyone does 30 in the 40, 40 in the 50 and if I'm really lucky we might get 50 in the 60...


On the way home no one sees the national speed limit sign to we generally do 40 through it... get to the 50 and speed up...


I get so wound up at people that can't actually drive at the speed limit...


And this morning in thick fog can someone tell me why the cars without lights on were all silver or white...?!!!!!


Haha you know what gets me, people who do 40 in the 50, then do 40 in the 30.

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I hate it when you're driving down a dark road at night and there's a car heading towards you. Both cars turn off their full beams but at the last second, just before you pass each other, the other car flicks their full beams back on and blinds you! This drives me insane lol!

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Haha, yeah I know exactly what you mean, generally the other person considers you turned your full beams off too late. Hashtag guilty...


Yeah, it's fair enough if that's the case (fair game lol) but it's really annoying if you'd turned them off in plenty of time! :D

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Also, another thing that drives me crazy is when you flash an oncoming car to let them through a gap (say parked traffic down one side of the road means you can’t fit two cars through). You sit there waiting patiently for them to drive through and they don’t even acknowledge you! No wave, no thank you, sometimes not even eye contact! This drives me absolutely insane! Sometimes I just sit there with my horn down, or put my arm out of the window and give them the finger lol!

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You can get medication for that :D


BTW, tried to send you a PM to thank you for buying tickets but your box was full - so to speak.


Story of my life, horn down and not emptying my inbox lol! :D


No need to thank me about the tickets, you're doing a legendary job with the fundraising! Top man! :thumbs:

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On my drive to work to work I go from a 40 to a 50 to a 60 then back to a 40...


99% of the time everyone does 30 in the 40, 40 in the 50 and if I'm really lucky we might get 50 in the 60...


On the way home no one sees the national speed limit sign to we generally do 40 through it... get to the 50 and speed up...


I get so wound up at people that can't actually drive at the speed limit...


And this morning in thick fog can someone tell me why the cars without lights on were all silver or white...?!!!!!



This anoys me the most well to be honest anyone that is front on me winds me up

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No need to thank me about the tickets, you're doing a legendary job with the fundraising! Top man! :thumbs:

I was just the catalyst people needed to show incredible kindness and generosity. It was always there - just needed persuading to come out :)

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mine at the moment is people just not paying attention on the motorway. twice this year now i have been driving along and someone has almost side swiped me.


The latest one was last weekend some dozy woman in a fiesta with pink wheel trims came past me. i saw her in the corner of my eye with indicator on as if my huge white estate car wasnt there. i had to take avoiding action into the hard shoulder to stop her hitting me. I gave her the horn (:rofl:) and she wobbled between the 2 lanes before she realised what she was doing.

A similar thing happened previously but the guy missed my front bumper by less than a foot with the rear corner of his car. and he was going fast enough for me not to notice him coming. the woman in the fiesta was only going maybe 5mph faster than me.

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I hate it when I'm posting on Facebook and someone looks at me funny. Especially when I'm only slightly in his/her lane for like a micro-second. I mean COME ON!!. People are ridiculous these days. I hope they get caught speeding.

yeah some guy just gave me the finger... he needs to chill out. im just posting about bad driving habbits i hate... brb gotta get some petrol and sit in the car reading the paper for a few mins before leaving...

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I hate taking roundabouts side by side with most drivers on the road, majority of them have no road awareness and some are totally unaware of your presence. You have to watch out for them cutting into your lane. If I can't be infront of somebody when taking a roundabout, I'll just get behind them. There's no telling what they're going to do or where they're going to go.

Also I've noticed most these bad driving habits are usually made by young drivers or women.

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I hate it when you're driving down a dark road at night and there's a car heading towards you. Both cars turn off their full beams but at the last second, just before you pass each other, the other car flicks their full beams back on and blinds you! This drives me insane lol!


Ah! You've reminded me of another one (am I allowed more than one if they're in different posts? :))


I do wish some people would actually use main beam (when there isn't someone coming the other way!). How the **** some people drive the speed they do at night without their proper lights on horrifies me sometimes. And - maybe I have a thing about this - it's a lot easier to plan overtaking if their main beam means you can see more than a few yards ahead of them.

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