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Dog fought the law..........and the law won.........kinda

The Raven

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Its all over the news how this "devil dog" attacked 4 police officers in a home raid before being shot dead.


I question the term devil dog, to be fair the dog was doing what it thought was right when people kicked down the door and started shouting.


Alas its been deemed to be of "pitbull" type and there for is evil the people that owned it are evil and every staff, american bulldog, small mastiff is evil.


Why do they never use the term, "dogo type" or "Tosa type" beacuse joe public dont have a dam idea what those dogs are.


I wonder how much longer before they add to the Dangerous dog act.

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In fairness Raven, many of these dogs are a hand grenade waiting to go off. I have had dogs all my life and some are fine and others have been dangerous.


During my teens and early twenties we always had Rottweilers and althoug they were genreally well behaved they had moments where they could have caused a major incident. Both times it was during the summer months when it was sunny and warm, the first was the dog growling at a young kid as he walker past and then trying to bite him as I had him on a lead. The second was a complete loss of control in our kitchen while we are all eating. The dog seemed to get really agitated and barred his teeth at my mums boyfriend (who owned the dog). Paul then punched the dog in the nose and knocked him over into the radiator. I was 15 and expecting the dog to attack him but he just rolled over groaning and lied down.


My mum still has a Rottie and I do not take the kids to her house because of it. It's a maniac..!!


We also took in a stray ten years ago that was a Pitbull crossed with a black Labrador. We had major problems with this dog attacking other dogs and he bit me on a couple of occasions. In the end with a child on the way I had to get rid of him as he was a liability on walks and with the neighbours dogs.


From a Police point of view, if the dog was going to bite them, they had every right to shoot it so I am not surprised.



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I agree the dog needed putting down however, the outrage that it would attack a police is a joke. The dog does not know whos a "good guy" as far as it was knew people where kicking in the door and shouting what did they think would happen?


I would guess most dogs would respond in the same way.


I own a Dogue, hes 8 months old. While walking on a beach the other day (where he has been walking since 10 weeks old) a women grabbed her dog held it up above her head and started to scream, "get it away, get it away" beacuse my dog went over to sniff her dog.


The media witch hunt will now label anything other than a lab as dangerous. The mail is already suggesting that Staffs should be banned.


The dangerous dog act is a joke in itself. As far as i know when it was passed there where no Tosa, Fila, or Dogo in the uk anyway? let alone a reported attack. Granted the Fila is dangerous and breed to guard so i understand the possible issues.


But the Tosa and Dogo? I dont see the difference in them and presa canario or Cano Corso both you can own and breed.


Knee jerk reactions.

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i was talking to my mrs about this and thought the very same thing, Any larger security sort of dog alstation,rotwiler,staf,dobermen, i suspect would of done the same thing to protect its owner, i would say even the smaller dogs like a jack russel would of had ago but they wouldnt of done as much damage, what did they expect the dog to do?

they are for protection from the likes of persons braking into your house as well as a pet and a well loved member of the family.

i know for a fact that my mums alsation would of had then too, ( he also likes chasing people on bikes well funny to watch but not if you are the rider he's massive)

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In all honesty, if cops kicked in my door, they would have to do the same to my 2 GSDs. The dogs are very protective! We originally brought them over from South Africa with us and they security dogs there. Its very hard to train that side out of them. They are much calmer now, fine with people if we intro them, but sudden things like door being kicked in is going to end badly!

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Please explain to me WHY anyone feels the need to even have these types of dogs at home?


Define "these types of dog"


Are you talking about staffs? or rotties? or dogue? attack poodles? or maybe a nippy jack russell?


The whole point of my post was highlighting that most dogs would have reacted the same as this dog did. So unless you are saying that beacuse its a big dog it shouldnt be in a house i dont get it

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Please explain to me WHY anyone feels the need to even have these types of dogs at home?


pitbull maybe questionable but any other dog its the persons choice ie they like the look or power of the dog, your question is similar to


The supra " WHY anyone feels the need to even have these types of car for the road" bad milage,bad for the envoroment,handling rwd power with poor traction control dangourous in the wrong hands ie.


why not have a 1 litre corsa

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It's pointless trying to categorise dog's. You cannot tar an entire breed with the same brush. I'd 2 rottweilers while growing up and they were the soppiest things I've ever encountered. In the 15 years we owned them, they never reacted in any negative way to a situation.


It's the nurture versus nature argument. Dog's must be trained by a responsible owner, and if done correctly, it massively reduces the risk of a dog. My King Charles Spaniel was bitten before Christmas by a Labrador. A labrador will never be put on a dangerous breeds list, yet, like any dog, they have the potential to cause harm.

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annoys me when people think bad of pitbulls

especially when some of the people that say it have never owned one

the dog is the owners responsibility. alot of dogs bite and mostly gets brushed under the carpet but ohh no if its a pitbull thats bad terrible

and why is that

because too much crap gets said about them and they are mistreated and used as weapons , and what do you expect, you kick someones door down who has a dog expect to be bitten,

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Take a look at the German answer


Laws differ in Germany's 16 states, but in Hesse, Lower Saxony, and North Rhine - Westphalia, they contain some version of the following provisions:


Category I dogs- dangerous breeds that cannot be imported, bred, or sold - includes the American Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, Neapolitan Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasiliero, Roman Fighting Dog , Chinese Fighting Dog, Bandog, and Tosa Inu. These dogs must be registered and sterilized.


Category II dogs - potentially dangerous dogs that can be owned, imported, bred, and sold if they pass a temperament test and are free of aggressive actions for three years - include Akbash, Briard, Beauceron, Bullmastiff, Doberman, Komondor, Kuvasz, Maremma, Pyrenean Mountain Dog (our Great Pyrenees), Rhodesian Ridgeback, Rottweiler, Tibetan Mastiff, and more than 15 other breeds that are virtually unknown in the US.


Category III dogs - Those dogs that weigh more than 20 kilos (44 pounds) or are taller than 40 centimeters (15.75 inches). These dogs must be on a leash in developed areas and will be moved to Category II if they show aggression.

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I believe the problem is around how those types of dogs 'behave' when agitated.


An alsation would be hard pushed to cause that level of damage to 4 police men, where the staffie type dogs just seem to keep on going ripping in to anything they see.


I would use sharks as an analogy. You could get in to the water with a nurse shark, they dont eat you, even if you are pouring out blood. They are a fish eater. Annoy one enough and it will bite. Get in to the water with a mako shark and its going to be thinking about having a nibble, cut yourself and chances are it will come for you. Annoy it and it will literally rip your arms and legs off and wont give up until its finished.


Certain dog types, no matter what their training, have certain traits. If the owner can stop it once it has started attacking them thats good, but certain dogs just wont stop.

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Please explain to me WHY anyone feels the need to even have these types of dogs at home?


Because they may deter some elements of society to not burglarise your home and bottom, whereas the chihuahua you keep in the pink fleecs is hardly going to strike fear into the heart of any bad people !!!!

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not all pit bulls are bad cats on the other hand http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ba2_1263070026


im telling you these cats


its that cat and pit bull at it again



there are 2 sides to every story here is a video of the police attack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__J9Wc1eLMQ



this is how they deal with it in america [video=youtube;wp8cN-shmV8]



this last live leak one on the other side of the coin is graffic be warned http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a08_1330123297

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It didn't take very long for the American Pit Bull Terrier/American Staffordshire Terrier to go from this (Petey in the Our Gang films):




and this (US war poster)


http://pitbullregistry.com/images/military Pit Bull poster.jpg



to "drug dealers' devil dog".


Ban one breed, and the idiots will just f**k up another one.

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An alsation would be hard pushed to cause that level of damage to 4 police men,


We had an ex Alsatian Police dog going on 15 years ago. Huge thing. Chained it to the shed in the garden during summer days. Came back one day to find it had decided to go for a walk.... Taking the shed with it.


I wouldn't want him anywhere near children.

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Before pitbulls it was dobermans, just look what snoop dogg turned into in his first vid.


Same crap different dog.




The problem is these dogs are breed to kill each other and or other animals way back when. Therfore simply beating them to make them stop isnt going to work.


Pitbulls where breed to fight, years and years of selective breeding made them very hardy and dangerous aniamls that couldnt give two craps if you are hitting or not. Takes alot of breeding to get that out of them.

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Pit bulls were bred to please humans. Some humans are not fit to receive that loyalty.


There was a time when they, along with Staffs and the other bull terrier breeds, were considered the most people-friendly of dogs, and that was largely because of their dog-fighting history, rather than despite it.

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Changing the subject a little,


If im the copper getting his arm crewed on im going to be having words with my mate jumping on the wall!


This is the main reason I left the Police in 2001. They wear the uniform, all the gear and act hard as nails. When the kack hits the fan, they brick it big time.


I wasn't there but it was reported that an officer in Wigan had left his partner at the mercy of a gang of youths when it all kicked off. I was lucky as I worked with a great group of coppers the majority of the time but as time went on, the good guys seemed to disappear. They either retired, or got transferred to other units.


The video of the dog being shot in the UK was exactly like an incident I attended when I was in my early twenties. The owner had been bitten by the dog and jumped over his front garden fence. We were called and the Nick was only about 200 yards from the house. I ran around there as it would have taken longer to get the van out of the yard. I called an ambulance for the guy who's arm was leaking a serious amount of blood. We got his arm wrapped in a towel from a neighbour and waited for the ambulance.


It was then I noticed the dog was running around the garden trying to get out. With a gob full of blood it seemed hungry for more. It found a crack in the fence panel and started to force it's way through the gap. I forced it back with my baton and this seemed to make things worse. Panicking I got on the radio and called for help and there were kids in the street and if this thing got got we'd all be for it.


Within a minute a Cosworth Sierra pulled up with armed two coppers I had never seen before. They got out looked at the situation spoke to someone on the radio and then fired two shots at the dog killing it instantly. They climbed into the garden checked it was dead and then got back in the car and sped off. Not a word to me, my partner or any of the people watching from a distance.


It seemed like the owner had told them to kill it and they weren't willing to wait for a dog handler to come and deal with it.


Either way, I wouldn't want a Pitbull or anything like it. Stupidly strong and nothing ever seems to hurt them.



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Pit bulls were bred to please humans. Some humans are not fit to receive that loyalty.




No they where not, Every breed has a history of doing something. A pitbull was bred to fight hence the name PIT it was a pit dog. My Dogue used to be a war dog and hunt boar, labs where made to bring back small game, jack russells to kill rats and so on. Over the many years these jobs longer needed to be done and some dogs lost what they where made to do. Look at the english bulldog, a breed that was made to bait bulls. Its now a slow lumbering freak of a dog.


However some labs will still bring balls back when you throw it. Its the same with Pitbulls, they where made not to care about pain and keep fighting until the death, trigger the right response and look what happens.


I do agree about them being human friendly. However the traits are being twisted and these dogs are being used to attack humans instead of other dogs.

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