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Guys really need your help!


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hello guys,


ok so it was my 30th the weekens and had a massive party at my house. my sup is kept in the garage along with a fridge for people to get beers etc, one of my mate thought it would be funny to make a lead and used it as a jumper between my 50amp Heater fuse and my horn relay in the relay box under the bonnet. went to start it in the morning and now she wont start! i found the jumper and called them and gave them a serious peice of my mind! just what could this have caused??


i cant hear the fuel pump priming, and tried using a jumper between FP and B+ i can hear fuel going in but still nothing happening! what total idiots!! they promised that was all they touched but im totally livid! after all that work i put into it!


You just dont mess with another mans automobile!!

Edited by redsupraman82 (see edit history)
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Just check all of the fuses in that panel, chances are its popped one. Have you got a multi meter?


Also check the fuses under the drivers kick panel.


Do you get the engine management light when the key is in the 2nd position? Does it crank but just not fire?

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Hopefully it's just a blown fuse (or two), but it could be burnt out wire or, as previously mentioned, a damaged ECU or ignitor unit.


Check all fuses including the main 120A fuse. Then, if you can't find the problem it's Auto Electrician time and I suggest you send your 'mate' the bill.

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Sounds like they have popped the igniter to me. I would try doing a swap with another member and see if that fixes it. I hope your "friends" are planning on paying for the damage. If anyone, friend or not dicked about with my car I would go to jail as a minimum for what I would do to them.


Why Oh Why would you mess with someones P&J?



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oh dont worry they will be!! if anyone has one they could lend me just to check would be much appreciated they have been texting me all day with there tail between there legs!


i will check all the fuses tomorrow first.


Tell them the whole loom is fried and you need a grand for a new one :D

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If you're able to crank, and can get the fuel pump running with the jumper between FP and B+ (I assume with the ignition in the on position) we can establish that the


120A alternator fuse

50A Main fuse

50A AM1 fuse

7.5A ST (starter) fuse

30A EFI1 fuse

starter relay

and EFI main relay are OK.


There's very few other fuses and relays that are needed to run the engine. Ones to check are


30A EFI2 fuse

EFI relay number 2

7.5A IGN fuse (driver's footwell)

30A AM2 fuse


That's all of the relays and fuses you should need to start and run the engine. Failing that I would start to check (in this order)




Fuel pump ECU


The fact that your fuel pump and starter are working suggest that any alarm or immobiliser is OK, but it's still something to check.


Good luck!

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I'm geting the same problem with my supra, but I can hear the fuel pump as it has been turned to 12V mode and the starter is OK, but still wont start...


If you are still using the stock fuel pump ECU, try to put a jumper between FP and B+ on diagnostic plug (as was told) and put the ignition on, if you can hear it it's not a problem related to the fuel delivery.

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i cant hear the fuel pump priming, and tried using a jumper between FP and B+ i can hear fuel going in but still nothing happening!!


If you are still using the stock fuel pump ECU, try to put a jumper between FP and B+ on diagnostic plug (as was told) and put the ignition on, if you can hear it it's not a problem related to the fuel delivery.


Don't let Scott see that!!!!

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Just check all of the fuses in that panel, chances are its popped one. Have you got a multi meter?


Also check the fuses under the drivers kick panel.


Do you get the engine management light when the key is in the 2nd position? Does it crank but just not fire?


the engine management light is on in the 2nd postition, its like it wants to start but just wont!!

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the engine management light is on in the 2nd postition, its like it wants to start but just wont!!


Do you have a multimeter.


We are all happy to help but we need you to answer specific questions in full so that we can guide you to a solution :)

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no sorry bud dont have one. thanks guys for your help so far....im totally gutted, after all that work!


Try not to worry too much, yet, it's probably an easy fix.


The first thing you need to do is rule out the fuses that Andy mentioned. Once you have ruled those out by physically pulling them all out and looking at them side on then I would suggest it's time to check out the ignitor.


Is it a TT? If so...


If you are confident and happy with replacing the spark plugs in your car then this is a doddle to do. Take off the spark plug cover (10 or so allen screws). Remove the plugs from the coilpacks and remove the breather pipes (if these are brittle you will need new ones). unbolt the coilpack brackets (2x 10mm bolts). You will be left with 3 sets of 2 coilpacks in their brackets. Chances are you will round off the heads of the screws so you are as well leaving them like this.


Remove the 2 EFI fuses (this stops you from flooding the engine). Plug one of the coilpacks into the harness, go with the plug with the most flexibility, there should be an end for no.5 or no.6 to make this easy. Plug the spark plug into the coilpack. While you get a friend to crank the engine hold the bottom of the plug onto an earthing point (the block will do fine) and you should see a spark. If you don't see a spark then chances are the ignitor is gone. Just to be sure check each coilpack and each spark plug.


This will tell you exactly where the issue you have lies.


No idea how this is doen on an N/A or if the N/A even has a similar ignitor lol.


If you aren't confident doing that then the easiest thing to do is borrow an ignitor pack which will take you 30 seconds to swap over and try.

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yeah plugs are no problem for me, its a n/a to TT swap. which i did all by myself with a little bit of help from Ryan G do you mean remove the EFI relay? just a bit worried about getting a spark of the block as there is quite a srong smell of fuel. i have checked and re checked all the fuel lines and they are fine.

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yeah plugs are no problem for me, its a n/a to TT swap. which i did all by myself with a little bit of help from Ryan G do you mean remove the EFI relay? just a bit worried about getting a spark of the block as there is quite a srong smell of fuel. i have checked and re checked all the fuel lines and they are fine.


No, there are EFI fuses, should be 2 of them. This stops your fuel pump from running as it will be massively flooded by now, hence why there will be a strong smell of fuel.


If the lines are all fine then you are OK. The smell will be coming from the dumped fuel.

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Try not to worry too much, yet, it's probably an easy fix.


The first thing you need to do is rule out the fuses that Andy mentioned. Once you have ruled those out by physically pulling them all out and looking at them side on then I would suggest it's time to check out the ignitor.


Is it a TT? If so...


If you are confident and happy with replacing the spark plugs in your car then this is a doddle to do. Take off the spark plug cover (10 or so allen screws). Remove the plugs from the coilpacks and remove the breather pipes (if these are brittle you will need new ones). unbolt the coilpack brackets (2x 10mm bolts). You will be left with 3 sets of 2 coilpacks in their brackets. Chances are you will round off the heads of the screws so you are as well leaving them like this.


Remove the 2 EFI fuses (this stops you from flooding the engine). Plug one of the coilpacks into the harness, go with the plug with the most flexibility, there should be an end for no.5 or no.6 to make this easy. Plug the spark plug into the coilpack. While you get a friend to crank the engine hold the bottom of the plug onto an earthing point (the block will do fine) and you should see a spark. If you don't see a spark then chances are the ignitor is gone. Just to be sure check each coilpack and each spark plug.


This will tell you exactly where the issue you have lies.


No idea how this is doen on an N/A or if the N/A even has a similar ignitor lol.


If you aren't confident doing that then the easiest thing to do is borrow an ignitor pack which will take you 30 seconds to swap over and try.



Thanks Scott, I will try to do this aswell ;)

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