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'Oversize' tyres on UK wheels ?

Steve W

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Anyone running slightly 'oversize' tyres on Std' UK wheels

[ie. the STOCK 17x8, 17x9.5]


I'd like to try ~ 265/35-17 or 275/35-17 on backs

(what about 265/40, 275/40 ? ?)


(and possibly 245/40-17 or 255/40-17 on front)


It's the backs I want a bit more rubber on ! !


Since Pod' I'm getting a bit more confidence at giving it full wack

at lower speeds but even on fairly dry roads it's stepping

sideways IN A STRAIGHT LINE when 2nd Turbo cuts in 1st or 2nd

(it's OK in 3rd/4th 'cos I'm already going fast enough and it can

grip fine by then).


It's NOT the tyres - S02's - I'm pretty sure they're fairly good !?


would another 20mm help....or not do you think ?


(I also want 'em a bit wider to stop kerbin'......my bad parking !)

(may NOT put wider fronts, 'cos don't want heavier steering OR

to put strain on rack etc ??)


ANYONE running, ANYONE know ? ?


(mate at tyre place - who just did me a free puncture and 2 free

front balances ! ! ! - says should 'go on' OK but didn't know about





(and YES, more tyre may take MY WEIGHT better before you say

anything.....:sly: )

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Always take a passenger windbag with you...they'll warn you if you drive beyond the limit of the tyres....usually a high pitch squeal is emmitted, followed by expleatives and general comments about scaring people to death etc etc...


As for the tyre thing if you can get 265's on them comfortably I would personally go for that.


At this time of year even with 335 rubber you'd have to be careful!

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OH !.....


CAREFUL.....! ! !


THAT'S what I was forgetting to do...........:p


Seriously, it's a bit pissy, I was following a mate who's got an

Escort V with a 2.0 ZETEC transplanted/H'L'cams/Injection sorted


He booted it LARGE in front, so I proceeded to TRY likewise.....

It's either a case of feeding it in slowly = LOSER,

OR, 2nd turbo = have to back off due to 'bottom-loosness' = LOSER


I KNOW my Soop's faster, but I can't catch the bugger at low speeds ! !

[different scenario once on open road but in Dagenham ? ? ? ?]


It seems I have all the potential under the bonnet, but............:(

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To "boot it" with impunity(sp?) in an Auto like yours, your best bet is RLTC. 8% slip. nail your foot to the floor and let the electronics take care of it.


Auto's are very tricky as they kick down so you have a lower gear and tonnes of boost.


It's not IMO a cop out to use RLTC to keep a lid on things.

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Yes, BUT, as I understand it, WHEN it spins-up the RLTC cuts the

fuel to 1 injector (or more) for a split second (? or what?).


I'd rather not CUT the power, but, put that power DOWN where

it should be (if AT ALL possible !).


Matt had his RLTC on at Pod and everytime he went down the

strip, all you could hear was the RLTC cutting the power, all the

length of the strip ! (sounded rather like an Audi Quattro or a

Scooby exhaust ! !).

Mine was spinning/gripping/spinning/gripping etc BUT I got faster

times ? ? ?

Either mine was more powerful (VERY doubtful!**), OR, his RLTC

was 'cutting' his power 'too' much ? ?

He said he tried all different settings of the RLTC (?)

I don't know if he actually tried it OFF or not (must ask later).


I KNOW the RLTC is the SAFER option but I want

to know if it's possible to get enough grip 'instead'.


[listen to ME ! ! I'm the one who spun it COMPLETELY only a

couple of months ago ! ! ! - must be a complete LOONY, HUH ?]




[** 2 x 12" subs in HEAVY box / spare / ME! / coats,helmet,food,

drink etc etc....NOT weight-pared if you know what I mean ?

just decatted/mongoose - standard-ish]


ps. ONLY interested - NOT trying to start an Anti-RLTC faction or

anything ! ! (can't afford it anyhow at the moment)

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Steve, I would say that the fact I couldn't stop wheelspinning was more down to my lack of driving skills more that RLTC cutting the power. - I just couldn't bring myself to back off the throttle!


I've played around with couple of non-RLTC equipped Supra's in dodgy weather conditions and without any shadow of doubt, I had a noticable edge.


When I went to Elvington, the RLTC only cut in in 1st and a second or so in 2nd - And it was pi$$ing down that day!

Santa Pod was exceptional. I've never driven on anything so slippery at that speed.

I did turn the TC off once... Only once 'cause it scared the crap out of me! I was counter-steering ALL the way up the strip. It really felt like I was on an ice rink! - Perhaps my F1's need replacing, they're about halfway down now.


I'm more than happy to meet up with you and give you a demo - You can have a drive and see how you get on with it.


As for tyres, this time of year, with greasy cold roads, you'd be lucky to get much in the way of grip at the best of times. I do believe that the more rubber on the road, the better.

I'm running 275/35/18 on the rear and 245/40/18 on the front.

I'd think that if you are putting bigger rears on, you want to increase the fronts by the same amount. - I've heard it can upset the balance, (Read as, I have no Idea, but that's what I've picked up from reading previous posts ;) )


Did that make sense :)




edited to add, with RLTC off, that was my slowest time. 15.946

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Cheers Matt,


I'm dead keen to try some ~275/35's (or so)..... partly 'cos they'll

make it look even MORE chunky at the rear (I LUV a chunky REAR !)


I'd have to save the ones I've got 'cos there's loads of tread left.

(MORE stuff to find space for !)


You don't think bigger front's 'll put any increased strain on Power

Steering at all ? ?

I'm all for bigger fronts, as I said - 'cos of my 'kerbin' skills:p


I'm not too fussed about "increased consumption due to worse

rolling resistance" 'cos it's so juicy in the first place....who cares ?


......just been to Kumho's site. They now list a new tyre...KU15 ?

looks more 'trendy' pattern, don't know what it's like, the usual

places (Tyres Online / MyTyres) don't list 'em yet.


Might take you up on the "test-drive" some time..........

another Matts' Place Meet ???????


Only problem is, best time to do it is in pissy rain etc. and even I

don't trust ME in the wet :innocent: :eek: :)


Might have to find LARGE, OPEN area.


[at Pod I think the old adrenalin took over.... looking back I was

holdin' it on the 'edge' of slippin' MOST of the way up the strip !

I think it was only 'playing' with Domonic that made me 'STUPID'er

than normal.......what WAS I THINKING ! ! ! ? ? ?]



ps. MY slowest time was when I left the TRAC on.......

just got enough grip to really welly-it and BBLLUURRRRRRR

I was left sitting in front of all 'dem people looking like I was

reading a map or sumtin' ! !

It was only for ~split second, but felt like ~10 seconds.....


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Originally posted by Steve W

I think it was only 'playing' with Domonic that made me 'STUPID'er

than normal.......what WAS I THINKING ! ! ! ? ? ?



"Cheeky' boy!... hey I am ready to play again when you are son........






ps. MY slowest time was when I left the TRAC on.......

just got enough grip to really welly-it and BBLLUURRRRRRR

I was left sitting in front of all 'dem people looking like I was

reading a map or sumtin' ! !

It was only for ~split second, but felt like ~10 seconds.....



Specially when you were eating my dust!


AGAIN!:moo: :p :p :p

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How's your TRACTOR tyres comin' along, HUH ? ?


Perhaps a couple of used Concorde tyres ?


THEY should be pretty slick ! ! and well run-in ! !


(might have to flare the rear arches for THEM though ?)



seriously, I've had a slow (and some days, NO) puncture for ~week.


Went to the tyre outlet who supplies the tyres for our MOTs

(only 1/2 tyres every few days !)


He took Front/Right off - 2" 'tack' right in tread (luckily), must have

sat different 'ways' different days !


Did a 'mushroom'&patch jobbie on it and then balanced both fronts.


GOT IT ALL FREE ! ! ('spose I owe HIM one though:mad: )



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At Pod you did notice that tyre in question has a lower pressure compared to the others...


When are you thinking about changing your boots? As I will be doing the same as you soon, I will deffo be going slightly bigger, say 265/275 rear on the stock rims.

But also looking into a set for strip running(just rears).


What are you up to tomorrow?

I am working tonight, hoping to be back home sometime during middle of night if all/flight goes to plan, and may be bored late evening tomorrow!



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.....flight goes to plan.....


What FLIGHT ? ?


Do you work evenings in AMSTERDAM or sumtin' ? ?;)




[don't know about tomorrow ....YET...........shopping AM....so far !]


ps. you know those photos of me...WINNING MY PRIZE

ooops finger slipped to BIG size for a second there !


Have you got 'better'/bigger versions ? ?


Did anyone get shots of US on the strip ? ?

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I was actually going to say, I'd prefer 275/40's 'cos

it would mean

A) fractionally more rather than less G' Clearance,:eek:


B) fractionally more rather than less comfort.:blink:


I was working out the Rolling circumferences and it's only 1-to-3%

depending on the width/wall.......not a lot to worry about

(plus, I could use Pete's speedo-box to alter the clock back

up/down again)


Syed, do the rears 'cover' the rims better ?


.....do you 'visibly' think you can see more 'width' there ?:p


IF you go 285-295 I presume you'd go down to /35's ? ?



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SO, you live 'this' side of Maidstone really ?

OH, that's a bit better;)


Yes, ONLY when you're bored or something, even if you just fancy

a coffee at Lakeside/Thurrock.




[thought I'd add that to pre-crush the obvious follow-ups:sly: ]


Although, I'll say it again, I'm a lazy bugger and can't usually be

bothered to get out of me' chair......



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SO, you're an "ASS-IN-THE-AIR" guy, HUH ? ?


(I've always just liked bigger/chunkier lookin' tyres to be honest

I really hate the Ultra-Low-Profile look ! - not your average

Jap-car-owner HUH ?)


I'm startin' to edge towards that 275/40 feeling.............:p

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