SUPRALOOPY Posted July 24, 2005 Share Posted July 24, 2005 As it has been said it is a shame that some anally retentive nob jockey accused us of this act. Get a life !!!!! Amazing how my post hasn't been replied to on forum. Shame this sort of thing happens but hey my thoughts are that perhaps the vandals thought the stand was deserted with all of the 6 cars on it. They probably would have been taking too bigger risk with the 70+ cars on our stand :looney Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RobSheffield Posted July 24, 2005 Share Posted July 24, 2005 They belonged to the traders and the models. dammit, you could have pointed them out!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dangerous brain Posted July 24, 2005 Share Posted July 24, 2005 I know. Like I said in the other post there were so many people there who didn't belong to the club if Martin had pointed at someone and said "It was him" I probably wouldn't know if he was a member of ours or not! Christ, nearly half of the tents weren't even ours. They belonged to the traders and the models. yeah what was that all about?? Just after I put our tent up a clio and a small tent city appeared on most of the other half of our pitch?? I was hoping that they would still be there this morning so that they too could experience the wrath of Branners like we did last year Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mawby Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 yeah what was that all about?? Just after I put our tent up a clio and a small tent city appeared on most of the other half of our pitch?? I was hoping that they would still be there this morning so that they too could experience the wrath of Branners like we did last year They must have got there late as they weren't there gone 1am after I finished speaking to the security guard and finally got back to bed. They might not have felt the wrath of Branners, but they did feal the power of my diesel engine being started and left running right next to their tent at 6 in the morning whilst trying to thaw Genna out having spent an hour tidying up after you lot! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonball Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Martin woke up to see one guy on the shoulders of the other guy cutting away at the banner. When disturbed they legged it and unfortunately couldn't be identified. It was Gaz on top of Rob's shoulders... 'This is another fine mess you got me into Stanley...' :tongue: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John_M Posted July 25, 2005 Author Share Posted July 25, 2005 I'm posting this on the same thread on both Supra forums. I know there is bad blood between some of the members of the two forums for things that have happened in the past and these have brewed in the following years. All this "he said" and "they did" is IMHO frankly nothing to do with the forums and just perpetuates (sp?) the bad feelings. There are plenty of members who know nothing of the history and frankly don't give a shit. All we are interested in is (the reason we joined the forums) the MkIV Supra. There are also other members that seem to "go along with the flow" slaging off people because that's what other people do. WTF! Now I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any inter-club rivalry because there should but keep it in good nature anything else is just stupid. I found and joined the forum a couple of months before the .net forum and have posted on both sites regularly. I've been to shows/meets with both clubs and met some good people from both. Some people on .net have called the the "tumbleweed forum" which I object to. Yes, it is a much smaller club and yes the turnout at the show was therefore less as but, to me, this was part of the appeal and reason behind camping on that stand at JAE. These forums are for the enthusiasts to share thoughts with like minded people and to find out more about their cars and to get advice on traders for work and parts supply. IF (and I do say if) someone from the .net forum was involved in the vandalism of the banner I would have hope and expect the Moderators to take a dim view and to deal with it. I hope that it wasn't and thats why I origionally asked in the posts for people to ask on other car forums as well so that their Moderators had the same oppertunity. The price of the banner came out of club funds and therefore out of the pockets of the members and traders that contribute to it. Personally, I would like to find out who vandalized it so they could pay for a replacement. I'm sorry for ranting on here but feel that this feud between the forums should be laid to rest. If people have personal grievances then that should be between them and not on the open forum. I dare say I've stepped on a few peoples toes and will recieve flack for it but before you post think about it. I welcome any positive responce to this post. Thanks John Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonball Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 John - no one has anything against any supra owners of which ever club they belong to It's just that the founder proves himself to be a complete *** time and time again (see above!) :thumbdown Anyone who belongs to the will always be welcome too at the .net mate and I am sure everyone will concur *edit* BTW - looks almost certain to be the idiots on that other link anyway? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mawby Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 It's just that the founder proves himself to be a complete *** time and time again (see above!) :thumbdown This is obviously Paul's opinion and not that of the club... before anyone links to two. Anyone who belongs to the will always be welcome too at the .net mate and I am sure everyone will concurIndeed they are. We did have a few people come over to our stand, and just like the other clubs that ventured over they were all greated with a seat at our heated surround sound cinema setup, an endless supply of food, and a stock pile of drink that they were told to help themselves from. The only thing they will have the accept is the "tumbleweed forum" joke. You might object to it John, but it's part of that club rivalry you mentioned and is just friendly banter. I bet you have nick names for our club/certain members to! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dale B Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Wonder whether is was the pillocks here? Wont let me see it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mawby Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 *edit* BTW - looks almost certain to be the idiots on that other link anyway?It would appear so. Ray did ask around in the morning and I kept my ear to the ground listening out for things, but we just didn't get anything of much use. Yes some of our members were talking about it, but that was because they had heard the secutiry guards talking to me and Ray about it. Martin says he saw these people run to our stand. The only reason I can think for this (excluding they were actually members) is that our stand was the closest stand with lots of people around it and so they could just dissappear into the crowd unnoticed. If they knew the club rivalry too then they could well have been bragging about it trying to impress us (as also claimed by Martin), but if they did then I don't know who to as no one I spoke to heard it. Even if someone did over hear something it's still not much use if we can't identify them or the club they came from. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonball Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 This is obviously Paul's opinion and not that of the club... before anyone links to two. Of course - I suspect he speaks highly of me and some others on here too -I didn't get my Xmas card last year either...which is strange... But I promise a friendly greeting to any supra owner - no matter which club! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kopite Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 But I promise a friendly greeting to any supra owner - no matter which club! eww! thought you'd given up tryin to flirt with them all Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Cuthbert Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 But I promise a friendly greeting to any supra owner - no matter which club! That would be nice, as it's becoming increasing apparent, that you're probably the nearest knowlledgable garage that can do my stem seals (or God forbid, pistons rings) for me. Save going off topic, I'll post in your section. Cuth. Buy Badger Beer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonball Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 eww! thought you'd given up tryin to flirt with them all Only if female (and a pulse is optional) mate! Cuthbert - no worries - just give Paul K a call on 07875084515 and sure he will be happy to give it a look over whenever you are Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRD3000GT Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 As far as I can tell from reading as I was not there, Your banner was just cut down... The banner is still fine? Can anyone confirm this? Was it cut by the string or the actual banner? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jay Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 One of our members wheels were the subject of tampering/attempted theft overnight on Saturday, and yet the furthest thing from my mind was pointing the finger at the 'other' club - it's a shame the same courtesy wasn't extended in this instance. In hindsight, the fact that they are Supra fitment wheels - who else could put them to use... Martin makes out that it was all based on the direction the culprits ran towards, and what he overheard on our stand, which raises two interesting points: 1) Heading from the stand towards the .net stand would take you directly through the 'center' of the show, including the bandstand, the entire traders section, as well as some of the smaller clubs and as such is not really any indication they came from our stand at all. 2) By his own admission, him and several other members took it upon themselves to head straight to us, before 'skulking' around our stand in the shadows, eavesdropping on conversations without making their presence known - not exactly 'good natured inter-club rivalry'. On a final note, suggesting to the club organisers that either the MKIV club are asked to leave, or the were going to walk out was cheap, inciting behaviour that I personally find frankly pathetic. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John_M Posted July 25, 2005 Author Share Posted July 25, 2005 If people have personal grievances then that should be between them and not on the open forum.Paul E - first post afterwards and personal grievance! This is obviously Paul's opinion and not that of the clubNoted The only thing they will have the accept is the "tumbleweed forum" joke. You might object to it John, but it's part of that club rivalry you mentioned and is just friendly banterCan certainly accept when it is toungue-in-cheek Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mawby Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Well I did receive some information as to who may have been responsible. So I headed over to the site to tell Martin, and what do I find? A link to the site where I find comments by Martin that have led to me replying on his site with the following post... Well Martin, I have just received a PM from one of my members who has heard who may be responsible for your banner, and I was about to forward it to you. They even gave a name, and it isn't someone from the nor clubs. However, given these statements you have made today... We are pretty sure after over hearing conversations on the rival stand that they were responsible, but seems maybe they are trying to find a scapegoat. The conversation was over heard on their stand but it doesn't strictly mean it's one of their members. One of your members has already confessed to cutting down 'a' banner and all i'm trying to do is eliminate them as they obviously have a banner fetish. If its denied then it really doesn't leave many options left as to which club these vandals were a member of, when the conversation was overheard on said stand. ...I have decided not to forward it as I don't want to be seen as attempting to find another scapegoat. I actually thought Ray and I had started to remove the 'our club' v 'there club' bollocks by trying to help you find out who did it, but it's obvious you don't care. All the time you can get away with blaming us because you can't find out or prove who actually did do it, the happier you seem to be. Therefore, as you have made your decision that we did it, I will inform Ray not to continue asking about this incident and to ignore any further information he is given about it. I will ask you one question though Martin. Yesterday you said... So yes the accusation was founded, we don't make a habit of spouting BS. With the history between the two clubs do you really think we were going to just walk in accusing the 'other' MKIV supra club for the hell of it ? ...and I ask you to think about that, and then ask yourself why would we do something that will obviosly get the finger pointed straight at us? Even if the persons responsible didn't get disturbed and the first you knew about it was in the morning, it's obvious you would think it was us anyway. We were there to have a good time, have a laugh and socialise with the other clubs. We did not go there to cause yet more trouble between our clubs. Why would we bother? Half of our members are too new to even know what it's all about, the other half just don't care about it anymore. ... and I mean what I say. As Martin isn't prepared to believe for one second that we didn't do it, I can no longer be arsed to try and help him find out who did. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonball Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 I refer my learned colleague to my previous comments mi lord... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom S Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 John_M my only question after reading through all of this is:- Who are the biased people. I only joined last year & know nothing of the issues. Saw your post on our forum and replied with my opinions (ok Mawby) and thoughts, yet you spout all the high and mighty talk and this Martin guy is saying we did do it, and if no culprit is found out we did do it. Talks to me about a deprived to**er who would blame us for shitting on his car rather than the bird who might have done it, because his view will always be that. All I can add is that IMHO, pick which club you want to agree with and stick to it. You either believe that Ray and Mawby have done everything they can to help. Or you continue to say that you think that we should all be Supra Drivers in different clubs (and I have mates in other car clubs who drive supra's as well as rex's etc) Or you take this Martin fella's view and blame us for everything. You sound like a canny (NE thing) person, you can either post on here as a supe driver or as a driver trying to have your opinion at the club I care about. Lastly, everything said in here has been said by Me. Tom Sawyer (Darkrider666), not by the club. I am allowed to post my views as you are and these are MINE only. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dangerous brain Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Well this little chestnut has torn open a few wounds hasn't it? Just an observation here. I came to this club about 3 years ago and also at the same time joined the uk one. There did at that time appear to be more information available on this one than on that one but there was a membership fee of a tenner so I browsed this one and posted on the other. (cheapskate I know) Someone on the uk forum asked a question to which an answer was on this board so I linked to it. I was unaware at that point of any problems. I was made very aware very quickly by the moderator that if i posted any more links to the other site I would be banned. Now that just isn't very welcoming. I rarely post there now as I am shit scared of saying the wrong thing. My last set of posts over there stirred up a right shit storm which is when the whole reason for the split was made known to me and I deceided to not bother any more over there unless I was 100% certain it wasn't going to cause trouble. I'm not trying to cause more greif here but I genuinely feel that the bad feelings harboured at the UK site are still niggling away in there. Meanwhile over here on the .net site 99% of the members have moved on. In fact with so many new members and old members moving on to other cars there isn't many in this forum that know anything about the split. Its a sad state of affairs that however many years ago something happened it manages to rear its ugly head again. There are people and I will say on both sides of the fence that just wont forgive and ultimately the whole of both forums lose out. Its a shame really as I'd like to be able to feel welcome everwhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom S Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Its a shame really as I'd like to be able to feel welcome everwhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mawby Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Well Martin F now claims to know who it is. However, I've asked twice for him to confirm if it was a .net member or not and he hasn't. He just says he is sorting it with the event organiser. After the number of times he has said it was one of us I can only assume that the person he is now after isn't one of our members or he would have taken the oppotunity to say so. Lets hope this is an end to these accusations now. As stated many times before, if anyone from wants to join us at any future events for a drink and some food off the BBQ then feel free to do so. We don't bite, and we have a kicking surround sound DVD system! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jay Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Don't forget the free massages! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Rays the roof Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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