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Number of attempts on driving test


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^^^^^^ :D


LOL my girlfriend can't believe how so many of you passed first time, to tell you the truth I can't believe it either :D


I notice none of the female members are posting on this topic ;)


My girlfriend passed 1st time with only 3 minors! I was shocked.. :D

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I done my bike test at 17 and passed 1st time

2 weeks later my car test and failed that 1st time but took a retest in the afternoon and passed

When I was 18 I passed my Class 2 first time then a week later my Class 1

All courtesy of The British Army :)

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Passed at 3rd attempt for my car licence back in 1983:senile: Failed the first attempt on 'undue hesitancy' as I sat and waited for a truck to reverse onto a building site instead of trying to go around it, even to this day I think I was right!


Second attempt a month later, I failed on 'insufficient use of the mirror':innocent:. I failed to make the wildly exaggerated head movements which apparently are required in the test.:rolleyes:


I did pass my motorcycle test at the first attempt in 1993 though!

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I passed second time. I failed the first time because I went through some lights on amber. Apparently I should have been braking on the run up to all traffic lights in case it changes according to the examiner.:tongue:


My sister passed first time. I gave her my old Corsa in perfect condition and its now been in possibly every ditch, fence and field in York. It’s even been rolled twice! She’s destroyed the brakes (left the hand brake on while on the motorway) suspension had to be replaced and exhaust replaced (off-roading). I'm constantly replacing the front bumper (rolling, crashing into walls and bollards etc). Poor Corsa. :(

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I passed second time. I failed the first time because I went through some lights on amber. Apparently I should have been braking on the run up to all traffic lights in case it changes according to the examiner.:tongue:


I love the excuses on police programs for people going through on red, like it changed suddenly! If a light is on green, logically, what is the one and only thing it will possibly change to at some point in the future? How can it be a surprise that a definite action occurs! I hate it when amber gamblers (usually white vans) beep me for stopping on an amber light in front of them.

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I love the excuses on police programs for people going through on red, like it changed suddenly! If a light is on green, logically, what is the one and only thing it will possibly change to at some point in the future? How can it be a surprise that a definite action occurs! I hate it when amber gamblers (usually white vans) beep me for stopping on an amber light in front of them.


I had a woman literally come to a stop at a green light because she knew it was changing soon.

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So I was wondering how many attempts did it take everyone else and if you had failed before passing, what did you fail on? :D


I think I might have beaten everyone so far except your girlfriend - took me 6 goes. I developed the ability to drive near-perfectly for the whole test, but just make one big error somewhere. All 5 I failed were failed on a single serious fault with probably no more than two minors - often less - in the whole of the rest of the test. Can't remember what all the serious ones were but they were stupid things. One was a set of traffic lights with two lanes on the approach. I saw the light on the right was green so I planned to go through. Except I was in the left lane and the light for going straight on was red - the green was just a filter for turning right. Stopped before busting the red light but it was an emergency stop the examiner wasn't expecting and he didn't like it. Another was a road in a housing estate. It looks like the road goes straight on, but actually the main road goes 90 degrees left and the straight on is a side road. I realised at the last minute and flung the car round the left hand bend far too fast. I certainly couldn't complain that any of the fails weren't justified.


Thing is, these roads and junctions were all familiar to me. I'd driven them loads of times with my instructor, but my driving test brain forgot any local knowledge it had. It was a nerves thing. I was confident and happy driving with my parents (and they had no concerns about my driving). I was comfortably passing mock tests with my instructor and his colleague, and he must have been happy or he wouldn't have advised me to keep applying. But for some reason, when the gruff, uncommunicative stranger got into the car and started watching my every move, all confidence deserted me. It got worse as it went on. My birthday's in September so I was one of the first of my friends to start driving lessons. But they all started after me and passed before me and it got more and more annoying to keep coming back and telling them I'd failed again.


Managed to get over it for test 6 and just relaxed into driving. I can't remember how many minor faults I made on the test I passed. It wasn't many, but it was more than on all 5 of the tests I'd failed combined. I also discovered that some of my friends who'd passed first time (and who, for a while, weren't sure they believed me when I came back and told them I'd finally passed :)) had passed with more minor faults on their only test than I got on all 6 of mine together - but obviously they hadn't had the serious ones! Oh well...


I think it's got better since then. I've passed tests with IAM and RoSPA first time. Mind you, their examiners are a lot friendlier :).

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I was 25 and had about 15 lessons, passing second time. (As a keen cyclist, I'd managed without a car).


The first test was a total nightmare. I was failed for driving at 30 in a 40 limit, which I knew was 40 from my lessons and the fact that I lived there but as there were no marker signs after the 30 one, (always being stolen, turned around etc.), I thought I'd fail for speeding at 40 if the examiner felt like it. Technically, he could have failed me and I couldn't read him atall and thought he had it in for me 'cos he was so unfriendly! :D


I also failed for hesitating at a roundabout and giving way to someone on my right as they approached it. :blink: My instructor (not examiner) told me that whoever was on a roundabout first had right of way but also to avoid interrupting the flow of traffic, so I naturally waited, knowing how easily stalled the car was. As I was pulling away, a man stepped off the kerb infront of us and I had to emergency brake from a standing start! Of course, it was all my fault.


I was not happy and this may have been taken into consideration. :D


I also failed because at the bottom of Folly Lane in St. Albans, there's a mini-roundabout on a Y junction which is practically impossible to go around without driving over it if you're turning right toward Batchwood Drive down Verulam Road. You have to steer left full lock and then right full lock within about two car lengths and I hit the opposite kerb with the front-left wheel, desperately trying to avoid crossing over the roundabout. The examiner said, "Dear, Oh dear!............we'll have to stop further along and see how bad the damage is."

He got out and had a look and I'd just scraped the rim, nothing major so we carried on. It was obvious at that point that I'd failed, badly.


I took a few more lessons to regain my confidence and during one of them I turned onto the M25 at London Colney in a car with an L sign on the roof! :D


I had to drive all the way to St. Albans, getting sandwiched between lorries and being cut up by non-indicating drivers and she pleaded with me never to mention it to anyone that knows her but I got some valuable motorway experience, nonetheless. I'd highly recommend it! :D


I knew the roundabout well and my instructor asked me which exit we needed so I confidently took the quickest route back without realising what I'd done. It all happened so fast.......:innocent:


On the second test, I used my instructor's Nissan Sunny again and stalled the engine three times before I even got out of the tiny carpark because the engine was so quiet and the clutch so smooth that I literally couldn't hear the rev's or feel it bite properly. (I was always stalling it in my lessons as well and the clutch cable definitely needed adjusting).


Each time I stalled I had to apply the handbrake, check the mirrors, etc. but fortunately, couldn't be failed for it. The examiner was much more human too, which helped a lot. The first guy was The Terminator with a serious personality deficit in comparison and it made me nervous just being with him. Some of them try too hard to be impartial and this guy had it down. Talk about poker faced.


So on the second successful test, after telling myself that I could easily do it and recognising that the failure was all down to nerves, (ok, plus a lack of skill, a creepy examiner and probably being hypoglycemic on a triple cross day, biorythmically speaking), the nearest I came to failing was very nearly touching the kerb behind me during a three point U turn.

When we got back my instructor jumped about and hugged me! :nana:She was probably delighted to see her car back in one piece!


I asked her about booking some motorway lessons once I had my licence but for some reason, I never heard from her again............

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I was comfortably passing mock tests with my instructor and his colleague, and he must have been happy or he wouldn't have advised me to keep applying. But for some reason, when the gruff, uncommunicative stranger got into the car and started watching my every move, all confidence deserted me.


I think we must have both had the same examiner! :D

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