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Weird ufo video and documentry

Jimmy James

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Ok ive always been somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal, but watched this last night and it seems there isnt any real explanations. I know your going to say fake, fake, fake and oh that crap music again. But after watching the longer of the two videos (the 2 hour one) and seeing former governers and other military officials and generals clueless as to whats going on, its kinda creepy. Inter-dimensional beings may be the best way to sum it up. However i'll still remain a skeptic till one falls out the sky and lands on my house.

Enjoy :)


12 minute one with weird phonecall from former area 51 employee.



1hr47mins documentry.
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I beleive 100% we are not alone I also believe us humans have found other life forms but it is kept secret from us. Iv had two conversations with my girlfriends father an twice I spoke about aliens, he's changed the topic on both times. He knows more then I think but I don't think he will ever answer my questions.

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As with the other thread; as there are billions of other galaxies each with billions of stars and planetary systems within it then this results in a certain level of probability that life COULD exist elsewhere in the universe. BUT it can't just simply assume it to be a probability of 1, unless we discover it of course. ;)


If there were intelligent life elsewhere then it is widely accepted that they wouldn't need to send probes or landing ships or whatever. A lot of the so called UFOs are just that,....they are just simply unidentified. The subsequent leap of connection to make them out to be aleins from another planet is not really science or logical. But it does make for interesting TV, which the americans like. ;)

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My father in law is really into this stuff, and conspiracy theories in general. He believes in this theory that its governments doing all this using 3D projections and tesla technology all to unify the world and abolish religion in an attempt to unite and save humanity (its not his theory, its all over the internet). Sounds pretty out there to me, but the videos he showed me ages ago were just as compelling as the ones above, maybe even more so. Have a look on youtube, there's loads of stuff on there, some of them say the 9-11 attacks were staged by the government, and the planes that flew into the twin towers were created by the perfected 3D projection technology.

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Didn't watch the videos in the link but if its the one where a guy phones art then the radio station gets shut down, I seen it ages ago, strange phone call that


"Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe we are not alone." --The Bible According to Albert Einstein

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Didn't watch the videos in the link but if its the one where a guy phones art then the radio station gets shut down, I seen it ages ago, strange phone call that


There's an Art Bell Show Gadget for Vista and Win 7 and a few months ago I recorded the whole show, (among others totalling 6 1/2 hours), as voice recordings on my iPhone 4. Just sat it under the T.v.


Now, unless they're stored on my laptop or recoverable somehow, they're gone since updating to IOS 5.


For those that don't know, a very exhausted and desperate male caller phoned in to a popular radio show in America hosted by Art Bell, (an ex Army Medical Corps member and Vietnam Veteran in that capacity) and he explained hurriedly that the government knows of impending environmental catastrophies and that there are safe places on the planet but that they won't tell us because it makes it easier to control the remaining population. After about a minute he was heard to scream by the host and there was an unprecedented broadcast blackout which according to the network contact was caused by the satellite losing it's geosynchronous orbit stability for a while which simply doesn't happen, normally.


Either all of his shows were entirely faked or something very unsettling happened that evening. There's a Youtube video with an excerpt of the actual call but it doesn't include the discussion afterwards about what the hell happened to the radio station.


Anyway, another show had a guest that clearly knew his stuff about magnetic/gravitic propulsion and such and gave a detailed account of being taken to S2 or Area 51, Groom Lake etc. and being asked to help to get an alien engine running, which was a scaled up version of his own toroidal field generator. He explained how he stood in a massive hangar and the floor descended several hundred feet on huge screw jacks (like a woodworking vice Acme threaded leadscrew about 6 feet in diameter in each corner of the platform) and opened out into an area that you could easily fit several Jumbo jets.


It's all very easy to dismiss a brief summary of an interview but when you actrually listen to someone for several hours, you kinda get an idea about how credible they are. Either way, anything is possible, since we don't know everything there is to know.


The Art Bell Gadget is currently playing George Noory interviews as Art Bell stopped broadcasting a while back. 1997 was an interesting year.


(Late night edit; I wrote the above before watching both videos linked by the OP. Well worth a watch).

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I beleive 100% we are not alone I also believe us humans have found other life forms but it is kept secret from us. Iv had two conversations with my girlfriends father an twice I spoke about aliens, he's changed the topic on both times. He knows more then I think but I don't think he will ever answer my questions.


what does he do for a living, i assume he isnt a postman?

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In the first video, the sustained note played in the beginning is the note of D.


This is 293.66Mhz.


And what is 293.66Mhz?


It's the critical frequency which resonates with the reptilian brain and awakens the Theta state.


This is something the MK-Ultra people were looking into back in the 1960s.


It is also said that the great Yogis and Gurus particularly enjoy this note, like a musical mantra, if you will, and can induce a Nirvana like state. A state which is well


documented in reaching a truly universal consciousness and communication with outer wordly beings.


This is simply demonstrated with long single notes of D played on the Sitar, which is well known in Indian music.


So, the note of D + The US Govt + Indian spriritual practitioners = UFOs.

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In the first video, the sustained note played in the beginning is the note of D.


This is 293.66Mhz.


And what is 293.66Mhz?


It's the critical frequency which resonates with the reptilian brain and awakens the Theta state.


This is something the MK-Ultra people were looking into back in the 1960s.


It is also said that the great Yogis and Gurus particularly enjoy this note, like a musical mantra, if you will, and can induce a Nirvana like state. A state which is well


documented in reaching a truly universal consciousness and communication with outer wordly beings.


This is simply demonstrated with long single notes of D played on the Sitar, which is well known in Indian music.


So, the note of D + The US Govt + Indian spriritual practitioners = UFOs.


Just because this is a parody doesn't mean it can't be true.

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Iv had two conversations with my girlfriends father an twice I spoke about aliens, he's changed the topic on both times. He knows more then I think but I don't think he will ever answer my questions.


To be fair, if we were having a conversation and you started talking about aliens, I would also change the subject, or perhaps pretend that I only spoke Norwegian. And I know less than you think about aliens.

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Just because this is a parody doesn't mean it can't be true.


Blimey. I hadn't thought of that



To be fair, if we were having a conversation and you started talking about aliens, I would also change the subject, or perhaps pretend that I only spoke Norwegian. And I know less than you think about aliens.


It's interesting you select Norwegian. Just the other day I was watching a recorded Matt Smith episode of Dr Who.


There was mention of secret Norwegian bases, including a jokey throw-away line about "it's ok, everyone knows about this stuff...just Google it"


So I did.


I'm starting to scare myself.


I think I'll have to go and play a Thomas Dolby album to calm down.

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