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The Raven

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Little tip for people is buy a horse and use soul trap repeatedly on it to sail through the ranks quicker and I use the muffled feet at the same time to increase that a lot faster as well. Barney there are tables I think called arcane enchantment tables that you need a filled soul gem the weapon you want to upgrade and know the enchantment. When you find enchanted weapons you can disenchant them to learn the spell and use them on weapons of your choice.

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Loving it. Finally got going on it while off work suffering a grotty head cold. I now have a quest list as long as my arm, no great surprise there :)


Having played Oblivion mostly from the perspective of a 4 foot tall dwarf due to sodding crouching everywhere, I've decided to eschew stealth this time around. I announce my presence to the room in general with a loud cough and a double thunderbolt up someone's arse, and it all spirals rapidly downhill from there :D Very refreshing.


It doesn't half make me feel cold, though.

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Follow the main quest you will find more. Everyone i have found i have been told where to go. The shout will get better once you meet the gray beards


I am starting to think the storm cloaks have a point! everytime i find some elves they are real D*cks, i rescued a nord from them after asking if they had him they told me to go away or else.


The night mother thing is weird, i got in the coffin and went about starting the quest, i want the jester to die................

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  • 3 weeks later...

Resurrecting this because i really need some help, now i started the game last week, and after a few hours of playing i found that i was a vampire, now i only realised it when everybody started to try and kill me, not wanting to go back i looked up the cure, tracked down fallon or whatever his name is.


Anyway got the black soul gem and have now filled it, took a while, now my problem is every time i sneak into someones house in the dead of night bolock naked, they are either not asleep, or i just don't have the option to feed, so i cant go back to Fallon as he tries to kill me!


What I'm i doing wrong? i am at level 17, and have about 30 something sneak, its driving me nuts! please help! oh and its on PS3.

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Make sure your use your vampire power which turns you invisible, the little stable outside whiterun is the best place I found to feed, and once your cured stay the hell away from vampires until your a bit stronger to take them on without getting infected lol

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I had this sitting sealed for a month and a half because I was only on MW3...


Finally gave it a shot two weeks ago and I haven't been back on COD or anything else since. Its quite tricky because I've never really played this style of game before, but I'm hooked! :)

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I'm about 30 hours in, but only level 32 I believe. I've just enjoyed exploring and doing all the miscellaneous quests so far!


I am 90 hours in and level 42, Rather than sell stuff cheap I have all my items stashed away in my markarth house split into separate boxes weapons, clothes, boots, soul jems ect so rather than selling stuff cheaply when my speech is high enough I can sell it all then. Markarth is a great house to live in as you can have a arcane enchanter table and when you have the perk of selling anything to any trader you can sell crap to your wife. Soul trap and muffle is still a great way to slyly level up fast at whiterun stables.

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I am 90 hours in and level 42, Rather than sell stuff cheap I have all my items stashed away in my markarth house split into separate boxes weapons, clothes, boots, soul jems ect so rather than selling stuff cheaply when my speech is high enough I can sell it all then. Markarth is a great house to live in as you can have a arcane enchanter table and when you have the perk of selling anything to any trader you can sell crap to your wife. Soul trap and muffle is still a great way to slyly level up fast at whiterun stables.


Ah, is that what you look like. ;)



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im level 69 lol. blocking lvl 100, one handed lvl 100, smithing lvl 100, healing lvl 100, heavy armor lvl 100, enchanting lvl 80 , sneaking 100, pickpocketing 60 (cant remember other skills but im maxing everything out)


ive got full dragon gear eq and my weapon does 90 damage single handed, armor rating of 780


im saving a building up to make daedric weapons + armors soon



i was just about to do the warewolf bit but i havnt played it for about 2 weeks

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Any tips on making money? I need 8k to buy a house in Markarth.


Create iron daggers at forges and then enchant them, they sell for about 800g each. This will also level up your smithing, enchanting and speach skills.


Complete the dark brotherhood mission = 20,000 gold


Get 100 smithing, kill dragons, make dragon armour worth 2800gold each piece.

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Guess I need to find Riften then! :D


It doesn't have to be riften, I just go there because i'm in the thieves guild and there are about 4 different people you can sell to. Also, enchant the jewellery first, I think the best enchantment is fortify carry weight.

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