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NA-T build


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we started by unbolting the sump. once we were happy all the bolts were out we took both parts of the sump & internal oil piping off. if like mine yours hasn't been off since factory then you may need some elbow grease when doing this. eventually it will give ;) it may help to use a flat head screwdriver but try not to break or damage the sump to much.



there is a place somewhere around the sump/block interface that has a slot in which you can insert a pry bar to make breaking the sump seal easier :-)

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right then to the best bit :D it doesnt matter its the easy bolt on bit, because its the only bit that matters :D


with the exhaust manifold off i set about wrapping the exhaust manifold and down pipe...quite well aswell i might add ;) it would have made Michelangelo feel like an underachiever :p

whilst i was setting about this Craig set about getting the turbo cold side outlet modified. with the NA-T he had come across a small problem with the cold side outlet. where it was positioned it was facing the chassis of the car. and not only a real b**** to get hosing on but it would ruin the air flow and ruin the hosing. so he modified his and now mine by welding on some piping facing the same direction as the induction. you can see it in the pictures and i think its a brilliant bit of engineering! ingenious modification!

after everything had been wrapped and the turbo had been modified i put together the wastegate& then bolted it on to the exhaust manifold. we had to wait to fit the screamer pipe because thanks to craigs knowledge of the NA-T, he found the screamer pipe wouldn't fit past the chassis when putting the engine back in. so we'd have to wait.

after i took the dizzy off we set about bolting on the exhaust manifold with the nice shiney new gaskets. with the manifold on we then set about fitting the turbo on to the manifold& were acting like kids on christmas eve. so we had to see the block in the engine bay after we'd fitted it :D

the modified part was placed at the lowest part of the turbo so that the intercooler piping could go together nicely :) slightly more attractive than the over the engine route i've seen.




right uploading the pictures is being a pain...so im going to go with photobucket links ;)



Edited by -Welsh-Stealth- (see edit history)
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what the!? how'd you manage that one?! lol! :D cheers Chris ;) leg-end

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with the sump drilled and ready for the oil return feed the next thing on the list was getting the nice new shiney silver snail kept cool& bearings lubricated with engine oil.


luckily Craig could source the piping from a local place that could do exactly this sort of thing. but first of all me had to set about making the measurements and making sure that the flanges married up. this turned out to be more than a drama than first thought.


our first drama with this part of the build was we had none of the flanges for the turbo side of the oil feed. the oil return turbo& sump side. we knew from the beginning that the oil feed was going to be from the oil filter housing. with this you can either tap a thread into the existing bolt that holds the housing to the block, or you can pay for the lexus bolt. fortunately Craig had a spare bolt laying about so we had the bolt drilled and threaded by another local company. with the same company we got the turbo threaded so that the banjo bolt could screw straight into the top and it would save us sourcing another flange for the oil feed.


with the oil feed almost sorted we set about finding ourselves the flanges for the oil return line and measuring the amount of piping needed.

with the securing bolt of the filter housing and turbo threaded measuring the oil feed wasn't a problem. all that was needed was enough piping to keep the oil feed out of the way& over the top of the engine. the oil return was slightly different.

the local company who delt with our piping also had alot of flanges spare, just laying about...but finding something to fit was a bit more difficult then we first thought. we wanted a good solid thick piping from the turbo to the sump that would allow the oil to return freely being gravity fed. but the first lines we made unfortunately didn't fit aswell as we would have liked. we found some flanges to fit and measured the distance we needed for the oil return. we had the local company build the lines to the specs we gave them and the oil feed turned out fine the first time. but the oil return was slightly different. the flange on the sump side married up perfectly but the turbo side wouldnt quite fit through with the thick piping we attached. it wouldn't sit flush because the piping we attached was to thick and couldn't get past the exhaust side of the turbo&manifold. we also found it was to hard to bend past the base of the steering collum. so we set about fixing what we started.


we found that using the 2jz water pipe we could get the oil return past the exhaust manifold and the flange fitted perfectly etc. once we had cut it to size we had the piping made long enough to curl past the steering collum and into the sump. and we had made by far the best oil return for a NA-T...may be a slight exageration, but it was probably my favourite part of the build with the engine out.


we fitted the gaskets used sealant and fitted the oil return pipe & oil feed. and obviously the oil feed into the large bolt holding the filter housing to the block. jobs a good'un ;)


pics here:




last picture shows a nice finished pic of the return

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Subscribed :)


After hearing Craig's NA-T on the Dragonball run I am quite interested in this build.


The NA-TT is a trusted method but once you hear an NA-T then you will have second thoughts :cool:


I am the same mate, Craig's N/A-TT really spiked my interested in this route,


I am just not sure though:sos:


Craig needs to start offering this as a service, so we can just go to him and he can give us a price to drive in N/A and drive out N/A-T

Edited by DodgyRog (see edit history)
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I know your happy to do the mechanical side Craig,


but the shoping list is quite daunting, especially on a budget that needs mostly 2nd hand parts


I really do fancy this route, once mine is not a daily, but I still have a niggle in my mind, that the TT option is easier, I know if I start buying the bits 2nd hand I will get frustrated having to wait for that certain bit to come up

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yea its all pros and cons but doors allways open if my helps ever needed. in saying that thers not that much to think about . all the oil feed and retunr bits i get made new industrial strength. i think the oil lines and wastegat are most important to have good quality. as if either of these fail it can cost you an angine and obviosly leaking oil over a hot manifold can cost you a whole car and lots of skin.

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Can you do a shopping list of everything that's needed Craig and any prefered types etc


I would personally like something that spooled fairly quickly rather than a hard hitting Turbo


It would certainly help me, as my knowledge of Turbo's and the bits needed is very limited if I am honest

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This thread is great guys, thanks for the help as I'm seriously considering this myself.

Is this the correct 4 runner cap?

For the oil feed, if I understand it correct, you've drilled and tapped the end of the long bolt in the pictures with the correct thread for the banjo bolt, yes?

How have you routed it around the engine, I'll struggle getting mine out at home so ideally I want to leave it in position if I can:)

If i'm stuck could you get the lines made up for me and post them out if I paid up front?

And finally have you got any links or tips for the wastegate, turbo and manifold you've used. I'm getting a bit lost on which to go for:innocent:

Really appreciate any help guy's.

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