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Conspiracy theory


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I thought it was accepted that a missile hit the pentagon? There's a video of it somewhere?


If the pictures of the pentagon are legit then there's no way a plane hit that building. Not even an engine from a plane hit that building as the damage would be FAR greater.



I think people don’t like the idea of a plane going in to the pentagon because they were expecting similar video footage to that of the twin towers.

The pentagon is a very different building. There is much more reinforcement in the concrete walls and much more walled structure per square metre.


Fly a standard sized missile in to it and it would literally do nothing.

Fly a standard sized missile with explosives in to it and yes the explosives would create an explosion pattern that would indeed puncture an amount of concrete and reinforcement. Here you would expect to see walls and roof elements of the building being blown back outwards and upwards, something that the on-site CCTV didn’t illustrate with its low frame rate and low resolution.

But the main thing here is that the damage to the pentagon was not an explosion pattern. It was a momentum dissipation pattern whereby the mass of the airplane used its momentum to break through the walls and puncture its way through the building. The internal damage clearly shows this to be the case and not an explosive pattern you would see by a cruise missile for example.


There was airplane wreckage found inside the pentagon such as landing gear struts but the majority of the plane would have totally disintegrated.

I posted a vid on the forum a while back that showed an F4 phantom slamming in to a wall near the speed of sound. I can’t bring up the vid here at work but if you do a youtube search you should find it. Just watch how the plane leaves very little evidence of there actually being a plane at the end of the collision.


The small diameter of the hole you mention is because of the shape of an airplane and the concentration of its mass. The full length of the fuselage going forward at 500ish mph is what created the puncture hole, yes there is mass within the wings but you wouldn’t see a cartoon-esque plane shape complete with wings and tailplane in the side of such a building. They simply don’t have the momentum to puncture through such reinforced walls. (Unlike the twin towers where we saw this wing shape puncture the flimsy exterior of the building).

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Hardly comes under the heading of carpet bombing


Yeah but they can fall under the definition of "weapons [that]have left lasting effect".



Not as bad as the miles of unmapped mines laid by these countrys


These countries? I think you need to differentiate between individual splinter groups and the acts mandated by the country's officials.


66,081 civilians killed in Iraq. Who needs carpet bombing eh?


-BTw, just to reiterate- I don't resign myself to these conspiracy theories. I, like Scott, just think we should be weary of the official stance on what happened during 9/11 as well as conspiracy theories. It however, doesn't change the fact that many innocents died needlessly.

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I look at conspiracy theories like this from two points of view:


1) A historical point of view. Every major news event generates its own set of conspiracy theories. In recent history, we've had JFK, Marilyn Monroe, the moon landings, 9/11 - to name but a few. And of course, they didn't start with JFK. The next huge news item will also generate a set of exotic explanations. Now, in itself, this doesn't make a 9/11 conspiracy theory untrue, but we have to see that it's part of a pattern in events like this.


2) A balance of evidence point of view. In the case of 9/11, there are two competing hypotheses:


a) The 'official explanation' - that three buildings were hit by planes, causing the wholesale destruction of two (plus WTC 7).

b) An alternative explanation, in which at least some of the destruction was caused by explosives or other means, as part of a covert operation.


In order to believe (b), I have to accept a number of postulates, such as:


i) In order to force a war on Iraq/Afghanistan, the US government selected Saudi Arabian hijackers. Given that Saudi-Arabia are cheek-by-jowl with the US, this doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Why not choose Iraqi hijackers?

ii) The US government would murder thousands of its own civilians. Apart from the colossal risk for the perpetrators, it just does not fit with the American psyche at all. Their talent is for murdering other people's civilians, if I can put it that bluntly.

iii) That a very large operation could be carried out secretly. Democratic governments, as Chomsky put it, are leaky at all levels.

iv) that a very large number of motivated, patriotic professionals, cooperating in 'the biggest criminal investigation in history' have all been bought off or coerced into toeing the 'official line' about the events.


To me, it's Occam's razor. Hypothesis (b) obliges me to accept several ideas which I have no substantive evidence for, and which seem to me to be extraordinarily unlikely. Any putative anomalies in hypothesis (a) pale into insignificance in comparison.


I can't get worked up about WTC falling in their own footprint and so on. I haven't got a PhD in structural engineering, and I'm not qualified to judge what happens when a plane hits a building.

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Lol its not about brain cells it's about the bank balance ;), when you decide to upgrade to sometimg more than an old Toyota that's crying for fully forged bottom end then talk about brain cells :).


Says the guy posting on a forum for 'old Toyota'.


So its not about brain cells, its about money ( or your dad's, or his dad's) but no, a forged bottom end then makes it all about brain cells.


Sheesh Jazz. Are you trolling or are you really this special?

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Well like they say rich people are brainy people, Scott you think you are always correct and you think your above everyone. My dad is probably more thick then you, but his bank balance probably makes you look small :). Maybe I could go on about my brother the amount of cars he has and money yet he is actually younger then you :). So carry on being smart you will never be rich ;).

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Well like they say rich people are brainy people, Scott you think you are always correct and you think your above everyone. My dad is probably more thick then you, but his bank balance probably makes you look small :). Maybe I could go on about my brother the amount of cars he has and money yet he is actually younger then you :). So carry on being smart you will never be rich ;).


First and foremost I'm not above anyone mate. I'm middle of the road at the absolute best. I've been a middle of the pack guy all my life and I have always been happy being there. What is most definitely true though is that I don't suffer fools gladly, I can't change that about me so I tend to just throw in a funny spin every now and again to at least make it jesting ;)


It's not all about the money for folks like me bud. I don't have friends or family because of my bank balance, or potential bank balance, I have them because of being myself (strangely enough). I don't style myself based on other peoples opinions, I don't drive what other people think I should drive, I don't do what other people think I should do. I live my life the way I chose to and I am very happy doing so. I'm not wealthy, but I'm not poor (at least on the grand scale). We, as a family, have a modest income and we live within our means, like most people in the real world do. I have been fortunate enough to have the choice of what to do throughout my life, I could have opted for a more financially fruitful career, but instead I chose a career that would inspire me, challenge me and that was hands on while paying the bills and allowing me to provide myself and my family with niceties. I'm very happy in my life, I have a Wife, a Daughter, a Home, a couple of cars, some cats and we are fairly stable. When I look at things happening around me I would consider myself pretty lucky so I'm a very happy camper to be honest.


Tell me this Jazz, do you think you could stand up on your own 2 feet without daddy there to look after you? I think everyone knows the answer to this yet you don't seem phased by this at all. There are movies based on characters like you Jazz, the main difference between you and those characters is that they actually aspire to get out of their parents shadow rather than live off the scraps and hand-me-downs.


It's quite sad that you can't actually look at yourself and be honest about who you are and where you come from. Even on this forum. We've had more stories from you than jackanory over the years. Tell me this.... is the Supra even yours? Is your NASA father in law finished with work for the day? How about the elusive fiancee that we are yet to actually see any credible evidence of? Trust me on this, and you can take it to the bank to add to your huge pile of cash, if you don't start to grow up and mature the only girl you will get really will be for your bank balance, so you better make sure it's healthy or you're gonna be getting the uggos.



It's you're by the way.... as in 'you are'

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Lol im using my iPhone i did not bother reading all that but maybe you should spend more time with your family then posting on here? As for your information I have a very good job and I'm well paid :).


You didn't miss much bud, probably wouldn't have understood half of it anyway.


And let me guess, your lucrative job... working for daddy.

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Oh lol and ask another sad person on here like you his names Jake, he never believed what I said but the sad person actually made an enquiry about the Porsche bought from the show room lol how sad. I have nothing to proove then have jelous haters, I'm happy the way I was born it's people like you who have nothing better then degrade people like me.

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Well like they say rich people are brainy people, Scott you think you are always correct and you think your above everyone. My dad is probably more thick then you, but his bank balance probably makes you look small :). Maybe I could go on about my brother the amount of cars he has and money yet he is actually younger then you :). So carry on being smart you will never be rich ;).

Really? What about the people who win the lottery are they really brainy too?

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