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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

NA supra preferably an aerotop but will look at others


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as title says im after a supra come october so i thought id put the feelers out now, will be in a position to buy at the end of september as i have some where to store until i turn 25 in october,


as far as the car goes im looking for clean examples, standard or with oem bodykit only, not too fussed on colour with the aerotop as the plan will be to turn it into a tt6 when funds present themselves further down the line but with a normal na id be looking at black or white as a preferance.


dont mind something needing a little work but nothing major.


ok price wise id be wanting to spend between 2 - 3 k i know that isnt alot and i also accept that everyone values their supras at more than this but it is what there selling for on fleabay / autotrader. what i can promise however is that your car will be well cared for and will never darken the doorstep of halfords also i wont mess you around :p


thanks for reading this and lemme no, cheers lee

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Guest stevie.84
i brought my aero for 1800 two years ago, but it needed a lot of bodywork to restore it. prices are down now so 2-3k should get a nice example



+1 yeah I agree I paid £2.3k for mine 3 year ago and it just needed bodywork repairs and very minor mechanical so I think between £2k - £3k you'll pick up something nice good condition

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Surely this is worth a look for the money?






Thanks H I did send the guy a message but he's not got back to me ... A member on here has sent me some info about one in Devon I'm going to have a look at hopefully though. Plan is to get the car fit a trial rear, leather and sort out the cosmetics, brakes and ice before going tt and one day manual if I can find a box for a good price, that's what I want to do at least as I'm planning on keeping my next supra for some time!

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