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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Supra tt manual 6 speed- cash waiting 6-7k


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having been in the skyline scene for a few years i really want a supra now.


looking for a twin turbo manual. looking to spend about 6-7k


howvever if the right car came along (something special) i MAY be able to raise that a little more by borrowing some money. but ideally dont want to go above 7k max.


as long as the car engine , gearbox , etc are ok i could consider something which needs bodywork needing.



thanks guys....hope to be a supra owner soon!

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Here we go again. PLEASE live and let live .


Don't start this again.


I'm looking for a car, that's my budget. If anyone has anything to offer then please let me no.


No thread crapping .




But to be honest you can't blame people for thinking that your a trader as your also after a high end r33 gtr for little money on gtr owner club? So if you want a supra why you still after a skyline?

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To be honest guys unless this chap is harrasing members via pms etc to sell him their cars then whats the problem ?


If he comes back on here flogging cars simply for proffit then thats a differant story but as far as i can

see he's just trying to get a bargin.


Even if he's a trader, what differance does it make when he's only trying to buy ?

A member has the choice to accept or decline any offer they get, same as they do on parts.

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ive explained this before. i dont understand why i have to keep justifying myself time and again. the gtr is for a friend who lives abroad and has asked me to look out for one. and to be fair he is willing to pay 10-12k so its hardly a bargain.


all im after is a supra tt manual 6 speed. if somone has one to offer then please let me know, otherwise please keep your thooughts to yourself. there are mods who decide what actions to take to anyone breaking any rules so im sure they can do their job more than capably.



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FFS - some of you could pick a fight with Mother Theresa


It doesn't matter what you think they are worth - they are only worth what someone is willing to pay!


This chap is willing to pay 6-7K


So if you have one to sell him - great


If not then STFU and leave his thread alone - or do you think we should come along to every 'for sale' thread (even Jurgens) and say 'you must be joking mate - you will never get over 6-7K for that...'





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