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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

warning to sellers.


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hey folks.

as you know i have my car for sale on here and few other places,

a guy has tried to dupe me,

he said he was a marine engineer working at sea(fair enough) and he wanted to buy my car,he said he wanted to pay the full price and that someone is collecting it for him. (fair enough again)

so did a request payment for lucwater***@gmail.com.

than got another email saying he is sending payment and that the parson collecting it was coming from malaysia(WTF) and that he neeeded me to do western something or other at the post office for £600.

straight away my response was go fornicate witha small animal or yourself.

so be warned folks.

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Yeah I had this one too... got spammed loads of times with stupid rubbish like this. I quite enjoy playing along with them for a while just to see what they will come out with next. There's quite a few good websites where people really play these scammers and some of them make for some really good reading :D

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My ex's mum was chatting to a guy online for aaaaages and he wanted to come over and see her. She sent him a grand and never heard from him again! whooops.


Tell her thanks as it covered the costs of my new lights and an RS-R exhaust. I would have actually called by and banged her but she had a face like a dropped pie..!!


I think what Mr dwood is trying to say is that if anyone gets asked to forward money, especially through Western Union, you are being scammed.



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so now we are in a english grammer class.

tell you what.

if anyone has any comments other than "scammers and scaming" , why dont you post elsewhere.

start your own thread maybe.

a thread on english grammer maybe.

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so now we are in a english grammer class.

tell you what.

if anyone has any comments other than "scammers and scaming" , why dont you post elsewhere.

start your own thread maybe.

a thread on english grammer maybe.


It's grammar.


Sorry :p

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ive had this too! was looking for a raptor 660 quad and saw one i liked, was advertised in london so i thought easyyyyyyy! contacted the guy and he said it was actually in spain and that he wanted to do a bank transfer over western union, it was a few years ago so i was rather nieve, came to my senses not long after and told him where to go :D western union is a NO NO NO for me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i actually managed to fool myself into getting scammed.


I was desperate for cash and had an advert on my car out for 6months and was desperate since i just bought a house and money was running out.

They phoned me 2-3 times with different persons giving different variants of deals that would end up with them having the car transporting it to a buyer and then taking the difference in my price and theirs as comission.

I clearly told them no way but as this happened under 1-2 weeks in time i started thinking maybe its not such a bad idea what do i have to loose?

So then an energetic and talkitive salesman phoned me up and told me he had a buyer he would arrange everything but he need the papers signed today and he would drive 300km to get the car today and drive the car to the buyer after this.

he came and warning bells started ringing unfortunatley he was faster than lightning and did the talk the talk and a lot of distractions. i think all in it took about 8-10min until i had signed the car over to him and he and his cloney drove off with the car.

he called me again and again to report the progress in selling the car or rather the lack of progress. after 4-5 days i see my car for sale at a car dealer for about half the price i had asked for it and new i was screwed.

after 2 years the law caught up with the guy and he got 3 ½ years in jail and i lost my car and could not get it back so that was about 12000pounds down.

Im going to be sorry for this all my life and should have listened to myself instead of the grifter. the funny thing is that in my brain there was this little voice crying out all along your being set up your being set up, so in the end i fooled myself more than he did.

well the lesson is i never will trust anybody again even if they hand me the money in the hand i go to the bank first to check they are not false.


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i actually managed to fool myself into getting scammed.


I was desperate for cash and had an advert on my car out for 6months and was desperate since i just bought a house and money was running out.

They phoned me 2-3 times with different persons giving different variants of deals that would end up with them having the car transporting it to a buyer and then taking the difference in my price and theirs as comission.

I clearly told them no way but as this happened under 1-2 weeks in time i started thinking maybe its not such a bad idea what do i have to loose?

So then an energetic and talkitive salesman phoned me up and told me he had a buyer he would arrange everything but he need the papers signed today and he would drive 300km to get the car today and drive the car to the buyer after this.

he came and warning bells started ringing unfortunatley he was faster than lightning and did the talk the talk and a lot of distractions. i think all in it took about 8-10min until i had signed the car over to him and he and his cloney drove off with the car.

he called me again and again to report the progress in selling the car or rather the lack of progress. after 4-5 days i see my car for sale at a car dealer for about half the price i had asked for it and new i was screwed.

after 2 years the law caught up with the guy and he got 3 ½ years in jail and i lost my car and could not get it back so that was about 12000pounds down.

Im going to be sorry for this all my life and should have listened to myself instead of the grifter. the funny thing is that in my brain there was this little voice crying out all along your being set up your being set up, so in the end i fooled myself more than he did.

well the lesson is i never will trust anybody again even if they hand me the money in the hand i go to the bank first to check they are not false.



Sorry to hear this. These people prey on the vulnerable and desperate for cash. I would lose my mind in similar circumstances.



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