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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

wanted twin turbo aerotop


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i been looking everywhere i cant find a aerotop twin turbo anywhere i missed the one dudes friend was selling but aint seen none anywhere else


not sure if ill find one for the right money

been looking at tt6 as well but aint seen one i like the look of i hate the vielside kit and it seems a lot of cars have it although it can be changed i guess but thats more money and hassle

but ill wait with the cash untill the right one comes hopefully

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I have an aero top and full tt conversion in the garage, apart from TT clocks. I will even chuck in an engine lift.



im not really looking to spend 8k and have loads of work to do id rather buy a gz aerotop or a rz tt6

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I will drop you a pm when its done, however i wont be doing it until the winter. When you have an aero its best to enjoy the sunny days when you can!
lol yeah i know what you mean there im in no hurry anyway and i dont think there will be loads of aerotops turning up very quick
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