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Price of petrol WTF

Bill Prawn

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I've always said that if cars could be converted to run on sea water..... the government would tax that too !!!

Seriously though I think there would be government barriers brought into place if such an engine was designed.


Same sort of thing when they found out that diesel engines could run on used chip fat.... they brought in a law to stop people buying enough of it to run their cars.

This government (along with other oil driven economies) will do anything to keep the motorist paying through their noses for petrol and diesel. They'll do this because they are making soooo much money from us.

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If, and when there is an alternative to oil based fuel, there will be an insentive for the masses to buy, then, as with deisel, remember the price it was compared to 4 star 20+ years ago? when everyone is running the alternative Mr Taxman will up the duty to be paid - almost weekly! - then Mr 'Greenman' ( the slipper wearing peddal pushing vegi!) will say that it's actually worse than before and that then will affect the price, we, the motorists are on a hiding to nothing, I hate to use this phrase but we are the 'easy target' it's like taking candy from a baby..


Take the Toyota hybrid thingy, really fuel efficient, but has batteries - I think! - how much will it cost to despose of those batteries let alone the car when it's reached it's sell by date?

One does have to ask if it is so good why are the government backing and promoting it and all the other fuel effecient cars for that matter? - double standards and LOSS OF REVENUE PERHAPS?

They couldnt get you whilst driving the damned things but I guarantee if every one starts using them they will get you at the end of their life.


I have to agree, no matter how much we plead shout, rant, riot, and debate,

(mass - debating in the case of this government!!) we do, we aint going to be heard my friends.

Perhaps a revolution is needed - count me in!

Get rid of the lot of em and lets have people that have at least some knowledge of the common man and his/her day to day plights.

To many 'straight from Uni students' with power, what do they know about the real world which we live in???

Lets hear it for Wolfy - power to the people... oops, showing my age....


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We were talking about this at work a while back - they should actually vote for all the important things, not have a democracy where we vote once every few years and leave it to them, but on every decision.


We were debating how it could be logged, because it would need to be done pretty quick not set up like the elections (maybe the new ID cards they want us to buy would be a good means?).

We were also wondering if people would be too blinkered about it, like if a suggestion came in to remove income tax completely would people OK it out of selfish greed or would they actually think about the consequences? I suppose if they did OK it, after a month or two of having no emergency services and bins not being collected and the NHS going to even more shit they might think twice and vote to bring the tax back in!!


Anyway this is off topic sorry.

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right I've had enough of this too. I posted about it the other day so i won't reitterate my dismay, however I'd like to talk about raising public awareness, since the newspapers have better things to report about.


How about a mass mailing? We get thousands of flyers printed and post them through peoples doors? get lots of other groups and individuals doing it, with some damning words / statistics / percentages on there / throw this government out, they don't care that they're making us unhappy etc.


well? :rolleyes:

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A reply at last......



Thank you for your email regarding the cost of fuel in the UK.


As you will know volatile world oil prices have resulted in higher UK pump prices than would otherwise have been expected in recent months. In response to volatile oil prices the government announced a continuation of the freeze on main road fuel duties for this year.


We have announced that we will defer the inflation increase in fuel duties, planned for 1 September, owing to sustained volatility in the oil market. This will now be reviewed in the Pre-Budget Report.


Thank again for your enquiry. I hope this is of assistance






Jacqueline Nally

Communications Unit

The Labour Party


Labour - the work goes on


Well that clears it up nicely :conf:

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I am seriusly thinking of emergrating to the US :) As long as they can ship the Soop over to me :)


Use some of the cash they have given to other country's to help us UK people out maybe..


Sorry, I am a strong beliver in charity begins at home and for the cats *sage*

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Regular 95RON topped 90p per litre at my closest garage today.


...and I just bought 800 litres of heating oil for the house (a year's worth). That's gone up by 50% in about 8 months!


If we were paying normal levels of VAT on petrol you would have the same problem with that right now as the heating oil. Basically as you are paying a very low amount of duty on oil the cost of crude by the barrel is almost directly related to the cost of the fuel oil you buy and as the cost of crude by the barrel has almost doubled recently that will explain that.

Because petrol is so taxed the major outlay for it is duty so the cost of the oil itself doesn't affect as obviously.


Par example

you pay 30 p a litre for oil and 90 p a litre for petrol double the cost of crude and you end up paying about 55 p for oil but only an increase to 115p on petrol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another reply.


That's it all solved for me now.


There's nothing that can be done, we'll just carry on being fleeced because the dti says it's ok :complain:


Thank you for your e-mail enquiry. I apologise for the delay in replying to you.


I understand your concern regarding fuel prices. However, like other commodities, oil is traded in international markets and therefore, despite the UK being a net exporter of oil, the UK is not immune to movements in the international price of oil. Recent high oil prices have been due to a number of factors, most notably: strong global oil demand, particularly from China and the US; low oil inventory levels; and geopolitical uncertainty in key producing countries.


But I understand the effect that the high price of oil is having on consumers such as yourself and I do sympathise with you. More stable and lower oil prices would benefit UK consumers and also help aid global economic growth. That is why the UK Government urged OPEC nations to increase supplies in order to help ease tightness in the international oil market. Recent commitments from OPEC producers to increase production have already seen extra supplies reach the market and a softening of oil prices. Average UK petrol prices have also begun to fall as a result.


The UK Government will continue to engage with oil producing and consuming countries to promote the benefits of more stable, competitive and transparent international oil markets. We consider this the best mechanism for providing reliable supplies at affordable prices.


The Government's policy is not to intervene in commercial price setting because it believes that the consumer is best served by the operation of open competition between companies. However, if you believe that the high prices for fuel in his area indicates anti-competitive behaviour, you should write, with as much detailed evidence to the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), at the address below:


The Director of Fair Trading (DGFT)

Office of Fair Trading

Fleet House

2 - 6 Salisbury Square

London EC4Y 9JX.


The DGFT has power to investigate allegation of anti-competitive agreement and abuse of dominant market position in the oil market


Regarding rates of duty on fuel, this is the responsibility of HM Revenue and Customs, who can be contacted on telephone: 0845 010 9000 or website: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/





DTI Response Centre

020 7215 5000

email: [email protected]


Please discuss.


Especially the part about falling prices and the government not intervening to set prices.

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We need nation wide road blockades during rush hour. It's the only thing that'll make the government sit up and take notice. They s**t when London ground to a hault during the bombings and urged people to get back to work... was it "to show we are not affraid" or because they were losing money?

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Regarding rates of duty on fuel, this is the responsibility of HM Revenue and Customs, who can be contacted on telephone: 0845 010 9000 or website: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/


So basically, it's screwed, but it's not his fault.


I like the leafleting idea, encouraging people to write to their MPs by the masses... between the people on this site and every other UK based car forum we must have the whole of the UK covered several times over!


People simply aren't making enough noise over this, and when they do it's not co-ordinated or reported on. I'm sure that if every MP in the country received several thousand letters of complaint that the attention this receives would go up slightly......

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It's just pathetic that all these government responses seem to overlook the fact that it's their stupid taxation level is what we are complaining about ..... the majority of us expect oil prices to fluctuate and over the years it is bound to increase as underground oil sites become more difficult to find (and/or mine).

But its the same with every response I've had from these 'government officials' where by they 'pass the buck' of the blame to the price of oil... when it is the fooking level of taxation we are on about !

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If this hits the £1 barrier I think we should just cause absolute mahem by driving incredibly slow on the M25 at all major junctions!!! there should be enough other forums who feel the way we do...?


If prices go up the government should take the hit not us.... 85% of the bill that we pay is fecking TAX!!!!!!!! :thumbdown:


Here's an idea......


Since we are paying for everything in the country with our Taxes.... don't you think that we should have an itemised billing that is publicly displayed on the internet so that we can see what the government are spending the money on. Not 2.5mil on roads, 6.5mil on Schools... etc

why not have 400,000 at school x for A,B,C - you get the hint...

like an itemised bill with your mobile for example? Or is this too difficult for them?

rant over...:D

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If this hits the £1 barrier I think we should just cause absolute mahem by driving incredibly slow on the M25 at all major junctions!!! there should be enough other forums who feel the way we do...?


If prices go up the government should take the hit not us.... 85% of the bill that we pay is fecking TAX!!!!!!!! :thumbdown:


Here's an idea......


Since we are paying for everything in the country with our Taxes.... don't you think that we should have an itemised billing that is publicly displayed on the internet so that we can see what the government are spending the money on. Not 2.5mil on roads, 6.5mil on Schools... etc

why not have 400,000 at school x for A,B,C - you get the hint...

like an itemised bill with your mobile for example? Or is this too difficult for them?

rant over...:D


Good rant. Both they and us need to start realising that it is *our* country, and *our* taxes, not theirs.


I would gladly do a go-slow. Even if it meant driving to London first (that's where the M25 is, right?)

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