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BodyBuilding/Weight training ?


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Should of said, a heart rate monitor is good to use to help keeping you in the optimal fat burning zone whilst doing cardio. The right kind of cardio, diet AND weight training helps you get visable abs.


I never seem to have the time to do any cardio etc but they say a good weight session, especially if you are having a period of higher reps is as good as a cardio workout, my pal who has been on the HGH for 3 years now does absolutly no ab work and has a 6 pack as good as any mens health model and he eats pretty much anything he wants and is like I said 47 years old.

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I would go even further and say training is 10-15% of it the remaining 85% is diet and recovery ;)



Im confused....does cardio not burn fat then??


No not really, cardio is really for a fitness/heart type effect, in fact true cardio can burn muscle, fat burning is a much slower pace and I mean much slower.

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I never seem to have the time to do any cardio etc but they say a good weight session, especially if you are having a period of higher reps is as good as a cardio workout, my pal who has been on the HGH for 3 years now does absolutly no ab work and has a 6 pack as good as any mens health model and he eats pretty much anything he wants and is like I said 47 years old.


The right weight training is definitely as good as or sometimes better than cardio. I try to tell my girl friends this but they're all worried about getting

big, which wont really happen as they don't produce anywhere near as much testosterone as men.


Anyway when I'm trying to cut up I just do try and do a mixture of weights and cardio if I have time. If not weights come first.

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i have been trying to get a six pack for years, nearly did a few years years back then it went, trying again now though... any tips?


Everyone has a six pack, its just a case of how well hidden it is, you need to be careful as ive seen guys develop 'thick' 6 packs from doing too much ab work with weights, makes you look fat till you take off your top !!!!

I quite like sit ups on a swiss ball as its a good core excersise due to having to balance whilst doing it, I alternate that with crunches and I mean crunches, not sit ups, then I'll have a month of what I call holding sit ups, feet under bench go back and twist, hold just off floor for count of 5 then back up, 2 sets of 50 then 2 with a reg sit up holding just off the floor for 5, again 50 reps, also a proper mean workout where you sit up and place a medicine ball first to your right on a bench, then middle then left, with a sit up between each one.

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Well just say what I have been putting myself through since mid March of this year. The only type of supplements I have taken are vitamin B for metabolism, glucosamine for my old man knees, ginger tabs for digestion and green tea for detox, though I wasn't looking to bulk up just tone up as I had no muscle definition.

My diet consists of a slice of pineapple and a special K bar for breakfast, Lunch consists of a small bowl of baked beans a rice cake, banana, nectarine and muller light yogurt. Then another special K bar mid afternoon. Then Dinner will be high protein I have a lot of lean mince steak pan fried with small amount of flora low cholestarol stuff, then spiced on some mexican style rice. For afters a apple, another nectarine and another muller light yogurt oh and another special K bar.

I then try to do 30 min work out in the morn consisting mainly weight training and some ab crunches and then same again in the evening but for an hour. I also do a lot of walking with a weighted back pack only 30lbs in it but after a long walk you know it's there. I try to do this through out the weekday and take the weekends off.

My results so far are pretty good I have dropped over 2 stone in weight my abs are more defined and I no longer have moobs :D. I am probably the thinnest/fittest I have ever been. I have found it takes a lot of time, determination and will power, as at one point I was dreaming of eating sausage rolls FFS.

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Ok ABS!! we all have them, simple as that, but how pronounced and thick they are, are all determined by Genetics. Some people can keep abs all year round by doing pretty much nothing. Other's have to work at them to get the BF down to a low level to actually see them. For me i never train abs, and have visble abs all year round. Now if im competing i then train them to a certain degree. That coupled with cardio/low impact and my high intensity training(just as good as cardio if you do it right) is good enough to get my weight down to a low level, so that iv got a good 6 pack.


Remember 4 pack, 6 pack, even an 8 pack are all determined by Genetics, simple as that, you will have one of the 3. For me its a 6, but suppose iv got crap genetics, i blame my dad for that. :D


If we were all the same, then we would be all in the same boat when it came to building size, etc. We aint though, some have it, some dont, and some got to work at it harder to achieve it, and some well there just lazy and will never have it. :D

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Ok try these, superpump250 and sizeon creatine combined you will explode and feel like a animal, if you want to go extreme combine plasmajet tablets with the combo. Iv tryed all these and my gains aswell as strength was off the world, I also had lean mass then bulk.

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Well done bud, great results



Well just say what I have been putting myself through since mid March of this year. The only type of supplements I have taken are vitamin B for metabolism, glucosamine for my old man knees, ginger tabs for digestion and green tea for detox, though I wasn't looking to bulk up just tone up as I had no muscle definition.

My diet consists of a slice of pineapple and a special K bar for breakfast, Lunch consists of a small bowl of baked beans a rice cake, banana, nectarine and muller light yogurt. Then another special K bar mid afternoon. Then Dinner will be high protein I have a lot of lean mince steak pan fried with small amount of flora low cholestarol stuff, then spiced on some mexican style rice. For afters a apple, another nectarine and another muller light yogurt oh and another special K bar.

I then try to do 30 min work out in the morn consisting mainly weight training and some ab crunches and then same again in the evening but for an hour. I also do a lot of walking with a weighted back pack only 30lbs in it but after a long walk you know it's there. I try to do this through out the weekday and take the weekends off.

My results so far are pretty good I have dropped over 2 stone in weight my abs are more defined and I no longer have moobs :D. I am probably the thinnest/fittest I have ever been. I have found it takes a lot of time, determination and will power, as at one point I was dreaming of eating sausage rolls FFS.

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Well done bud, great results


Thanks mate, it has been hard and I am still on it, I am hoping it's a lifestyle change for me as I used to eat c@*p all the time never eat anything healthy always processed or sweets/ chocolate etc and at really random times late at night. I was only 12 stone but when you only stand 5ft 8 on a good day every pound shows :), last time I checked which was a few weeks back I was 9stone 12.

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Thanks mate, it has been hard and I am still on it, I am hoping it's a lifestyle change for me as I used to eat c@*p all the time never eat anything healthy always processed or sweets/ chocolate etc and at really random times late at night. I was only 12 stone but when you only stand 5ft 8 on a good day every pound shows :), last time I checked which was a few weeks back I was 9stone 12.


9st 12 !!!!! Im only 5ft 10 and im close to 15st in that pic and I have skinny legs if I got to 11st I would look like im about to die! Are you sure thats the weight you want to be.

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9st 12 !!!!! Im only 5ft 10 and im close to 15st in that pic and I have skinny legs if I got to 11st I would look like im about to die! Are you sure thats the weight you want to be.


train them you girl. :p

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train them you girl. :p


I did and they grew loads, unfortunatly my top grew more so i looked out of proportion still !!!!! Anyway just getting ready to go back in the gym after a year off so we will see how they fare this time !!!

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9st 12 !!!!! Im only 5ft 10 and im close to 15st in that pic and I have skinny legs if I got to 11st I would look like im about to die! Are you sure thats the weight you want to be.


Was just thinking same thing mate. 9st 12 and 5foot 8 seems very small ...

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Ok ABS!! we all have them, simple as that, but how pronounced and thick they are, are all determined by Genetics. Some people can keep abs all year round by doing pretty much nothing. Other's have to work at them to get the BF down to a low level to actually see them. For me i never train abs, and have visble abs all year round. Now if im competing i then train them to a certain degree. That coupled with cardio/low impact and my high intensity training(just as good as cardio if you do it right) is good enough to get my weight down to a low level, so that iv got a good 6 pack.


Remember 4 pack, 6 pack, even an 8 pack are all determined by Genetics, simple as that, you will have one of the 3. For me its a 6, but suppose iv got crap genetics, i blame my dad for that. :D


If we were all the same, then we would be all in the same boat when it came to building size, etc. We aint though, some have it, some dont, and some got to work at it harder to achieve it, and some well there just lazy and will never have it. :D


I think I blame my dad too! He is 5'11 and i'm 6ft. He is really fat (17 stone plus easy). I'm scared to death to be like him so never really been a junk food man.. So, i'm 6ft and according to my parents scales i weighed 10 stone as of March this year... Since then, stuck to big G's diet he sent me religiously, not even a chocolate bar, packet of crisps, nothing. Been going to the gym 3 times a week and till now i'm seeing no results at all. The wife says i've filled out but to be honest I feel horrible! Feel worse now than when I started. Feel I now carry excess weight, look terrible and with the big amounts of protein intake every day, my arse smells terrible! Not been to the gym for over a week now as it's depressing. Especially when I go to the gym and i'm the only skinny dude there! All the guys in work call me anorexic and take the hit and miss that I go to the gym and see nothing!


I must be one of those that naturally can't do it!

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I think I blame my dad too! He is 5'11 and i'm 6ft. He is really fat (17 stone plus easy). I'm scared to death to be like him so never really been a junk food man.. So, i'm 6ft and according to my parents scales i weighed 10 stone as of March this year... Since then, stuck to big G's diet he sent me religiously, not even a chocolate bar, packet of crisps, nothing. Been going to the gym 3 times a week and till now i'm seeing no results at all. The wife says i've filled out but to be honest I feel horrible! Feel worse now than when I started. Feel I now carry excess weight, look terrible and with the big amounts of protein intake every day, my arse smells terrible! Not been to the gym for over a week now as it's depressing. Especially when I go to the gym and i'm the only skinny dude there! All the guys in work call me anorexic and take the hit and miss that I go to the gym and see nothing!


I must be one of those that naturally can't do it!


You feel terrible? Carry Excess weight, look terrible Something a miss here dude, so have you lost any weight?

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You feel terrible? Carry Excess weight, look terrible Something a miss here dude, so have you lost any weight?


I don't know mate, my parents binned their scales! I don't think i've lost weight, i'd say i've put it on, just not where i'd like. I'd say feel terrible as in not looking good or seeing any change. I think my eating habits/gym have made my sleeping habits MUCH better. Most nights I can go to bed and sleep now rather than stare at the ceiling!


I didn't mean for any of the previous statement to have any kind of go at you, after all you've done for me dude, i'm really greatful for all you help this far mate. Just feeling really down that everyone seems to have results rather than me!

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Graham it takes ages to build a good physique dude. You can't just hit the gym for x amount of months and wake up big and ripped. Christ it's taken Me years to learn what my body likes. You have to have will power and determination. Without these then it will be a struggle.


You need to learn to be patient Rome wasn't built in a day remember. And we all start off somewhere dude. You should see pics of me prior to me training. I look I'll. Just go and

Enjoy training and eating. Just keep your foods clean and have cheats at the wknd.

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Graham, i have always found the body grows in plateaus, maybe you just have not reached yours yet, you may just have a spurt of growth, get some training advice from the gym you go to, try BSN Nitrix, I put a stone on in a month, I've had roids that dont work as well !!!!!

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Graham it takes ages to build a good physique dude. You can't just hit the gym for x amount of months and wake up big and ripped. Christ it's taken Me years to learn what my body likes. You have to have will power and determination. Without these then it will be a struggle.


You need to learn to be patient Rome wasn't built in a day remember. And we all start off somewhere dude. You should see pics of me prior to me training. I look I'll. Just go and

Enjoy training and eating. Just keep your foods clean and have cheats at the wknd.


I know mate, I have the will power and plenty of determination, just thought i'd see some sort of results after a good few months! Maybe i'm not doing it right in the gym! I haven't even had a cheat day! The guys in work wanted a burger king the other day but I just couldn't do it! Looked nice too! :(


Graham, i have always found the body grows in plateaus, maybe you just have not reached yours yet, you may just have a spurt of growth, get some training advice from the gym you go to, try BSN Nitrix, I put a stone on in a month, I've had roids that dont work as well !!!!!


Funny, a (sort of) mate is a personal trainer at the gym I go to. I did some work on his car the other week and in return he said he'd do me a few sessions. Since then he's disappeared off the face of the earth. Bugger!


I'll have to give the BSN a try dude, been using Extreme Nutrition Pro-6. It has done really well at taking the hunger away and tastes real good (they just changed from milk chocolate to rich chocolate, so not quite as nice!) Happy to try anything that may help..


Thank you both for your help! Maybe one day i'll be able to say it worked!

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