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BodyBuilding/Weight training ?


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I think you are thinking wrong product, pretty much every star over 30 in hollywood is on HGH, and one of my mates old boy has grown quite a lot and it wasnt like he even needed help in that direction!!! Oh and BTW steroids shrink your balls and not your cock and the aggresion IMO is just an excuse for being badly behaved, im aggresive on or off roids does not make a lot of diff except if im on a course I will make an exeption and tell myself, calm down its you, when it prob isn't, as for hard on my 47 year old mate is shagging like a teenager again !!!!


:D good times!!!!

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Happy to stand corrected, i can only comment on what i experienced with my training partner. and yes i am well aware he was using a large cocktail of a number of drugs.


as for the comment about seeing me coming not the case at all, i actully found that the muscle tech was really good along with synagy (not sure how you spell it) and i would only buy muscle tech if it was on offer , usually £45, i wouldnt rate anything however as i have noticed that different products work for different people and was just trying to provide the OP with info of what has worked for me.

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Hi i've been in the business for over 15 years now and i can tell you ..DONT do this .I mean steroids or HGH. ..you will look good for few year's but they seriously mes you up

on the end. I've never touch this but i know few blokes who ended in big health trouble after steroids.

Stay clean eat good food do not snack between meals ,train hard !!!

If you have problems with fat on you abs Just reduce you carbs and do 40 min of CV in the morning and after a couple of weeks you will notice big difference in you look..

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Hi i've been in the business for over 15 years now and i can tell you ..DONT do this .I mean steroids or HGH. ..you will look good for few year's but they seriously mes you up

on the end. I've never touch this but i know few blokes who ended in big health trouble after steroids.

Stay clean eat good food do not snack between meals ,train hard !!!

If you have problems with fat on you abs Just reduce you carbs and do 40 min of CV in the morning and after a couple of weeks you will notice big difference in you look..


I reckon at 47 by the time it messed me up it would no longer matter !!!!

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Hi i've been in the business for over 15 years now and i can tell you ..DONT do this .I mean steroids or HGH. ..you will look good for few year's but they seriously mes you up

on the end. I've never touch this but i know few blokes who ended in big health trouble after steroids.

Stay clean eat good food do not snack between meals ,train hard !!!

If you have problems with fat on you abs Just reduce you carbs and do 40 min of CV in the morning and after a couple of weeks you will notice big difference in you look..


I hear what youre saying mate but thats a big sweeping statement.


Surely u have to take into account how much use, what product, what rest periods, what volumes etc etc

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HGH works well, I know alot of cage fighters and full time body builders who take it and have been for a number of years without issues. As with everything though there probably will be a small % that have had an issue due to bad batches or abusing it etc....


There's no point in looking at a quick fix though. You need a solid foundation before taking anything, otherwise it's pointless.


Just get a solid diet and regime sorted initially and then keep on building naturally until you feel you plateau and need something to push you that little extra.

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Don't get me wrong you might be Ok look awesome and die when you 90.

or you might die on the spot when you hit the vein on the first injection and let the air bubble in to your heart,.

I know few EX PRO body builder's who deeply regret going in to a "Dark side of this sport" for a few months or years of "fame"

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Don't get me wrong you might be Ok look awesome and die when you 90.

or you might die on the spot when you hit the vein on the first injection and let the air bubble in to your heart,.

I know few EX PRO body builder's who deeply regret going in to a "Dark side of this sport" for a few months or years of "fame"


I thought thats why you pulled the plunger out before injecting and any fool can ping the pump to get the air to the top, IMO its excess that is the problem, I don't want to live to 90, prob not even 80, I do want to be a fit and strong man capable of looking after himself till the day i depart for the great dragstrip in the sky.

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Any one tried met-rex size up?


I am only using Met-Rx Supreme Whey Protein and Met-Rx Protein Bar BIG 100, but judging by the quality of Met-Rx products, Met-Rx Xtreme Size Up should be pretty good too (if you are referring to this one).

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Im really struggling to see the downside


I suspect with drugs it is the things you can't see that will be the problem.


You look good though Dude, no denying that. Never introducing you to my wife (not that I have introduced myself to you yet but i'm sure you get what I mean)



Edit: I think cancer etc is becoming more widespread due to the rubbish we put in our bodies. Even if you build muscle mass etc it is surely increasing a risk (I don't know or care by how much) of developing a problem for your body. I suppose it is whether, in your mind, the benefit of taking things outweighs the potential risk.

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why would you want to use this dude? do you know how this drug works? how to use it? when to use it?


id concentrate more on your training and diet first dude.


There is loads of places on the web to get this stuff, but are you getting the right stuff, or are you getting some form HGH that some kid has cooked up in his bedroom???


Listen to Geo he knows what he is talking about. Dont even think about HGH or steroids unless you know exactly what you are doing. Its not a case of pumping them in and hitting the gym. You would need to look at a post cycle course of hormones to counter the effects of the steroids etc so its not a simple process and one I certainly wouldn't get into lightly due to the risks.


There is to much talk of supplements on this thread. The word kinda gives you some indication about what a supplement is used for......to supplement an already good diet. Everyone seems to overlook this and think its a magic formula for getting bigger ;).


intense and consistent training with a good diet is all you need.


Also forget all the other nonesense workouts etc you hear in the gym. Find what works for you and work damn hard at it ;)

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I suspect with drugs it is the things you can't see that will be the problem.


You look good though Dude, no denying that. Never introducing you to my wife (not that I have introduced myself to you yet but i'm sure you get what I mean)



Edit: I think cancer etc is becoming more widespread due to the rubbish we put in our bodies. Even if you build muscle mass etc it is surely increasing a risk (I don't know or care by how much) of developing a problem for your body. I suppose it is whether, in your mind, the benefit of taking things outweighs the potential risk.


Thats not me dude thats a pal of mine, yeah the tans real he's 6ft 6, 32" waist 50" something chest only taken the HGH,don't look bad for 44, im a bit shorter

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+1 to what Geo and mikeyb10supra said!




I've found that training hard is maybe 30-35% of it.

Diet is the rest. Be consistent with it and you will see massive results. Training abs a lot wont give you a six pack. cut the carbs and do 45 mins

steady cardio before breakfast. If you can train twice a day, when you do weights, a mixture of drop sets and super sets with 1min rests did me a

world of good.


As for supplements I used Hydroxcut fat burner and I think PHD nutrition whey. But don't rely too heavily on supplements, diet is the most important

thing imo.

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I've found that training hard is maybe 30-35% of it.

Diet is the rest. Be consistent with it and you will see massive results. Training abs a lot wont give you a six pack. cut the carbs and do 45 mins

steady cardio before breakfast. If you can train twice a day, when you do weights, a mixture of drop sets and super sets with 1min rests did me a

world of good.


As for supplements I used Hydroxcut fat burner and I think PHD nutrition whey. But don't rely too heavily on supplements, diet is the most important

thing imo.


Why does everyone refer to cardio as the way to get abs, its not, fat burning is completly different to cardio.

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I've found that training hard is maybe 30-35% of it.

Diet is the rest. Be consistent with it and you will see massive results. Training abs a lot wont give you a six pack. cut the carbs and do 45 mins

steady cardio before breakfast. If you can train twice a day, when you do weights, a mixture of drop sets and super sets with 1min rests did me a

world of good.


As for supplements I used Hydroxcut fat burner and I think PHD nutrition whey. But don't rely too heavily on supplements, diet is the most important

thing imo.


I would go even further and say training is 10-15% of it the remaining 85% is diet and recovery ;)


Why does everyone refer to cardio as the way to get abs, its not, fat burning is completly different to cardio.

Im confused....does cardio not burn fat then??

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