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I need some Part Numbers please


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Could one of the guys with a working EPC get me some part numbers for my 1993 RZ Auto please?



  • Frame : JZA80-0008210
  • Model : JZA80-ALPQZ

I need the following part numbers:


Cambelt tensioner and Idler Wheel (Parts A and B in this picture)

Water pump and gasket(s)


FEAD belt tensioner wheel and bearing. ("Fan belt" tensioner wheel and bearing)



Thanks a lot! :respekt:

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Cambelt tensioner 13540-46012........49.65 + vat

Idler...................13505-46041........55.27 + vat

water pump.........16100-49846........110.92 + vat (include gasket & housing)

fan belt tensioner.16620-0w022........104.13 + vat

cambelt..............13568-49036.........23.68 + vat

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Thanks James! Those are the Toyota part numbers, right?

£23.68 seems very cheap for a genuine Toyota cambelt.



I'd appreciate an EPC exploded diagram of the cambelt tensioner assembly if anyone could get me one please.

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I need to see where the idler stop and the tensioner starts, if you see what I mean. If the tensioner is just that wheel then I don't need one, mine is broken on the cast alloy bracket that the wheel is bolted to.

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