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Child with Autism. The on going thread

The Raven

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Naths meeting went well presented the case for sending him to a disabled school and the chap seems to agree. No hulk smashing needed


Will he be treated as permanently disabled 'so let's just manage the condition and not get our hopes up', or will outright cures and solutions still be persued with a vengeance and the positive attitude that if one child can be cured, he may be too?


I fear that a specialist disabled school might take the attitude that they know best and that there is no cure, or they would know about it.


It's a common problem.

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There is no cure. Only hard work can change his life. Main stream school was never going to happan. He is 4 cant talk and is still in nappies. He needs to be somewhere they understand his needs and can provide for them.


Many of the teachers/help have children that have problems they have a on site speech and OT soft play/ ipads


All i want for him in life is for him to be able to live on his own, right now that simply isnt going to happen, i gave up thinking "its all going to be ok" a long time ago. Its just not his ASD is severe, he also has a part of one of his chromosome missing.


I will continue to teach him and work with him as best i can and with him going to a school that might work on speech more than counting or spelling he might get there

Edited by The Raven (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i think its time to give some good news.


Number one im in a better place than i was when i wrote the last few times. Been back to the gym and lost a stone ish. Getting the car fixed at long last i think i may have hit rock bottom so the only way is up. I spoke to a friend i hadnt seen in ages though no fault of our own, (both working flat out) and clicked with him right away again.


Better still nath had a portage worker who was the best person we ever came in contact with. When her time was up we kept in touch and after meeting up with the Mrs she has offered to help him off her own back. I really cant state enough how great that is, someone who we dont really know that well is going to take her own time to help him.


Guess over the last few weeks my faith in humanity has returned once again.

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  • 1 month later...

Bump a roo.


Nath is continuing on the same path, very small improvments. On a plus side he loves swimming put a lifejack on him and hes away. His sleeping was getting better until the 3.30am wake up last night.


He is now chewing everything in sight (just not his chew stick) and playing with his mouth a few different sounds coming out to. Never know maybe he might give us a word soon?


His schooling is still in process so a few more weeks wait. We have a team around the child meeting to discuss it with all the people he sees soon.


We have been offered restbite? where they take him away for a few days.......not a fn chance.


We are going to save up some money and see if we can get him a IPad to help with his learning

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Thats awesome, thanks for sharing that


I heard him on the radio last week. His mum said that when he was younger, although he didn't talk, he had a fascination with volumes of various containers and would empty cornflake packets all over the house!


Secretly, he was teaching himself calculus!


I only know that it's how complicated volumes are calculated but nothing more. It's supposed to be quite hard to grasp for the average person.


Watch your son staring at things as they move and stuff like that. He may have high visual acuity or a photographic memory.


Has he been diagnosed with actual brain damage or is the term still just 'Autism'?


If there's no physical problem, the lack of one thing will probably result in the excess of something else; that's the way I would look at it.

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Bump a roo.


Nath is continuing on the same path, very small improvments. On a plus side he loves swimming put a lifejack on him and hes away. His sleeping was getting better until the 3.30am wake up last night.


He is now chewing everything in sight (just not his chew stick) and playing with his mouth a few different sounds coming out to. Never know maybe he might give us a word soon?


His schooling is still in process so a few more weeks wait. We have a team around the child meeting to discuss it with all the people he sees soon.


We have been offered restbite? where they take him away for a few days.......not a fn chance.


We are going to save up some money and see if we can get him a IPad to help with his learning


Mate I can understand you not wanting the offer of respite, totally, but don't dismiss it out of hand. There might come a time when you both desperatley need a short break. There are a lot of people that are experienced and willing to help with anything.

Have you had any contact with John Blamyres?

On another note are you at Bluewater on Saturday. It would be nice to meet you!

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Nath is only 4 there maybe a time when we have to have a break but not yet. I guess i took it as a "you cant cope" kind of thing.


Alas Bluewater is still a distant event.


Car is broken........still and about to cost alot of £££ to fix.


Dont know john? should i?

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Nath is only 4 there maybe a time when we have to have a break but not yet. I guess i took it as a "you cant cope" kind of thing.


Alas Bluewater is still a distant event.


Car is broken........still and about to cost alot of £££ to fix.


Dont know john? should i?


Sorry didn't check it. It should have read Jo Blamyres. She leads and co ordinates a load of things in relation to ASD in Kent. She works tirelessly e mailing on behalf of people for help advice etc. http://www.kentautistic.com/contactus/index.php


Can you turn up in a different motor?


What's up with the car? You haven't let Kaan lose on it have you?

Edited by Steve Paine
Add a bit cause at times I don't think (see edit history)
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Sorry didn't check it. It should have read Jo Blamyres. She leads and co ordinates a load of things in relation to ASD in Kent. She works tirelessly e mailing on behalf of people for help advice etc


Can you turn up in a different motor?


What's up with the car? You haven't let Kaan lose on it have you?


Whats that suppose to mean? :think:


I was actually gunno ask him if he wants to come up with me next month if his cars still not running.

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Whats that suppose to mean? :think:


I was actually gunno ask him if he wants to come up with me next month if his cars still not running.


Pulling your leg fella. You don't seem to be having a lot of luck recently! Such a shame as I do love what you have done to your car!

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Pulling your leg fella. You don't seem to be having a lot of luck recently! Such a shame as I do love what you have done to your car!


Its a decent car just a few problems I had to sort out since buying it in the terrible state it was in. It's getting there I have a few nice plans for next year :D

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Thanks for the offer Kaan.


I will make it soon! promise.


Following on nath is not brain damaged he has learning delay coupled with his autism. Like i said many times i dont care if he never gets a job or GCSEs or much of anything all i want for him is independant living. Onwards and upwards i guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well got his statement though today, tough reading if im honest think a few beers might be in order tonight. The result is he should get this place in the local disabled school that we wanted him to attend.


The other good news is they are having a all new school built next year so he will have lots of new things to use.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well the team around the child went well.


Im not shy by any means but having 15 people all looking at you waiting for you to ask questions was a bit hard. We got over the points we wanted to make and meet his teacher for next year she is very nice.


We looked around the school and meet a few of the other parents that will have children in his class. Nath is now able to carry out much more complex sorting tasks. he has a small 6 shape game. The are only the size of a 2p yet he was able to sort them all and place them on the proper stick.


Might not seem alot for a 4 year old but beacuse they are small he really has to look to see the shape, and also fight the urge to colour match them. His friend just started talking and is using speech more and more each day so we are still holding out hope he might speak.


His PECS is still moving on he now uses a "i want" symbol then uses another to say what he needs, then places both onto a velco strip and brings it to an adult and waits for the item.

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Bit of a scare yesterday.


Nath has started to fall over quite alot. He did this when he was younger but seemed to grow out of it. Well yeterday while running around the front tree he run head long into a branch and went flying. He now has a nasty cut above and below his lip. Lucky his teeth where ok as my first worry was he must have knocked them out or broken his nose.


So i clean him up and he wants to go back out, less than 3 minutes later he falls over again for no reason and takes out his knees and elbows.


He now looks like a beaten child! We are contacting his OT to see if they can offer advise.

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Bit of a scare yesterday.


Nath has started to fall over quite alot. He did this when he was younger but seemed to grow out of it. Well yeterday while running around the front tree he run head long into a branch and went flying. He now has a nasty cut above and below his lip. Lucky his teeth where ok as my first worry was he must have knocked them out or broken his nose.


So i clean him up and he wants to go back out, less than 3 minutes later he falls over again for no reason and takes out his knees and elbows.


He now looks like a beaten child! We are contacting his OT to see if they can offer advise.


Didn't we all do this as children? Probably been given some sort of mind altering drugs or found your secret stash of speed!


Have his blood alcohol level checked to see if he has Candida, as it makes you very dizzy sometimes and is the chief suspect behind Autism itself due to a bogged down immune system and 'brain-fog'.


Is he up one day and down the next, energy/mood-wise?

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