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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

94' White AeroTop

SupraMan Mk4

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Hey Marc,


Im mainly selling as my insurance renewal came through over £300 extra this year, after doing a search and calling up Adrianflux etc the cheapest I could get was still over £200 more than last year. Even though im 25 with 5 years no claims, and never had an accident. I also have a new job which means I no longer walk to work but will now have to drive. And that means driving the Supra just over 30 miles a day round trip. So I am now going from driving it approx 40-50 miles a week to 200+ and with petrol prices on the up I just cant justify that sort of outlay when combined with insurance hike when im saving to move get a mortgage with my other half. If it doesnt sell it will just go into storage and use it as a project car for the future. And ill get a cheap run around for the time being until such time arises.


Im having some photos taken over the weekend so will gt them up Sunday night. :thumbs:

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Pictures from Sunday. More in post #25!


Had a few enquires so far (Mainly from abroad......) and a few waiting on pics so here they are. Any Q's Just ask.Thanks.














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Thanks Marc, It is a shame to sell if thats what it comes down to, but ive really enjoyed owning a Supra and will definately return to one at a later date. The alternative is that I put it into storage and get a little run around until myslef and the better half find our own place. (Garage essential :thumbs: )


Ive had a message from a user who has been a member since July 2009 but never posted and based in Holland, that wants my phone number to arrange a viewing.......Not too sure what to do about that one to be fair.

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His username is N.gokce. Msg reads -


Interested in Supra

Hello mate,


I am interested in your car. Could you please send me your phonenumber so we can

make an appointment.






Join date July 2009

Posts: 0


Also not a paid member I assume, going by the auotmated warning I received.

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Hi Dnk,


What do you mean by untouched?


They were just taken with a camera mate, albeit an expensive one. It was part of a photo shoot for a friend of mines portfolio.


I can happily take some fotos this eve on the iPhone and put them into the mix as well if it'll help.


As mentioned this is my first sale thread so im still learning myself.

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Ah I get what you're saying. Thats not a problem, I'll get some of the car taken with the iPhone this evening so both will be available and as you say give a true vision of the car aswell as a tarted up version. ;)


Also just realised I didnt take any photos with the roof off???? Massive Fail!!!!

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As Dnk says the HDR images really do the car no favours - whilst they are nice photos the car looks dirty, and the engine bay looks filthy.


You could do with just some good quality simple images to really sell the car.



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I see where you are coming from guys, I will get some more taken this weekend just with the iPhone. Lee, price was/has only been dropped as I have seen a nice (cough) Mondeo near me that is up at the moment. :) I've just had a call from a guy up at Heathrow who offered me £3500 cash tobight but I couldn't bring myself to let it go for that.

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