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Osama Bin Laden killed by US Troops


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Saddam Hussein was given the benefit of a (pretty summary) trial though. Colonel Gaddafi looks to be becoming a part of the recent US / UK trend of being friend one minute, then so far up their noses as to be a legitimate target for a politically expedient execution, if couched in the vagaries and niceties of diplomatic and military speak.

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Saddam Hussein was given the benefit of a (pretty summary) trial though. Colonel Gaddafi looks to be becoming a part of the recent US / UK trend of being friend one minute, then so far up their noses as to be a legitimate target for a politically expedient execution, if couched in the vagaries and niceties of diplomatic and military speak.


One minute friend, next minute foe...



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"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.

Yes, watching some of them celebrating over in the US was sickening.


One minute friend, next minute foe...

Very true, but there're obvious reasons for behaving like this and you've always got to look at the overall picture which does change.


I don't have a problem if they do what's in our best interests.

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Yes, watching some of them celebrating over in the US was sickening.


Don't be too harsh on them. Remember, many of them have lost friends and family during and since 9/11. I'd like to think I wouldn't be jumping for joy, but then I've never been in their position.


One thing I think we can all agree on though, is Gadaffis hair looks awesome in Abz's picture! :D



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I don't see they shouldn't celebrate the death of someone who commited murder against thousands of innocent people and threatened the entire world of some jihad movement crap. If I was an American citizen, I would be doing the same thing.

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But bin laden was unarmed and shot twice. Soldiers are trained for combat and if they WANTED to they could of, on the spot, shot him in the knees to disable him, but they were 100% and im sure of it, had the intention of killing him.


How do you know they didnt shoot him in the knees twice and he died?

Or he had a weapon and was firing back?


He was a frail old man that had a few problems and was on plenty of medication so he wouldnt of survived anything really



And im sorry if no one agrees with me but i would of happily of given a shot to kill instead of mame


And as to the fact that "christians" shouldnt be rejoicing the fact someone is dead


seriously? dark ages! public hangings the crusades

yeah very christian



The guy deserved to die and should of been tortured for all his knowledge and not be let off lightly

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I only read the title, i know this fourm and how it works and im sorry if im 'off topic'


But bin laden was unarmed and shot twice. Soldiers are trained for combat and if they WANTED to they could of, on the spot, shot him in the knees to disable him, but they were 100% and im sure of it, had the intention of killing him. Im not even sure if i believe al quaida was behind all this 911 scenario, in my expericene with people...they lie, all the freaking time. Just becuase the news and media said he caused 911 why should i believe it? i dont know these people, just becuase they have power does it mean they tell the truth? my gut feeling is telling me that theres a way bigger picture behind this than we can even begin to imagine. They have just ressurected the past by doing this imo and trouble is going to happen all over again. 1 life lost is enough, all the people in the twin towers, now bin laden...for what? really, for what?...


Rant over.


I agree with what you said evinX...I personally think and this is my own view but, there was more to 9/11 than meets the eye...it was just an excuse for Bush to start a war (probably) for oil just like Iraq.


We will actually never know the truth and this thing with bin Laden being killed, the story is being changed all the time...


The US is a great country and I love it there but, they have a shady government... :(

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How do you know they didnt shoot him in the knees twice and he died?

Or he had a weapon and was firing back?


Because the US Government stated he was unarmed and that they shot him in the head - twice. Mind you, that could be total lies and you could start your own conspiracy theory here....

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As far as I'm concerened, they went in there with the intention of killing him. That way they can get it over with and limit the number of months that he stays in the press. If they captured him and put him on trial I think the world would be more unsafe than it is now. Quick and easy, get him out of the spot light as soon as. That's what they did.


I'm don't have a problem with how the Americans handled this Op. Bin Laden needed to be removed and he has been - finally. I'm just looking forward to Call of Duty: Laden Ops.

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Because the US Government stated he was unarmed and that they shot him in the head - twice


Friendly fire perhaps?



Mind you, that could be total lies and you could start your own conspiracy theory here....


Yes, lets do that...



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In any case, Bhutto's death led her bloody husband to become the PM of Pakistan; one of the most corrupt leaders of all time. He has purportedly bought a property in 1 Hyde Park for £140 million.


Pakistan is a complete utter mess now more than it ever has been. I went there last month and in Balochistan I was greeted with three rocket attacks killing 6 officers and injuring 40 others. Karachi was such a mess because of crime; car's being stolen at gunpoint every day, people getting killed everyday, bomb attacks every day, stories of family and friends being kidnapped. The death of Bin Laden will probably catalyse the chaos ensuing there.


I can't be bothered to entertain conspiracy theories because the reality of the chaos is clear for everyone to see. That doesn't mean I believe everything being spoon fed by the media. Ultimately, things will get a lot worse before they get better.

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In any case, Bhutto's death led her bloody husband to become the PM of Pakistan; one of the most corrupt leaders of all time. He has purportedly bought a property in 1 Hyde Park for £140 million.


Pakistan is a complete utter mess now more than it ever has been. I went there last month and in Balochistan I was greeted with three rocket attacks killing 6 officers and injuring 40 others. Karachi was such a mess because of crime; car's being stolen at gunpoint every day, people getting killed everyday, bomb attacks every day, stories of family and friends being kidnapped. The death of Bin Laden will probably catalyse the chaos ensuing there.


I can't be bothered to entertain conspiracy theories because the reality of the chaos is clear for everyone to see. That doesn't mean I believe everything being spoon fed by the media. Ultimately, things will get a lot worse before they get better.


Good to be British, hey.

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As far as I'm concerened, they went in there with the intention of killing him. That way they can get it over with and limit the number of months that he stays in the press. If they captured him and put him on trial I think the world would be more unsafe than it is now. Quick and easy, get him out of the spot light as soon as. That's what they did.


I'm don't have a problem with how the Americans handled this Op. Bin Laden needed to be removed and he has been - finally. I'm just looking forward to Call of Duty: Laden Ops.


i'm pretty sure theres a lot more to it than that - imagine bin laden in court naming ALL his contacts who played a part in all operations he took part in as part of the CIA team he was in?!?!


some further links for you :

http://www.rte.ie/news/2001/1014/taliban.html (US rejects taliban offer of handing over bin laden in 2001)


taliban and US company Unicol ... building a gas pipeline through afghanistan



this so called "war on terror" was NOTHING more than mass murder of innocent people to serve the wants of greedy multinationals.

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One thought did strike me last night about all this celebrating the killing of Bin.


I have no porblem with him being killed but it is hardly 'Christian' (as most Americans claim to be) to openly celebrate the killing of someone. A Muslim gentleman on the news pointed this out too and I had to agree. It's just wrong in my opinion to celebrate killing when you are meant to be a Christian. It looks a little bit like the Christians are celebrating the killing (some might say murder since he hasn't been convicted etc) of a Muslim.


"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that" -Martin Luther King, Jr.


Thats along my line of thinking CJ but much more eloquently put by Martin Luther King

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