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How i Diet to get Ripped for Competing Thread


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Nice bearskin vest :D


:rlol: yeah that bad boy needs a good Mach 3 shaving. :D


Well weighed in this morning @ 14.13 3/4 over the moon with this. This was after a pee and before a dump, im guessing i could have got that 3/4 off after a number 2(True Weight)


So for breakfast iv just rattled 3 rolls and Bacon with a can of Pepsi.


I'm now heading out, to watch Lindsay run the Womans 10k in Glasgow for the SSPCA. :D Will be taking some food with me, flavoured water and Chocolate. Boom!!


As of tomorrow i'll add in some pics of what im eating, so you can get a rough idea of what im cooking up. :D

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U still doing no alcohol? I havent stuck to that too strict this time!!! :D


Yup no alcohol bud, t-total for these 16wks. Im actually using 1.5ltr bottle tap water, filled with 3 flavoured t-bags, drink this throughout the day, as its rammed with Antioxidants. :D

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Respect for you sticking so nicely to the plan. I know it ain't that easy specially when the body asks for carbs after heavy workouts.


Great work so far dude ;)


Yeah defo bud, im actually in a nice routine at the moment, so its going easier than i though, time will tell at about the 8/9 wk mark where i'l be going stir crazy :eek:


Im actually loading my body up with a shed load of carbs today, just rattled a nice bagel and 3 mint cakes things. :D

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hey mate, i was just wondering about your workout. do you only hit each muscle once a week or do you do more than that? i do arms one day, then legs, then chest and back so it all gets hit twice a week. i will change grips and add and take away certain things each week in an attempt to stop my body getting too used to the same thing. my workout is quite basic as i just use dumbells at home but i'm trying to get the best out of it. if you're interested i'll write up the actual workout i do and send it to you so you can tell me if i'm wasting my time or not :D

i'm also thinking about adding something like glutamine and/or pulse/NO2 for an edge so could you recommend whats worth it and whats not if you have the time?


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hey mate, i was just wondering about your workout. do you only hit each muscle once a week or do you do more than that? i do arms one day, then legs, then chest and back so it all gets hit twice a week. i will change grips and add and take away certain things each week in an attempt to stop my body getting too used to the same thing. my workout is quite basic as i just use dumbells at home but i'm trying to get the best out of it. if you're interested i'll write up the actual workout i do and send it to you so you can tell me if i'm wasting my time or not :D

i'm also thinking about adding something like glutamine and/or pulse/NO2 for an edge so could you recommend whats worth it and whats not if you have the time?



My workout is like this bud -


Mon - Chest/Bi's

Tues - Legs/hams

Wed - off

Thur - Shoulders/tri's

Fri - Back

Sat - off

Sun - off


Glutamine is great Supplement to add in along with a good protein powder, Pulse/NO2 are just pump stimulants i only ever use these when prepping for a comp, never use them at any other time, due to my food meing low on cals, i use these as a little extra boost.


i'll have a look mate if you PM it over but i am busy helping people so i'll get to when i can. :D

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The Impotance of Water -


The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on body size. A rule of thumb, 2/3 of body is consists of water, and it is the main component of human body. Did you know that your tissues and organs are mainly made up of water?


Muscle consists of 75% water

Brain consists of 90% of water

Bone consists of 22% of water

Blood consists of 83% water

The functions of water in human body are vital. The water:


Transpsort nutrients and oxygen into cells

Moisturizes the air in lungs

Helps with metabolism

Protect our vital organ

Helps our organs to absorb nutrients better

Regulates body temperature


Protect and moisturizes our joints


Every cell in your body needs water from head to toe. That is why it is so important to drink enough fluid. Take for example, brain consists of 90% of water, if you do not supply enough water to your body, your brain cannot function well, and you will get headache or migraine. Hence, next time, if you feel fatigue and headache, it may be the sign of dehydration.

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Small Update -


As yesterday was packed full of enjoyment, water tank bursting in the house, i still managed to get my 2 x 45min cardio done. All my meals eaten, training done with cardio after it. Now yesterday night was by far the worst i've felt after cardio, i was sweating bucket loads, came off shaking. Having a quick sugar rush fix(pepsi) all was good. Dieting in full swing, my body is craving food, as im burning loads of cals and taken in less that my maintenance should be.


This will be the end of week 5, with weigh in on sunday again this week. Diet has not changed as yet, as im still losing weight at a nice pace, might change come sunday after weight in though, where i might pull little bits of food out.


Making up some Sugar free Jelly tonight to snack on, :D its all about the FOOD baby!!!

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Looking good mate, inspirational, as I am on a bit of a health kick at the min, not trying to bulk up but just lose weight and tone up. I seem to be doing ok on the diet bit lost 16 pounds in around 2 months, but the toning part is going a bit slow. My problematic areas are love handles and lower abs, you got any tips for these areas. I don't go to gym but have free weights at home. I try and do a short work out twice a day. Is there any other bits I could do to work these areas.

Keep up the good work bud.


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Looking good mate, inspirational, as I am on a bit of a health kick at the min, not trying to bulk up but just lose weight and tone up. I seem to be doing ok on the diet bit lost 16 pounds in around 2 months, but the toning part is going a bit slow. My problematic areas are love handles and lower abs, you got any tips for these areas. I don't go to gym but have free weights at home. I try and do a short work out twice a day. Is there any other bits I could do to work these areas.

Keep up the good work bud.



Love handles and abs are a sore point for everyone bud, including me. You can do abdominal and side Obliques working them, but the only way to get them seen is to diet, and do cardio bud. We all have abs, 95% of people will never see them. Only way to see them is to diet down to a low bodyfat enough to show them.


TBH i hardly ever train my abs, they get a good workout from doing legs and back and other compound movements, i will how ever train them when im dieting for a show, :D

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Cool least I am semi on the right track, just that I am not blessed in the height region only round 5ft8 and last time I checked down to 10stone 7 from 12 stone. So guessing just gonna take more time. My upper abs are starting to take shape just that bit below the belly button :), it has gone down some just not as much as I would like :(.

And on that note it's time for my first short work out of the day lol.

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Cool least I am semi on the right track, just that I am not blessed in the height region only round 5ft8 and last time I checked down to 10stone 7 from 12 stone. So guessing just gonna take more time. My upper abs are starting to take shape just that bit below the belly button :), it has gone down some just not as much as I would like :(.

And on that note it's time for my first short work out of the day lol.


thats it bud, pretty simple, you want abs you gota diet down bodyfat wise to show them :D

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So dropped another 2.2lbs at weigh in this morning, so now down to 14.10st(207lbs) my Max weight for the Class is 202lbs, so im 5lbs shy of making that weight so far. i want to be at least 194lbs @ weigh in on Comp Day. Then i can rattle food before i step on stage and i should fill out and be tighter. So today is cheat day took a wee pic of stuff i've got lined up, this will do me till mid afternoon, then got a chippy for dinner and anything else i can squeeze in. :D



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So dropped another 2.2lbs at weigh in this morning, so now down to 14.10st(207lbs) my Max weight for the Class is 202lbs, so im 5lbs shy of making that weight so far. i want to be at least 194lbs @ weigh in on Comp Day. Then i can rattle food before i step on stage and i should fill out and be tighter. So today is cheat day took a wee pic of stuff i've got lined up, this will do me till mid afternoon, then got a chippy for dinner and anything else i can squeeze in. :D



Omg will you actually finish all of that ie the hole bottle of coke and all the choc and biccies?

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Omg will you actually finish all of that ie the hole bottle of coke and all the choc and biccies?


YUP!! :D


Pies already eaten dude, and a pint of coke already gone. :D Hardcore eating. When you on a strict a diet as i am, you live for a Sunday for a cheat day. :D


Pies Gone!!!



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