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How i Diet to get Ripped for Competing Thread


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thats just cruel teasing me like that dude. :(


Well is it not how your bap looked yesterday?? :p


Teasing you would be telling you how much I'm gonna enjoy my fry up in 30mins.. But them I'm on the other end of the scale and need to bulk up!.. Clogging up my arteries is prolly not a great place to start but it goes so well with my smoking habbit it would be rude not to!

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Well is it not how your bap looked yesterday?? :p


Teasing you would be telling you how much I'm gonna enjoy my fry up in 30mins.. But them I'm on the other end of the scale and need to bulk up!.. Clogging up my arteries is prolly not a great place to start but it goes so well with my smoking habbit it would be rude not to!


Kinda!! :D lol


Mmmmmm fry up, i'll be aiming for one of those this saturday i reckon. :D

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Day 1


Well started off well this morning, all as planned. cardio was done at 6.30am then it was back in the house to cook all my meals and head to work. Back home to the gym where i worked chest. I normally stick bi's in with chest but as im carrying tennis elbow in my right elbow i've ditched it until its gone, getting ultrasound in it tomorrow, and iv constantly icing it and giving it deep massage.


So all in all first day went well. My stomach is not used to such small meals, even though im eating nearly 8 times today im still Hungry. :D This will pass as my body will re-learn and adapt.


I've opted to do Bike/walk(fast paced)/bike etc, etc as i'll be overtraining legs with that amount of bike work.


Off for some food now, eating times have been all over the place as it was my brother's birthday, Can't even have Cake. :(

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good work..

i did a year where i bulked and become very lean and muscular..


thenwhen i my daughter hit a year old.. it all sorta stopped.. due to running around after her and my shifts..

i am just under 6ft and weigh in now at 82kg.. but i feel soo week and flabby i hate it.. as soon as easter is over with and the overtime is done.. my gym room will be up and running (easier to have my own gym with a 3 year old) and i am gonna hit it hard..


Like you i used to have loads of small meals a day.. now i only eat 2 or 3 times a day and too much in one go..


i am looking forward to getting back into it... just the will power to do it...


good luck and will be watching your progress

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good work..

i did a year where i bulked and become very lean and muscular..


thenwhen i my daughter hit a year old.. it all sorta stopped.. due to running around after her and my shifts..

i am just under 6ft and weigh in now at 82kg.. but i feel soo week and flabby i hate it.. as soon as easter is over with and the overtime is done.. my gym room will be up and running (easier to have my own gym with a 3 year old) and i am gonna hit it hard..


Like you i used to have loads of small meals a day.. now i only eat 2 or 3 times a day and too much in one go..


i am looking forward to getting back into it... just the will power to do it...


good luck and will be watching your progress


muscle memory dude, you'll be amazed at how quickly you build back up. :D

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muscle memory dude, you'll be amazed at how quickly you build back up. :D


I do hope so.. gotta get some sort of multi gym for home.. and some weights..

got a cross trainer.. find these work well for cardio..

and a decent punch bag...

then ill be ready to go again..

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Good luck with it big yin, Will try and keep the diary free and make it to the competition.


cheers bud, mind bring your sparkly budgie smugglers, might need to use em. :p


I do hope so.. gotta get some sort of multi gym for home.. and some weights..

got a cross trainer.. find these work well for cardio..

and a decent punch bag...

then ill be ready to go again..


Punch bag is great for cardio, you literally puch yourself fit. :D


Good luck with it all dude.


You have made me hungry for a bacon sarnie.


cheers Ricky, your not the only craving things!! 2 days into diet and i want a burger king. :(


lmao yeah me too, i opted for bacon frazles.


Git!!! Although i would prefer Square salt and vinegar :D

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Today i changed some stuff about


For cardio i did sprint, walk, sprint walk, etc, etc. With the dog for 30mins. All eating has gone to plan, all my meals i've eaten except the postwork out one, due to Leg workout i never drink any shake after it, as i always feel sick after legs. :(


Just about to tuck into some rice and chicken, with my one can of Pepsi im allowed at night. :D


Went to physio today to get more treatment on my elbow, and got done for speeding. Two bint coppers, tried some flirting didn't work, tried the one good deed for the day to get me off getting done, didn't work, walked away with 3 points, £60 fine and a thanks for being so polite with us from them. COWS!!!!


Off to watch the footy now and to chillax, still fuming!!!!

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Today i changed some stuff about


For cardio i did sprint, walk, sprint walk, etc, etc. With the dog for 30mins. All eating has gone to plan, all my meals i've eaten except the postwork out one, due to Leg workout i never drink any shake after it, as i always feel sick after legs. :(


Just about to tuck into some rice and chicken, with my one can of Pepsi im allowed at night. :D


Went to physio today to get more treatment on my elbow, and got done for speeding. Two bint coppers, tried some flirting didn't work, tried the one good deed for the day to get me off getting done, didn't work, walked away with 3 points, £60 fine and a thanks for being so polite with us from them. COWS!!!!


Off to watch the footy now and to chillax, still fuming!!!!


best savour that soda then, bad luck on the fine bud.

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best savour that soda then, bad luck on the fine bud.


Soda was good, :drool:


still peeved i got the fine and points, i know where they sit all the time, but as my head was up my arse today, i got caught. Simple as. :(


I'll stay peeved off until i go to bed, then wake up and forget all about it. :D

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cheers Ricky, your not the only craving things!! 2 days into diet and i want a burger king. :(


I supported you today, I treated Lee and myself to burger king.


You cant have it so we had the calories for you, next time your craving a KFC just pm me dude.

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I supported you today, I treated Lee and myself to burger king.


You cant have it so we had the calories for you, next time your craving a KFC just pm me dude.


You popping over when my car is ready bud? If so im making you eat Salad. :D :p

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hey Geo, i have a question (sorry if its a noob one)

i work out at home cos i'm not a gym kind of guy and i followed a bulking diet you posted a while back and so far i am 176cm tall, 215lb and judging from these pics http://www.leighpeele.com/body-fat-pictures-and-percentages i'd say i was between 14-16% bf. i want to start a cutting diet at the end of the month cos i've never tried it before but i'm worried that i might actually lose some muscle size in the process and end up looking odd, if you know what i mean. i'm not sure i'm ready to cut but i'd like to get somewhere between 8-10% bf for summer without sacrificing too much visual size so would you say in your estimation that it was possible or do i need to carry on bulking for a while longer?

i would be using your cutting diet but probably without the suppliments

cheers and good luck!

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hey Geo, i have a question (sorry if its a noob one)

i work out at home cos i'm not a gym kind of guy and i followed a bulking diet you posted a while back and so far i am 176cm tall, 215lb and judging from these pics http://www.leighpeele.com/body-fat-pictures-and-percentages i'd say i was between 14-16% bf. i want to start a cutting diet at the end of the month cos i've never tried it before but i'm worried that i might actually lose some muscle size in the process and end up looking odd, if you know what i mean. i'm not sure i'm ready to cut but i'd like to get somewhere between 8-10% bf for summer without sacrificing too much visual size so would you say in your estimation that it was possible or do i need to carry on bulking for a while longer?

i would be using your cutting diet but probably without the suppliments

cheers and good luck!


Hi Bud, my cutting diet is aimed at me. I planned this for what im doing, its very very strict id you haven't done a diet before then i warn you now its not pleasant.


Anyway, you will not lose muscle on a diet, the body will use fat first before it uses muscle for fuel. No get that out your head now. :D


You will need to reduce calories and do cardio to cut for the summer, but the thing is you can still grow when dieting bud, as you will still be stressing the muscle when training and eating enough protein to grow.


Go for it, its a great way to Keep healthy when adding in cardio :D

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Ok, Wednesday's are normally my night off from training, but as off this week im training 6 days a week now. Tonight i did abs, and stretching on a couple of niggling injuries, the worst being tennis elbow. Then it was walking for 30mins @ 4 Incline, @ 5mph. Sweat was running off me, always a good sign as my body temp was raised. :D


Just had 4 rice cakes, and 300g cottage cheese, and a banana. 5g glutamine, pint of water. got 2 more meals before bed. :D

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cool, thats just what i wanted to hear. for some reason i was thinking that the body would burn some muscle tissue and i'd end up shrinking a bit :)

i am prepared for the diet, i hate the bulking one cos i cant stand egg or the tuna i've been eating but i keep telling myself (and everyone else that asks why i put up with it) that if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

thanks mate, thats really put my mind at rest and i'm actually looking forward to it now!

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Well last nights session has taken its toll on me today, im in agony. Abs and sides are killing me, due to working them hard last night. I tend not to work abs alot, but only running into a show i work them. They get hammered when doing legs and heavy back.


Im gradually upping my water, which means frequent trips to the Loo, got another feed at 3, iv switched my rice/turkey meal to the afternoon as i tend to be really hungry come mid afternoon.


Shoulders and tri's tonight, but tri's will be missed due to my Tennis Elbow just now, once healed i will add it back in. :D

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Well tonight was back and calves


Tbar rows

dead lifts

seated machine row

single arm standing row

single arm cable row



seated calf press

standing calf press


30mins cardio @ 4% incline and @ 4.5mph Thats it. :D


Food is going down well, still getting used to being that little bit hungry but will pass.


I'm testing out a new drink that one of my customers asked me to try, http://www.Rubicon.com its full of antioxidants and works the same as green tea apparently(fat burning properties) so we'll see how this goes?


got a weight check in this sunday morning, 1st week im always nervous :D

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