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How i Diet to get Ripped for Competing Thread


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I'm 6ft. Thanks Geo, and your right I've looked a lot bigger and better when i've been lighter and a bit more cut. I'll drop about 7-10Ibs nearer the end of spring. I'm a martial artist primarily but I have always loved bodybuilding.


nice stance mate, loving the traps!! :cool:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hows the prep going pal?


Hi mate, yeah its going great. Into the full swing of it now, takes me about 2-3wks to get used to early morning cardio, and get my stamina up. Last week was a loss of 3lbs, abs are coming through already, along with cuts in my legs. Visually tighter this week, so making good progress. Had a good cheat day on Saturday in between fitting new pads to my mates Gf's car.


Food wise i've stuck to the diet i posted previously, so 6 meals spaced through out the day. Cardio i've changed slightly, 40mins morning(5min walk, 5 min jog) this get my heart rate going up, down, up down etc, so burns more calories. Then at night after training, its 40mins fast paced walking.


So as it stands i've got 10wks(to the first show, don't think i'll do that one NABBA) and 15wks to the UKBFF(which is the one im aiming for) :D


Will try keep this updated as much as i can, as in the run in, its going to get a lot tougher. :(

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Here is my Diet i will be running for the next 10 wks, it won't change. I'll look at it again with 4 wks to go, and prob make simple changes as the last few wks come in.


Meal 1

80g Oats, 2scoops protein(blended and drink), 1 Banana, coffee, Multi Vit, VitC, amino acids, Glutamine(5g)


Meal 2

2scoops protein(in water), 4 rice cakes, 2 tbls natural peanut butter.



Thanks for sharing Geo, good to see you're keeping up the good work, I can see it takes a lot of hard work and dedication.


I'm curious as to how you would prepare Meal 1 - 80g oats, 2 scoops protein....

Is this a particular protein shake that you're having, or just whey protein or something? I'm just interested in how you mix it (ie milk/water...how much?) to make it nice and drinkable.


You sent me a training plan a couple of years back for a hard-gainer, and I've bulked up and put on a couple of stone (thanks for the help), but now I'd like to get a lot more cut... only top abs really showing at the moment and 2nd row just starting to become visible (not sure what bodyfat %age that is). I'm really into rock climbing, so shedding some fat and decreasing my overall weight, whilst still keeping my muscle will help my climbing too :)


Thanks :)

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I tend to measure 80g Oats, 2scoops protein and 320ml of milk, chuck in blender, then i drink it. :D Its quick and easy for Breakfast. Im now doing the same, but instead of blending it, im Nuking it for 2mins 20secs. Then eating it, as i've got a little more time in the morning now. :D Im using USN protein, strawberry, but the Choc one i use for Breakfast alone, :D


Best bet is keep active and just watch your food intake, try cutting all crap for 2 wks and see how much weight you lose, or go by the mirror is how i tend to see how im coming in. You may not lose weight but your BMI will change, :D

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I tend to measure 80g Oats, 2scoops protein and 320ml of milk, chuck in blender, then i drink it. :D Its quick and easy for Breakfast. Im now doing the same, but instead of blending it, im Nuking it for 2mins 20secs. Then eating it, as i've got a little more time in the morning now. :D Im using USN protein, strawberry, but the Choc one i use for Breakfast alone, :D


Best bet is keep active and just watch your food intake, try cutting all crap for 2 wks and see how much weight you lose, or go by the mirror is how i tend to see how im coming in. You may not lose weight but your BMI will change, :D


Thanks dude,


I don't really tend to eat any rubbish, I'm one of the fortunate few who don't actually like junk food, so eating fresh and healthy stuff isn't a problem for me :)

I stay pretty active and do rock climbing twice a week along with my training, but I don't do masses of cardio, usually just a hill-walk once a week. I find it hard to put on muscle-mass, so I've intentionally avoided too much cardio as I've been paranoid that it will cause me to lose too much weight overall and not just body-fat... do you think I should up it?


Your diet is pretty interesting though, I think I could probably still grow a fair whilst cutting with these kind of meals.


I'm thinking that maybe I should try switching it up a bit with a diet very similar to yours and increase my cardio and see what happens?

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Thanks dude,


I don't really tend to eat any rubbish, I'm one of the fortunate few who don't actually like junk food, so eating fresh and healthy stuff isn't a problem for me :)

I stay pretty active and do rock climbing twice a week along with my training, but I don't do masses of cardio, usually just a hill-walk once a week. I find it hard to put on muscle-mass, so I've intentionally avoided too much cardio as I've been paranoid that it will cause me to lose too much weight overall and not just body-fat... do you think I should up it?


Your diet is pretty interesting though, I think I could probably still grow a fair whilst cutting with these kind of meals.


I'm thinking that maybe I should try switching it up a bit with a diet very similar to yours and increase my cardio and see what happens?


I'd stick in some Extra cardio bud, which means you can eat a little more food. :D Don't be afraid of having a cheat meal every so often the Extra cals wil do ya good. :D you won't lose any muscle as it takes years to lose this, you will how ever lose body fat, which is what you want.


Whats your diet like at mo?

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Thanks dude,


I don't really tend to eat any rubbish, I'm one of the fortunate few who don't actually like junk food, so eating fresh and healthy stuff isn't a problem for me :)

I stay pretty active and do rock climbing twice a week along with my training, but I don't do masses of cardio, usually just a hill-walk once a week. I find it hard to put on muscle-mass, so I've intentionally avoided too much cardio as I've been paranoid that it will cause me to lose too much weight overall and not just body-fat... do you think I should up it?


Your diet is pretty interesting though, I think I could probably still grow a fair whilst cutting with these kind of meals.


I'm thinking that maybe I should try switching it up a bit with a diet very similar to yours and increase my cardio and see what happens?


One of the common misconceptions is people think Cardio will burn muscle; you dont burn Muscle , you burn Fat! Keep the Cardio going, it will not affect you muscle mass just your Body Fat.


If you want to get big, lift heavy and Eat!


If you dont eat your body does not have the Fuel to recoup, rebuild Muscle fibers; If you do not train heavy, you will not break down/shock you muscle fibers into thinking hey we need to get bigger to cope.


Another very important factor is overtraining, over train and you might as well not train at all. Give your body time to rebuild and re-couperate, you can only break donw the Muscle fibers so far, you need to allow them build back up stronger , then you break them down again.


Unless you are taking a performance enhancement drug like Steriods, your body will not be able to re-coup between sessions; max 3 times a week for a natural bodybuilder. By all means go to the Gym and do some Cardio on other days but listen to your body.


Too many times I see people starting out performing advanced exercises, Remember compound exercises , Squats, Bench press, Dead lift, shoulder press are the key core exercises for mass.


Doing the Exercise with the correct form is more benefical than loading on the weight, dont worry increase in weight will come in time but focus on Technique, breathing and doing it correctly!!!

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One of the common misconceptions is people think Cardio will burn muscle; you dont burn Muscle , you burn Fat! Keep the Cardio going, it will not affect you muscle mass just your Body Fat.


If you want to get big, lift heavy and Eat!


If you dont eat your body does not have the Fuel to recoup, rebuild Muscle fibers; If you do not train heavy, you will not break down/shock you muscle fibers into thinking hey we need to get bigger to cope.


Another very important factor is overtraining, over train and you might as well not train at all. Give your body time to rebuild and re-couperate, you can only break donw the Muscle fibers so far, you need to allow them build back up stronger , then you break them down again.


Unless you are taking a performance enhancement drug like Steriods, your body will not be able to re-coup between sessions; max 3 times a week for a natural bodybuilder. By all means go to the Gym and do some Cardio on other days but listen to your body.


Too many times I see people starting out performing advanced exercises, Remember compound exercises , Squats, Bench press, Dead lift, shoulder press are the key core exercises for mass.


Doing the Exercise with the correct form is more benefical than loading on the weight, dont worry increase in weight will come in time but focus on Technique, breathing and doing it correctly!!!


Good post mate, :thumbs:


I'd also add leave your EGO at the gym door, heavy weight + crap form = crap gains, good weight + great form = brilliant gains

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Thanks guys.... you've cleared up a few grey areas for me.


Yes I choose form over weight any day of the week, I'm very strict with it, and if I can't get the perfect form for each exercise, I adjust the weight accordingly. I'm definitely not in it for the ego, I don't care if the guy next to me can lift 10kg more than me etc, you know what I mean :). I don't want to get big, I'm 13st now, I'd just like another stone of lean mass over the next few years. If I put on too much weight and got really large, it would really affect my rock climbing, so just a bit more weight and I'll be happy :)


As for my diet, it's been ok I think, just needs a bit of tweaking along a bit of an increase in portion size in some areas. I think the main things I'm lacking are cardio and possibly enough daily protein, I've stayed away from shakes etc as they've messed with my gut in the past, so I tend to use natural sources like Tuna, Turkey etc, but I'll try another one for a while.


I'll change to a diet very similar to yours Geo, up the cardio and I've ordered myself some of the protein powder you use. I'll try that for a while and then monitor my progress.

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Good post mate, :thumbs:


I'd also add leave your EGO at the gym door, heavy weight + crap form = crap gains, good weight + great form = brilliant gains


Thats the what I try to adhere to ; the amount of guys I see heavy weight + crap form nevermind the questionable Excercise routines. Plus what really grinds my gears is the Guys spending more time chatting to their mates holding up the equipment than letting others use it.


I like to get in , train hard, keep the heart rate up, keep as close to 60 second rest intervals if I can (depends sometimes on the how heavy I am lifting) , focus on the next set, no chit chat ,no creeping around women


Alot of people think once they have a good clean workout that is it; Second if not more important is the battle with the fork and the food infront of you. It can be just as hard if not harder than the actual training.


Food + Good form in the Gym X 3times a week , with min core compound exercises = Gains ; if you are not getting gains either your form is incorrect or you are not taking in enough Calories

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Thanks guys.... you've cleared up a few grey areas for me.


Yes I choose form over weight any day of the week, I'm very strict with it, and if I can't get the perfect form for each exercise, I adjust the weight accordingly. I'm definitely not in it for the ego, I don't care if the guy next to me can lift 10kg more than me etc, you know what I mean :). I don't want to get big, I'm 13st now, I'd just like another stone of lean mass over the next few years. If I put on too much weight and got really large, it would really affect my rock climbing, so just a bit more weight and I'll be happy :)


As for my diet, it's been ok I think, just needs a bit of tweaking along a bit of an increase in portion size in some areas. I think the main things I'm lacking are cardio and possibly enough daily protein, I've stayed away from shakes etc as they've messed with my gut in the past, so I tend to use natural sources like Tuna, Turkey etc, but I'll try another one for a while.


I'll change to a diet very similar to yours Geo, up the cardio and I've ordered myself some of the protein powder you use. I'll try that for a while and then monitor my progress.




I think I'll just include some extra cardio sessions.


Dont be too strict on form, do a few cheat reps at the end of your set if you need to ; its all about breaking down the muscle fibers, no harm in using your back to help you get out the last 2 reps of your arm curls



The Power Foods : Chicken and Eggs! Get them into you, scambled , poached ; chicken blended if needs be


Eat and eat and eat some more



Rice Cakes with Nutella

Peanut butter and Jam

Brown Rice, chicken and with blcak bean sauce

Brocholli, Pomengrante juice to help you detox

Cranberry juice instead of orange (higher calories)




Eat everything!!

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well tonights sesh went well,


Flat Bench

Incline Bench

Seated Machine Press

Cable fly's


Seated Calves, super sets with Standing Box Calves.

Standing calves machine.


40mins cardio, on treadmill, @ 7% incline, and 3.8 speed.


Struggled with food today, for some reason. Had to force down lean turkey(200g) and green beans about 20mins ago, think a good kip will do me good, then back up tomorrow to do it all again. Legs tomorrow so it will be another tough session. :D

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I'm just getting back into "bulking" up again and starting my get big workout weight routine after getting ripped and then a month or so off

I'd love to share a coupleof my recent "big" arm pics soon as I have More than iphone for Internet, here's some old YouTube

from a couple of years ago, when I was small and slight, and from a year ago doing burnout preachercurls when I was getting a little bigger

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I'd also add leave your EGO at the gym door, heavy weight + crap form = crap gains, good weight + great form = brilliant gains


That statement is the most important thing i have learned since being back in training.


Keep up the good work Geo, as gay as it sounds reading your posts inspires me and i would love to be doing what you do, i have many a people wanting me to get into natural body building but i honestly don't think i would have what it takes.


Good to see alot of weigh lifters/ gym rats/ body builders (what ever you call yourself lol) on the forum with alot of good advice floating around.

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That statement is the most important thing i have learned since being back in training.


Keep up the good work Geo, as gay as it sounds reading your posts inspires me and i would love to be doing what you do, i have many a people wanting me to get into natural body building but i honestly don't think i would have what it takes.


Good to see alot of weigh lifters/ gym rats/ body builders (what ever you call yourself lol) on the forum with alot of good advice floating around.


Never EVER think you can't do Something!!!!

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