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How i Diet to get Ripped for Competing Thread


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Guys can we please keep this on topic, i dont want this clogged up with stuff. Its all to do with dieting/cardio and Nutrition. Thanks. Hope you all understand. Im getting a MOD to tidy it up.

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OK Few things have changed since last friday when i got the crappy news.


My diet has stayed the same, but iv added in 100g more of carbs, so im running 364p 400c and 130f, i've also stopped cardio at night, but still doing 40mins @ 7am every morning even on wknds. If i want something junk to eat i will, as im not shooting for a Comp now. But so far i've been eating very clean, and leaving my cheat days for a full wknd now. 8 wks prior to holiday im going back to cardio 2x per day, and my diet.


I should grow in theory between now and then, as i'll get a rebound effect with food, for more muscle growth. :D

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Geo. Is there a legal suppliment you can buy or ileigal for that matter to take away excess bodyfat and water or either ? I don't want it eating away at my muscles and I seem to be stuck on 7 and a half percent body fat and want to drop further for holiday.


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Geo. Is there a legal suppliment you can buy or ileigal for that matter to take away excess bodyfat and water or either ? I don't want it eating away at my muscles and I seem to be stuck on 7 and a half percent body fat and want to drop further for holiday.



Gear mate.....and a ton of hard training and protein is the easy answer. Or HGH.


On the legal side im not 100% sure, other than strict diet and hard training but George will no doubt know a good supplement :)



7% is well low mate...what did you want to shoot for?

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Geo, quick question.


How effective have you found Hydroxycut? Also if you dont mind me asking, how long have you taken it for?


I am keen on cutting the last few hard to shift pounds and would be interested in how you have found Hydroxycut, or equally any other shredding compounds that you would recommend?


I have a concern over Hydroxycut since its recall and reformulation so would value your opinion.



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Gear mate.....and a ton of hard training and protein is the easy answer. Or HGH.


On the legal side im not 100% sure, other than strict diet and hard training but George will no doubt know a good supplement :)



7% is well low mate...what did you want to shoot for?


Not too sure buddy, I'll get some pics up if I can just around the 15 stone mark now and I was gonna try put on some more mass but want to keep my abs cut. I can't go too heavy though as I do a lot of fighting and last time I was around 17 I could hardly move or breathe lol

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Geo. Is there a legal suppliment you can buy or ileigal for that matter to take away excess bodyfat and water or either ? I don't want it eating away at my muscles and I seem to be stuck on 7 and a half percent body fat and want to drop further for holiday.



7% wow thats low dude. :D


First off no magic pill will get you low in bodyfat, only cardio and diet will do this. How ever there is some supplements that will increase you core temp to help burn fat more. CLA is Great, Green tea caps, a good fat burner, Hydroycut. PM me for more.


What are you doing for cardio, and is your diet any good? might just need tweaked for more fat loss?


Gear mate.....and a ton of hard training and protein is the easy answer. Or HGH.


On the legal side im not 100% sure, other than strict diet and hard training but George will no doubt know a good supplement :)


7% is well low mate...what did you want to shoot for?


Gear and HGH won't drop your body fat. This only helps you keep lean tissue. How do you think the natty guys do it?


Geo, quick question.


How effective have you found Hydroxycut? Also if you dont mind me asking, how long have you taken it for?


I am keen on cutting the last few hard to shift pounds and would be interested in how you have found Hydroxycut, or equally any other shredding compounds that you would recommend?


I have a concern over Hydroxycut since its recall and reformulation so would value your opinion.




TBH i didnt actually add in Hcut, i got my Bf levels down to a good level before i'll add it in. Yes its a great supplement, i find it more effective when you have stalled at a point and aint losing any more weight. was on my list of things to add into my diet when i got down some more weight. :D

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Geo. Is there a legal suppliment you can buy or ileigal for that matter to take away excess bodyfat and water or either ? I don't want it eating away at my muscles and I seem to be stuck on 7 and a half percent body fat and want to drop further for holiday.



Actually the more i've thought about it, when do you go on hols? if your at 7% then a good carb up cheat food 3 days before you go will make you look peeled, this will fill you out, and make you look great bud, vascular, muscle bellies filled. All BB's look fantastic 3 days after competing. more i think about it, the more i think you should do it. :D :D

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  • 1 month later...



Well decided that since the weather is getting fantastic up here, i thoughts its daft to waste it. So i started yesterday to diet again, only for a mini 9 wks though before i go on hols, so same as before. 6 meals as per last diet i posted, along with cardio 2x per day @ 35mins this time instead of 45(only do this for competing). After we were told about the show being cancelled i continued to keep eating clean and thus stayed at 15.4st so this is my starting weight.


So i'll even be dieting through suprapod, if its warm and im hoping it is, the guns, will be out. :D


Training wise, iv stepped it up a notch, fast, Intense, and Hardcore, sessions will last about 1 hour.


Last night was Chest/bi's


2xwarm up 14kg Dumb Bell press

30kg @ 15reps

36kg @15reps

41kg @ 15reps

45kg @10 reps

50kg @ 8 reps


Incline Smith Press


60kg @ 12reps

60kg @ 12reps

70kg @ 12reps

70kg @ 12reps

20kg @ Failure


Incline Bench Flys


18kg @ 15reps

20kg @ 15reps

22kg @ 15reps

15kg @ Failure


Pec Deck Flys(Elbows High)


4x Stack @ Failure




Standing Curls


4x 22kg @ 20reps(if you fail say at 15 reps, drop the weight, and continue till you finish(5reps)


Seated Bar Curl


4x 54kg @ Failure


Seated Preacher Curl


4x 20kg @ failure


Reverse Barbell curls


2x 30kg @ 20reps


Pretty much was sweating like i had just come out the pool, :D Sore Today. :D

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nice one geo, i have 4 weeks till my mates stag do and i seriously need to get trim. is 4 weeks possible lol? im thinking shed loads of running, rowing and cycling and cut the crap out my diet... 4 weeks is going to be like hell as the training will be hardcore me thinks :(


any tips

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Last night was Chest/bi's


2xwarm up 14kg Dumb Bell press

30kg @ 15reps

36kg @15reps

41kg @ 15reps

45kg @10 reps

50kg @ 8 reps

Incline Smith Press


60kg @ 12reps

60kg @ 12reps

70kg @ 12reps

70kg @ 12reps

20kg @ Failure


Incline Bench Flys


18kg @ 15reps

20kg @ 15reps

22kg @ 15reps

15kg @ Failure


Pec Deck Flys(Elbows High)


4x Stack @ Failure




Standing Curls


4x 22kg @ 20reps(if you fail say at 15 reps, drop the weight, and continue till you finish(5reps)


Seated Bar Curl


4x 54kg @ Failure


Seated Preacher Curl


4x 20kg @ failure


Reverse Barbell curls


2x 30kg @ 20reps


Pretty much was sweating like i had just come out the pool, :D Sore Today. :D



When you talk about the dumbell kg's are you saying that OvER dumbell or for both mate??

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  • 3 weeks later...
George. Those 5 sets Above where you increase the weight but decrease the reps, how long a rest are you taking between?


em about 2 mins mate, time it takes me to get off the bench, then spot my training partner, and then get back on load up the weights and go again. :D Good stamina session also if you can do it quicker, 60secs rest. :D





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