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How i Diet to get Ripped for Competing Thread


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How i get Ripped for a Show


So on Sunday July 31st i will be stepping on stage once again to Compete in Bodybuilding. I will be aiming to take a placing in the classic Class. this class has a height to weight ratio.


Class 3


180 – 190 cm = body height [cm] minus 100 + 8 kg



So i'm 184cm - 100 + 8kg = 92kg(202lbs) this is the Max i can be. What im looking at is coming in at about 195lbs at weigh in, then once I've weighed in, i can eat some food and then come in heavier and tighter

as the food will fill me out more. At the moment I'm weighing in at 16st(101kg) with upper abs showing, I'm guessing I'm about the 14% bf region.


Here is what I'll be doing for the foreseeable future.


6.30am Wake 5g Glutamine, Hydroxycut

6.40am 30mins Bike Ride(5miles)


7.30am Meal1 100g Oats, 2scoops Strawberry Protein(Extreme Nutrition Pro6), 1 banana, 300ml skimmed Milk(All Blended and drank) All my Vitamin's

10.00am Meal2 4 Rice cakes, 300g Cottage cheese

1.00pm Meal3 200g Sweet Potato, 200g lean Turkey(7 thai spices), cup broccoli, 2tbls olive oil.


Meal 4 3.30pm - Pre Workout(fat burners Hydroxycut) - 2scoops NO Explode(i only use this when dieting to compete)


4.00pm Gym 1.5hrs


Meal 5.45pm - Post Workout - 2scoops Extreme Nutrition Build And Recover


Meal 6 6.15pm - 100g Basmati Rice(uncooked/Dry weight), 200g Lean Turkey(7 Thai spices),

Meal 7 8.15pm - 250g Lean Mince, 3tbls Tomato Sauce


Meal 8 10pm - 2scoops Protein, 300ml skimmed milk.


4+ltrs water per day!!!!! A MUST!!!


On a Saturday, i will be adding in 3 Junk meals, anything ranging from Pizza, Chinese, Burger King, anything that's high in cals, this basically shocks my system into thinking that my diet is over, then come Sunday I'm back on diet and the body ''HAS'' to burn fat as fuel.


So that Basically my eating plan for the next while or so. This will change as i see results taking place, and will adjust food intake accordingly. As you can see i'm only doing 30mins cardio per day, 6 days a week with Saturday off, this will probably change Upto 2xper day, maybe even 3xper day

as the weeks go by. :D


Supplements Used


20g Glutamine per day

2x Multi Vit per day

1g VitC x 3 per day

B6 Complex 2 x per day

NO Explode Before training

Fish oil Tabs 3 x per day

Digestive Enzymes 2 x per day

Creatine 1000mg per day

Horse chestnut 1 x per day

BCAA x8 per day


This is my last day eating anything i want, so come Tomorrow it will be diet all the way to July 31st. I will also be posting, on how i feel, mentally and physically as this is just as hard as the diet to get me through the whole 16wks.


If i feel at the End of the diet that I'm not where i want to be condition wise, then i won't be stepping on stage.


So feel free to ask any questions and I'll try and answer when i can guys?




And wish me luck :D

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...I will be adding in 3 Junk meals, anything ranging from Pizza, Chinese, Burger King, anything that's high in cals, this basically shocks my system into thinking that my diet is over, then come Sunday etc...


I like this part the best :D


Your routine/regime sounds impressive. Best of luck in the competition sir :)

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I am going to be following this with interest. Good luck fella!


cheers CJ


How many calories is this per day roughly then Geo?


Its about 50g protein, 50-60g carbs per meal, i don't count fats.


I like this part the best :D


Your routine/regime sounds impressive. Best of luck in the competition sir :)


this is the best day of the diet bud, when i say i rattle junk food, anything goes on that day :D


Good luck Geo.

When you say 30 mins 5 mile bike ride, do you use an excercise bike or a real bike?

What do you think of using exercise bikes, treadmills etc as an alternative to the real thing?, are they any good?


I'm doing the real thing bud, the idea on a real bike is that I'm hoping it will improve leg growth leading into the comp, and also help with cutting my legs up good. :D this is the first year doing the bike, since i normally diet through the winter months(i used seated bike or crosstrainer keeping my heart rate at 130bpm and getting a good sweat up) all are good :D I feel you tend to work harder out and about rather than seated and bored in the gym.

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Good luck mate. Having seen you go through this first hand before, I think it's fair to say I don't envy you in the slightest!


At least you won't have me coming in on week nights with a doner pizza or chinese :D

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Good luck mate. Having seen you go through this first hand before, I think it's fair to say I don't envy you in the slightest!


At least you won't have me coming in on week nights with a doner pizza or chinese :D


Oh man that was a killer dude, it really was. I was stuck with my chicken/veg combo and you had the best food in the world in front of you, a huge donner pizza. :D


Is your Hydroxycut the ephedrine free stuff or do you have a stash of "original" Hydroxycut?


its the Eph free stuff bud


You didn't say what time you go to sleep or did I miss that? How many hours sleep are you getting or planning to get per day?


Also you have not told us what time you have your last meal before bed.


Thanks Geo.


i go to bed about 10/11pm at night dude, try and get at least 8 hrs kip in at night, dieting or not, :D


My last meal will be about 10mins before i go to bed(about 10pm) with it being a shake its easily consumed, and it don't bloat me while lying down. :D


Iv edited time on meals above dude

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Good luck, mate! I'm hoping to start something similar as of tomorrow a.m. but more on a bulk cycle (also hoping for some fat loss though).

Without wanting to sound too gay, perhaps those who are interested could also post a picture of their current condition - and keep updating with new pics to show the pace of the changes throughout the transformation period?

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Im watching this with interest as i have been trying to bulk up all my life and have trained hard and none stop for the last six years, when i started i was 9st wet through.

Within the first 2 years i went up to 11st 4lbs and have held that weight since and cant put any more on, its a nightmare. I have a very efficient metabolism and am whats known as a hard gainer :ie: at xmas and holidays when everybody else puts weight on i lose weight, xmas just gone i eat and drink every day like a pig but lost 10lbs from not training:(.

Now im hitting it harder than ever and its coming back slowly, new diet and a change at the gym im aiming to be at my best yet for this summer fingers x'd.



It feels a bit gay but here are some pics from last year (December)

Im 5ft 11.5inch 11st 4lbs with 10% bf, 33 yrs old



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Sounds like a lot of hard work bud. Good luck! :)


TBH it is for the first 4 wks, soon as these are gone its easy. As i get into a routine, from then on is more will power than anything else, :D


Good luck, mate! I'm hoping to start something similar as of tomorrow a.m. but more on a bulk cycle (also hoping for some fat loss though).

Without wanting to sound too gay, perhaps those who are interested could also post a picture of their current condition - and keep updating with new pics to show the pace of the changes throughout the transformation period?


Good clean food bud, and save the cheats for the wknd, just eat clean and loads of it, easy to bulk. :D Yeah i'll get some pics of before and after to show the difference in weight and how changes are made over the coming wks. :D


Im watching this with interest as i have been trying to bulk up all my life and have trained hard and none stop for the last six years, when i started i was 9st wet through.

Within the first 2 years i went up to 11st 4lbs and have held that weight since and cant put any more on, its a nightmare. I have a very efficient metabolism and am whats known as a hard gainer :ie: at xmas and holidays when everybody else puts weight on i lose weight, xmas just gone i eat and drink every day like a pig but lost 10lbs from not training:(.

Now im hitting it harder than ever and its coming back slowly, new diet and a change at the gym im aiming to be at my best yet for this summer fingers x'd.



It feels a bit gay but here are some pics from last year (December)

Im 5ft 11.5inch 11st 4lbs with 10% bf, 33 yrs old.[ATTACH]130026[/ATTACH][ATTACH]130027[/ATTACH]


Dont laugh i know i look a t**t in the pics


We all start somewhere bud, if your training hard and your a hard gainer so to speak, then just keep on eating, trying drinking a meal, i.e oats/protein/milk/olive oil thats at least 500cals in that. :D All good :D


P.s cant see the pics dude

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So since it was my last day eating pretty much anything i went for it :D


2 Large Babs and bacon(full pack 16 slices)

protein drink, 2 cream and strawberry cakes,


Natty peanut butter, 2 tbls

3 course dinner at lins folks


Chicken, Veg, potato,


Full tub of pringles

full pack of Jaffa cake dark. :D O yes these are amazing!!!!

bowl of Albran with sugar


Before bed will be a protein shake. :D

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So since it was my last day eating pretty much anything i went for it :D


2 Large Babs and bacon(full pack 16 slices)

protein drink, 2 cream and strawberry cakes,


Natty peanut butter, 2 tbls

3 course dinner at lins folks


Chicken, Veg, potato,


Full tub of pringles

full pack of Jaffa cake dark. :D O yes these are amazing!!!!

bowl of Albran with sugar


Before bed will be a protein shake. :D



:blink: How much bacon? :D


All the best dude, I now know how hard it is to be sticking to the diets! I've religiously stuck to what you said mate, no naughty days either!


Definately need to see some pics now and then again at regular intervals to really see how it changes. I think we should have a mkiv cheering squad at your competition. Is it judges or crowd noise? :D Thanks for taking the time to show us all how its done properly, everyone at my gym are huge roid junkies, I couldn't believe how many use the things, so it's good to see someone that does it proper. :salute:

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:blink: How much bacon? :D


All the best dude, I now know how hard it is to be sticking to the diets! I've religiously stuck to what you said mate, no naughty days either!


Definately need to see some pics now and then again at regular intervals to really see how it changes. I think we should have a mkiv cheering squad at your competition. Is it judges or crowd noise? :D Thanks for taking the time to show us all how its done properly, everyone at my gym are huge roid junkies, I couldn't believe how many use the things, so it's good to see someone that does it proper. :salute:


Full pack dude, got to be done :D couple of slices dont even tickle my sides these days, so its a full pack of 16 slices. YUM!!!


Yeah i'll be getting pics up prop about the 4th week or so. Its all what the judges think mate, kinda a score card. No probs dude, its hard bloody work, planning, sticking to it, will power, its all got to be bang on.

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We all start somewhere bud, if your training hard and your a hard gainer so to speak, then just keep on eating, trying drinking a meal, i.e oats/protein/milk/olive oil thats at least 500cals in that. :D All good :D


P.s cant see the pics dude

Edited, can see pics now.

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Good clean food bud, and save the cheats for the wknd, just eat clean and loads of it, easy to bulk. :D Yeah i'll get some pics of before and after to show the difference in weight and how changes are made over the coming wks. :D


I'll try to eat a bit more - have always found it hard to eat at work (I see patients every 30 min, and when busy I forget / don't get enough time to snack or gulp down a protein shake :(). My goal is probably a few kgs lighter than you, as I'm a shade under 100kg now at 5'9", but I would like more size in my problem areas.

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You not doing before and after pics?


i will be bud, will be getting some shots this week, then after the 4th week i'll get some more and well you should see a difference?? if all goes to plan, ha

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So since it was my last day eating pretty much anything i went for it :D


2 Large Babs and bacon(full pack 16 slices)

protein drink, 2 cream and strawberry cakes,


Natty peanut butter, 2 tbls

3 course dinner at lins folks


Chicken, Veg, potato,


Full tub of pringles

full pack of Jaffa cake dark. :D O yes these are amazing!!!!

bowl of Albran with sugar


Before bed will be a protein shake. :D





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Fat b*stard! :D


When do you take the creatine?


Alright bud, i take my creatine in the morning, and just before training. I find that after a nights sleep the body will absorb loads of nutrients in the morning as its basically been fasting for 8 hrs. So in the morning i basically take all my Supplements along with eating breakfast. I also take a few creatine tablets before training.



thats just cruel teasing me like that dude. :(

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