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My long list of hateful driving habits


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Are you married? Ever walked with your wife with high heels on? When I am out with my wife and she has heels on she seems to turn into a demon (ok I'm exagerating but you get the idea) when I try to walk at the normal pace that we do, cracking up as she is on heels and could break an ankle.


Similar to being in a car. When the stakes are raised, behaviour and attitude changes... and that is just with a pair of heels.


Yes I am married but fortunately my wife doesn't tend to go far in heels now that we have a little one to contend with. :) My post above is more of an observation of human behaviour than anything else.


This thread made me recall an instance when I was driving in Redhill and stopped at a red light while a lady struggled across the crossing with a huge suitcase to the station. The lights started to flash orange and went green before she made it to the other side of the road and the guy behind me who I assume must have been blind or stupid started to sound his horn repeatedly and gesture at me to move on despite the fact that to do so I would have to run the lady over or cross the lane into oncoming traffic. After maybe 5 seconds of his abuse I gestured toward the struggling lady and when he continued sounding his horn I turned round and gave him the finger. When she finally cleared the crossing and I was able to move on the driver behind followed me for maybe 2-3 miles and kept sounding his horn and flashing. At no point was anything worse then a delay to his journey occurring yet he seemed to fly into this rage, would he get this mad while queuing in the post office?

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This thread made me recall an instance when I was driving in Redhill and stopped at a red light while a lady struggled across the crossing with a huge suitcase to the station. The lights started to flash orange and went green before she made it to the other side of the road and the guy behind me who I assume must have been blind or stupid started to sound his horn repeatedly and gesture at me to move on despite the fact that to do so I would have to run the lady over or cross the lane into oncoming traffic. After maybe 5 seconds of his abuse I gestured toward the struggling lady and when he continued sounding his horn I turned round and gave him the finger. When she finally cleared the crossing and I was able to move on the driver behind followed me for maybe 2-3 miles and kept sounding his horn and flashing. At no point was anything worse then a delay to his journey occurring yet he seemed to fly into this rage, would he get this mad while queuing in the post office?


I would have got out and asked if he was fing blind.

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I f##king hate tailgaters. Had one on the way to work the other morning and she has done it a few times now so i stopped dead in the middle of the road, got out and told her what i thought of her. We will see if she does it again.

Also a few weeks back a guy in an Almera was almost touching my rear bumper, unlucky for him he worked just around the corner from my work so he got the treatment as well. Wasn't so hard when he wasn't in his car, just quick marched away from me.


:haha:Oh quality after my experience a couple of weeks (see driving chronicles) ago I may start doing the same because I cant stand tailgaters on mine or other peoples cars.:(

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Hate to pick you up on that one, Digsy, but if you see a car's indicator flashing, all it proves it that his indicator works. If you pull out in front of him, you'll be at fault for not giving him right of way.


Oh yeah. Bloody cyclists, that's another one ;)

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My pet hate is the huge number of people who use the right hand lane of a roundabout to go straight on, usually because they're cutting ahead of the queue in the left lane.


But your allowed to do that if the road markings and signings permit. I do it all the time. I find it irritating people don't use the road like your allowed. And sit queuing because they don't read the signs.

Not all of the roundabouts are like that but I go to milton kenes a lot where most of them are like that.


What winds me up is people going strait ahead but on the left but then moving over to the inside lane on the middle of the roundabout then back to the left on the exit

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But your allowed to do that if the road markings and signings permit. I do it all the time. I find it irritating people don't use the road like your allowed. And sit queuing because they don't read the signs.

Not all of the roundabouts are like that but I go to milton kenes a lot where most of them are like that.


What winds me up is people going strait ahead but on the left but then moving over to the inside lane on the middle of the roundabout then back to the left on the exit


There's an island up the road from me that's left lane for left only and right lane for straight and right. If you go straight there's another one 200yds away that's left lane for left and straight and right lane for right only. Seems to confuse a hell of a lot of people.


Also, I take the "racing line" round islands if there's no one about as it's more fun :D

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Similar to being in a car. When the stakes are raised, behaviour and attitude changes... and that is just with a pair of heels.


:blink: I have no idea what you're on about in terms of the high heels. Strange analogy.


Anyway Robin is right - people's behaviour changes to an irrational 'I'm going to murder someone' much quicker these days.


On the way to work the other day we observed someone in a car several cars in front of us. He got soooo angry with very simple things happening ahead of him I actually thought his head would explode.


Same thing happened several months ago on the way down the M1. A car in front of us was pootling along in the middle lane so OH moved out to overtake him. He sped up and we played a game of speed up slow down for several miles. When he eventually got bored and moved over - we drove passed and as we did, both glanced into the car. He made several face and hand gesters to the point where we burst out laughing. This of course made him even more mad and he was waving his hands at us for a while afterwards. It was hilarious - and totally unnecessary.


I have no idea what's making everyone so angry.

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:blink: I have no idea what you're on about in terms of the high heels. Strange analogy.


Anyway Robin is right - people's behaviour changes to an irrational 'I'm going to murder someone' much quicker these days.


On the way to work the other day we observed someone in a car several cars in front of us. He got soooo angry with very simple things happening ahead of him I actually thought his head would explode.


Same thing happened several months ago on the way down the M1. A car in front of us was pootling along in the middle lane so OH moved out to overtake him. He sped up and we played a game of speed up slow down for several miles. When he eventually got bored and moved over - we drove passed and as we did, both glanced into the car. He made several face and hand gesters to the point where we burst out laughing. This of course made him even more mad and he was waving his hands at us for a while afterwards. It was hilarious - and totally unnecessary.


I have no idea what's making everyone so angry.


The endless crap on the radio?

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Listen to a CD?


I like listening to crap :D


It is crazy though, people have no patience and lose their tempers very quickly when behind the wheel. Probably 'cause they think they can make a quick getaway if the other person wants to fight them, whereas on the street they're too unfit to leg it if anything were to happen.

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This thread reminded me of the old shape Audi Coupe that was up my chuff on the M60 this afternoon. I was doing 80 but that still wasn't fast enough. There were no real gaps in the middle lane so I carried on in the outside lane. The guy was gesturing for me to pull over into the middle lane but I couldn't without breaking hard. The second that I got past the last car in the middle lane the prick undertook me as I indicated to pull in. He then continued weaving in and out of the third lane as some kind of demonstration of how to drive on the motorway ie his rules.


I finally lost my rag and went after him only for him to pull off at the next exit without indicating. :rolleyes: What a fooking dick..!! The red mist had decended by this point and it's a good job we were separated as I would have got out of the car and given him a peice of my foot, repeatedly.


I do at least 100 miles a day on the road and never have any issues on the motorway.




I had a similar thing on the A43, its only a 2 lane road and there were 3 or 4 trucks in the inside lane, I was the last car in a queue of 5 or 6 cars overtaking. This jerk in a golf came haring up behind me and proceeded to sit right on my arse, and when I didnt move over (because obviously I couldnt) he started flashing his lights and gesticulating.

What a dick. I was riled and also thought about giving chase.

Thing is, if this thread is a representative cross section of British drivers, and we're all good, nice, considerate, then where are all these bad drivers??

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Thing is, if this thread is a representative cross section of British drivers, and we're all good, nice, considerate, then where are all these bad drivers??


On Mumsnet? ;)


No but seriously, I wouldn't say this was a fair representative of all British drivers. And anyway, on a car forum full of blokes who is going to respond and say 'oh actually yes, I am quite sh*te'.

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On Mumsnet? ;)


No but seriously, I wouldn't say this was a fair representative of all British drivers. And anyway, on a car forum full of blokes who is going to respond and say 'oh actually yes, I am quite sh*te'.


OK, had to google mumsnet..... And on the response thing, anyone with any balls would lol "Yeah, I drive like a dick, what you gonna do about it? Up yours, all of you" :D

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1. People on phones.

2. Lorries overtaking lorries on a dual carriageway

3.Lorries/van's driving very close

4.On a little country road people who flash then stop next to the layby and expect me to "overtake them" using layby. WTF!

6.Woman i work with, with no reversing skills "driving" 60mph on a tiny country road in her poxy lookalike roadkill, death trap car .


8.Cyclist's not using arm signals when turning also when overtaking you on the lights.


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FWIW my pet hate is someone who sees a traffic light change about a mile up the road and slows down to a crawl so as not to have to be forced to stop, despite the fact that between him and the traffic light there is a left turn that I am now being prevented from taking as I have to drive at his speed until he decides to speed up.

Glad it's not just me who suffers from this, drives me mad! Also people who do the same in the queue for a roadabout leaving a huge gap in front until they can be arsed to move, completely failing to think that someone else may not in fact be going the same way as them and may be waiting to go up the slip road to the left, argh!


I do that, it's logical in the quest for reduced fuel consumption, with the amount of traffic lights I have to get through on the short trip to work it's a fine art getting your timing right so you don't have to keep stop-starting. I try to think about others wherever possible, so if someone's behind me indicating to turn off I won't sit there holding them up cos that's selfish for the 1/2 pence I'll save in fuel, but for example in traffic I don't keep sat on the bumper of the car in front, I always try to maintain a steady speed by judging when the concertina ahead will be stopping and starting.

IMO people who get annoyed by a car leaving a gap in front of it up to 4 or 5 car lengths (rather than, I assume, the 1 car length or less they think should be kept) are road ragey aggressive impatient gits who need to leave 10 mins earlier for their journey.

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Another one. Driving in a 2 lane carriageway where the inside lane is a buslane clearly marked as being operational ONLY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7am AND 10am.


So why don't people drive in it the rest of the day, instead of clogging themselves up nose to tail???


Actually it's not that bad, I'm quite happy to drive it in all on my own right to the front of the queue.

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Another one. Driving in a 2 lane carriageway where the inside lane is a buslane clearly marked as being operational ONLY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7am AND 10am.


So why don't people drive in it the rest of the day, instead of clogging themselves up nose to tail???


Actually it's not that bad, I'm quite happy to drive it in all on my own right to the front of the queue.


On the flip side. in Northampton there are areas like this but at a junction the bus lane will go 24/7 and take a different route to the road for 20m. To make it easy for them I guess. But people constantly nip through or don't realise. And there are no lights at the bus lane exit just give way. I see close calls all the time

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Another one. Lazy dirty b4stards who empty their ashtrays/orange peel/mcdonalds packaging out of their window onto the road.


Rule is simple - if you wouldn't chuck it on your lawn, don't chuck in on the road. So that includes banana skins and apple cores!

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