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My long list of hateful driving habits


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Now I do 400 miles a week commuting I see more than my fair share of bad driving and it is starting to get to me so I need to get things off my chest. Today on 5 or 6 occasions I shouted out loud at the numbskull drivers around me because my tolerance levels of the imbeciles on the road are at an all time low. Here are just a few of my gripes (not in any particular order).


Feel free to add to the list:


1 - middle lane drivers pootling along in their little dreamy bubble world oblivious to the huge long line in the outside lane behind them queuing up to get past


2 - tailgaters WHY WHY WHY do they do this???



3 - cars that turn right (without indicating) then left (without indicating) then right (without indicating) then overtake (without indicating) then pull over (without indicating).... etc


4 - slowing down for a gatso speed camera when the camera is facing towards them


5 - not waving/flashing when I have been generous by stopping and and letting them in/get past


6 - full headlights on during daylight. Why?

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I always slow down for the cameras when they're facing towards me if there are lines in the road. I know it's impossible that it'll flash but I don't want to risk it.


The thing that annoys me most is people not saying thanks. For that they get the "beep and bird". Beep the horn then flash the bird :D

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How can you risk something that you know is impossible?


When I first passed my test I used to drive to my mate's house all the time and had to go through one on the way to his (towards it). It was just at the start of an incline and as I was young and in a 1.2 Clio, I used to put my foot down a bit to get up to speed to race up the hill. One of the days I went through it at like 60 leptons and it flashed. It proper sh!t me up but nothing came of it.


Never gone too fast through one since.

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You want to try being a rep mate. All I see all day are people who can't drive..!!


People blatantly on mobiles is my pet hate. I often wondered if the Police would sponsor a camera to be mounted on my dash and I would get commission for gaining evidence of dickheads?


Could catch on eh?



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I f##king hate tailgaters. Had one on the way to work the other morning and she has done it a few times now so i stopped dead in the middle of the road, got out and told her what i thought of her. We will see if she does it again.

Also a few weeks back a guy in an Almera was almost touching my rear bumper, unlucky for him he worked just around the corner from my work so he got the treatment as well. Wasn't so hard when he wasn't in his car, just quick marched away from me.

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When I first passed my test I used to drive to my mate's house all the time and had to go through one on the way to his (towards it). It was just at the start of an incline and as I was young and in a 1.2 Clio, I used to put my foot down a bit to get up to speed to race up the hill. One of the days I went through it at like 60 leptons and it flashed. It proper sh!t me up but nothing came of it.


Never gone too fast through one since.


Nothing came of it because it is unable to measure your speed when you are travelling towards it [FACT]. Unlike a Truvelo camera which is the opposite. So long as you know the difference you have nothing to fear (unless the police are following you)

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Are you a clone of me? Thats my list of pet hates, especially the non indication thing. Its come to a point where I have to tell myself to calm down lol. Also add to that list the people who join the motorway then do a 3 lane switch to the outside lane instantly, and the people who try to gain a car length by gunning it up the outside lane then doing a 3 lane switch to the motorway exit. Just dangerous.


Havard, if I see people on phones I honk the horn and do the phone hand sign, never gets a reaction but makes me feel better.

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Nothing came of it because it is unable to measure your speed when you are travelling towards it [FACT]. Unlike a Truvelo camera which is the opposite. So long as you know the difference you have nothing to fear (unless the police are following you)


Oh definitely but pretty much everyone I see going through one slows down so I do too, the chance to accelerate afterwards is good though :)

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Are you a clone of me? Thats my list of pet hates, especially the non indication thing. Its come to a point where I have to tell myself to calm down lol. Also add to that list the people who join the motorway then do a 3 lane switch to the outside lane instantly, and the people who try to gain a car length by gunning it up the outside lane then doing a 3 lane switch to the motorway exit. Just dangerous.


Havard, if I see people on phones I honk the horn and do the phone hand sign, never gets a reaction but makes me feel better.


I do that and a couple of times people have taken their phone from their ear and put their hand up to say sorry. It's fun to boss people about :D

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1. Bastards who don't wave/flash to say thanks (8 in 10 passer-bys don't thank me)


2. Bastards who give you enough room for a bike to get passed, despite being in a fat-ass car!!! I was going down a country lane the other day (it's a very slow, rich housing, excluded area) and I came up to this quite open Y junction and I couldn't reverse as there was no-where to go, but this bloody woman decides that she can't get out of her line of driving, so instead of moving over a bit, I have to come finger length from scraping my car against hers and a wall. Utter ridiculous.


3. Bastard chavs who think they are king of the road... only to find they are still peasants when they realise they are upside-down.


4. Bastards that brake at every sight of an oncoming car, turn, flying pigeon, sheep in a field, etc.


5. Bastards that indicate on a bend... it's clearly not a turning.

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Havard, if I see people on phones I honk the horn and do the phone hand sign, never gets a reaction but makes me feel better.


I've found a fantastic method of telling people off while driving. Just casually shake your head at them. The response you get from many is worse than if you were to swear at them :D

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My hate is when you come into road works on a motorway and you're travelling at the correct speed, let's say 50mph and a vehicle decides to exceed that and then pull in front of you on the inside lane and then slow down and stick to 47mph. Oh I'm a lorry driver and a lot of the time the 2nd lane has been restricted to smaller vehicles.

Also when people don't use there indicators on a roundabout.

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My no.1 gripe at the moment is people who can't judge the near side of their car. Not meaning to sound sexist but this seems to be 90% (minimum) female related. Not sure if guys generally have a better spacial awareness or not.


All too often I find myself driving up a road with cars on either side, I make sure I drive fairly close to the cars on my left when anyone approaches me from the opposite end so that they have a clear space to pass through. Every time when I am faced with this situation, and it's a girly, I have to almost ditch myself into the cars because they need 12 feet at their near side from the parked cars.


I've also noticed a lot of taxi drivers doing the above, they seem to think they are great drivers because they do it for a living. In actual fact they are LAZY drivers because they do it for a living and generally drive around half shut off.


No offence to girlies here btw, it's just an observation. Guys tend to be more aggressive and dangerous with speed if it helps (another observation), in similar ratios too.

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Now I do 400 miles a week commuting I see more than my fair share of bad driving and it is starting to get to me so I need to get things off my chest. Today on 5 or 6 occasions I shouted out loud at the numbskull drivers around me because my tolerance levels of the imbeciles on the road are at an all time low. Here are just a few of my gripes (not in any particular order).


Feel free to add to the list:


1 - middle lane drivers pootling along in their little dreamy bubble world oblivious to the huge long line in the outside lane behind them queuing up to get past


2 - tailgaters WHY WHY WHY do they do this???



3 - cars that turn right (without indicating) then left (without indicating) then right (without indicating) then overtake (without indicating) then pull over (without indicating).... etc


4 - slowing down for a gatso speed camera when the camera is facing towards them


5 - not waving/flashing when I have been generous by stopping and and letting them in/get past


6 - full headlights on during daylight. Why?


All of the above plus this is my main one:


People texting whilst driving! I see this so often, talkings bad enough but this is just foolish.

I do lots of miles a week and can't beleive the number of people I see, Also a lot of the time it is lorry drivers!.


Tailgating seems to be done mainly by women, and I put lack of indicating down to ignorance that so many people seem to have plenty of. There should be a fixed penalty for people caught not indicating.

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Tailgating is my Primary hate at the moment. Usually people in TDi's it would seem, because as everyone knows, they have a turbo so are clearly faster than everything else on the road.


Also people on phones.... My last car was written off by some monkey who was too busy playing with his phone, hospital time and a knackerd shoulder joint for me. I take it personally now. There should be a rule that when safe to do so, you should be allowed to get out of your car and baseball bat the offending car but to keep it fair, 3 decent strikes.


Taxi drivers crack me up as well, they seem to have special exceptions to the rules of the road that us mere motals have to abide by. Apparently if your a 'professional driver' you can park/stop/speed/ignore pretty much anything.



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Yep, all of those, plus:


Cnuts who sit in the next lane to you, doing maybe 2mph more and spend eternity just about level with your back quarter. This seems to be happening more often - I'll be sat in lane 1 or 2 making good progress, see a car approaching in the next lane, then spend the next few miles with him stuck just behind me up to the point I need to pass something, then I just boot it, pull in front, perform the overtake and slot back into the inside lane and resume cruising speed. At this point the knob jockey seems to find his throttle pedal and shoots off into the distance at 90mph.


I keep looking to see if someone has stuck a poster to my rear bimper and everyone is slowing down to read it.

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and I put lack of indicating down to ignorance that so many people seem to have plenty of. There should be a fixed penalty for people caught not indicating.


I put it down to laziness. You have to move 1 finger about 2 inches and people cant be arsed to even do that. Its mirror, signal, manouver, not just manouver.

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People not using their indicators and people on the phone. I also come across all the others (hence why I have a web cam in my car and want to change it to something better) but the indicators and phone are the ones that really annoy me.

The way I deal with tail-gaters. Because I usually have my lights on flick on the read fog light. The brain sees a really bright red light suddenly comes on and the reflex is to think you are slamming your brakes on that much harder. If that doesn't work then I usually do tap my brakes.

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Tailgating seems to be done mainly by women, and I put lack of indicating down to ignorance that so many people seem to have plenty of. There should be a fixed penalty for people caught not indicating.


My Wife does it all the time. Everytime I am in the car with her I pull her up about it. I explain about the reaction time and if something were to happen and they hammered on their brakes, by the time the brain registered you would be into them full on.


She does take heed for a little while but then it starts all over again. The only case she ever puts forward is "well I haven't crashed yet". My reply is always "not yet, no. But if you do it'll be a big one".


Not sure why they can't see the potential danger. I also notice that she doesn't seem to know what's going on any further than the car in front. I always drive while concentrating on as far as the eye can see. If someone brakes 6 cars in front I am generally on the brakes way before the car in front of me. My Wife doesn't react till the car in front does. I notice a lot of this going on, it takes me back to the spacial awareness thing, it's as if it is just an awareness trait that is more dominant in guys...... usually.

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Same here, Im always looking ahead to see whats coming up, I have found that if you just slow down a bit and look more you dont get in half the problems that come up.


Read a book on traffic police road craft (dont profess to be anything near an expert driver) and its full of very simple suggestions and techniques that normally most people just wouldnt think of.

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