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HELP! My Supra keeps freezing!


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I've had major problems getting into my Supra in the last few days due to the freezing weather. Not only are the locks getting frozen but the doors are freezing shut too.


The last couple of days I've just dumped a bucket of warm water over the doors to free them, but it did it in the car park at work this evening. Took me 15 minutes to get into it after going back in and getting a biscuit tin full of warm water :eek:


I think I've worked out where it's sticking - the black ridgey door sills have ice around, and underneath them (probably my own doing due to the warm water). I've squirted a bit of deicer along the sill but I'm concerned about it damaging the paintwork so I haven't gone too overboard.


Driving home, there was an ungodly squeaking noise coming from the boot area too.


Has anyone else had the same problems?



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I had to get quite physical with the Polo door lock tonight to get it open. I'm going to try squirting a load of WD40 into the lock and see how it goes tomorrow.


If money is no object, get one of those fancy alarms that will pre-start and warm up your car before you even get out of bed. That should sort it.

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Good luck


Warm water is the worst thing you can do.


I have seen windscreens crack when warm water is poured on due to thermal shock. The water will fill the seals due to capillary action and due to the very small volume compared to the cold mass of the door and seals freeze in seconds making a small problem fifty times worse.


Warm a key gently with a lighter a few time that usually work.


Lubricating the seals is a good idea.

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Originally posted by Branners

I believe vaseline is the answer to your problems....




'DONT' use vaseline on the rubbers around the doors!!! If you have already take it off. The rubbers around the doors are the same as the MR2's, I remember somebody putting valeline on them for the same problem, fair enough it stopped them sticking but at the same time it rotted the rubbers away!:eek:

If you go to Halfords they sell a silicone spray (Costs a couple of quid tops) , clean your rubbers and then give them a good soaking with this stuff. You'll not have the problem anymore and your rubbers will stay intact.:)


Lord!!! I gave useful information. Must go and smoke straight away to calm down!:baa:



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Originally posted by JamesG

I've had major problems getting into my Supra in the last few days due to the freezing weather. Not only are the locks getting frozen but the doors are freezing shut too.


The last couple of days I've just dumped a bucket of warm water over the doors to free them, but it did it in the car park at work this evening. Took me 15 minutes to get into it after going back in and getting a biscuit tin full of warm water :eek:


I think I've worked out where it's sticking - the black ridgey door sills have ice around, and underneath them (probably my own doing due to the warm water). I've squirted a bit of deicer along the sill but I'm concerned about it damaging the paintwork so I haven't gone too overboard.


Driving home, there was an ungodly squeaking noise coming from the boot area too.


Has anyone else had the same problems?




Go and buy some glycerin from a chemist and wipe this on the door sealing rubbers. It won't rot the rubber like vaseline may. Spray into the keylocks with proper lock de icer. See if ther's a bat hibernating in the car if there's a squeaking.... yeah, just ask me how I know....

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my door's doing EXACTLY the same on the last 3/4 cold mornings.

Had to stand there and GENTLY pull on handle 'till finally eased off

the seal.


[i thought my hatch-'rubbers' had stopped squeekin', but these

few icey mornings they're back to there old squeeky-best again:( ]


GOD, do I miss the heated front screen on my Escort ! ? !

[Why is it that it's mainly Fords that put HFS on LOADS of their models

and NOT the more 'expensive' cars ? ? it's a GOD-SEND ! !:mad: ]



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Originally posted by Steve W

GOD, do I miss the heated front screen on my Escort ! ? !

[Why is it that it's mainly Fords that put HFS on LOADS of their models

and NOT the more 'expensive' cars ? ? it's a GOD-SEND ! !:mad: ]




It's because AFAIK Ford have the copy right type thingy on it.....so they are the only ones who can use it. :mad:

I used to love it too.....mind you, start the car up for a couple of minutes....go back in the house, stand at the window carefully watching whilst smoking the last fag before driving to work. Defrosts screen while you smoke.....cause, if you don't smoke, you could always have a coffee. :)

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Well, I know older (dearer) Opels and Vauxhalls had it... Senators/

Royals etc....('cos that's when I first wanted one = showin' age

again !)


OR, why don't the manufacturers do something like the 'silly'

screen-heaters (you know, the 'ceramic'-cigarette-lighter-jobbies)

only install it in the screen 'ducts' to act as a '1st' thing / get you

going sort of thing ? ?


Without a doubt, HEATING the screen rather than just scraping it/using de-icer, is FAR better ' cos it don't re-freeze as soon as

you start driving.


Just seems silly, 'all' cars have REAR screen heaters, which aren't

anywhere NEAR as important (after all, you can't fail an MOT if

your rear wiper OR washer isn't working - ONLY YOUR FRONTS ! ! !)


[ As you can tell (?) this is a sore subject with me ! ! :p ]



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Oh. Maybe not then.......but with Fords only being the ones to do it for years now I thought that this was the case.


I totally agree though with everything you've just said. I miss the heated screen in the Cossie. As you've said, the rear heated jobby isn't so important but I have to back off the drive so initially for me it is. :D

I never scrape cos......well, basically I cant be arsed and de-icer rots your windscreen wipers so I don't use that either. Starting the car and leaving it a few minutes is the best idea I reckon, defrosts the window, makes it nice and warm inside (Leather included if you flick the heated jobbies) and also warms the engine up for driving which has to be the best reason......well, apart from not being able to see obviously. :stupid:

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........if you flick the heated jobbies


You just HAD to show off, didn't you ?


and there we were havin' such a friendly-early mornin' chit-chat


you had to go and spoil it.....grrr....jealous....grumble.....cold-botty...




BTW, my leather HASN'T got heating in case you hadn't guessed.



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Originally posted by Steve W

You just HAD to show off, didn't you ?


and there we were havin' such a friendly-early mornin' chit-chat


you had to go and spoil it.....grrr....jealous....grumble.....cold-botty...




BTW, my leather HASN'T got heating in case you hadn't guessed.




PMSL!!! That made me smile mate. :D


Well, if you've got it.....flaunt it eh! :baa: By god though.....those seats are chilly this time of year.................before I flick the switch. :baa: ;)

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Guest Martin F
Originally posted by Mark D

There is a downside to having heated front windows. I believe it can interfere with the reception on portable GPS Sat Nav systems. These are likely to become more popular as they get cheaper.



Well in that case just fit an external GPS aerial, quite cheap and easy.

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