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Trying to replace heater matrix


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Hi guys,


Ive been trying to remove my entire dash since this morning following Jezz's guide, however I am finding myself a little stuck.


There is a bunch of wires on the drivers side footwell, connected up to a bunch of plugs, which appears to be attached to the dash itself. (They are the plugs near the driver footwell fuse box)


I cannot for the life of me remove one of the blue plugs and was wondering if anyone knows of a trick, or an alternative way to free the dash.


I have pictures of the offending plug. The left side of it I can unplug, but this seems to run into the front wing and not the dash. The right side is what is attached to the dash but it wont unplug! Anyone know if this thing can be unplugged?




Also I turned my speedo cluster over and noticed two holes where I suspect bulbs should be (Might explain lack of lights for fuel gauge). Should the two holes circled have bulbs? and anyone know the part numbers?

Driver footwell, problem plug1.jpg

Driver footwell, problem plug2.jpg


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Not seen one exactly like that before, but it might be the sort where you have to prise the side out first, I would have thought possibly the white bit lifts up first, if you have ever taken a mobile phone or a digital camaera apart they have tiny ribbon cables that are held in place by a lift up clamp, sort of like that, you have to lift up the clamp to get the thing apart.

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Guest blueangel

it has a button on the other side of the bit with the white on it dude the other part should be connected to the footwell side if you have any probs with it i'll take a photo as ive just replaced my loom and have the old one in the kitchen.

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I can get the left side of the plug out, but that is connected to a bunch of wires that goes seemingly back in, towards the engine. The one to the dash just wont shift.


Ill have a go with the white band thing as I thought that was possibly the case yesterday, but ran out of light.


Another day of shaved knuckles inc!

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Guest blueangel

its just the same as the other plugs dude just the catch is on the opposite side to what your looking at.


i'll get a photo

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I did an inverted roll and found the bugger (I.e. I was upside down under the steering column).


Thats a stupid plug in the first place but I have now freed it. The entire blue plug comes off of the white bracket, and you have to unclip the blue plug going into it also.. its more of a connector block than a plug.


Got all the relevant looms unplugged, taken the bolt out of passenger vent, the two in the footwell passenger side, the drivers side well screws x2 and the nut x1 right of steering column.


Also got the two center bolts out.


Dash should come out now but bloody refuses to.


Must be a trick to this lol

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To get the actual dash out itself, lots of shaking in a vertical motion will help as it has a few very demanding clips (of sorts) holding it against the firewall.


Even if you get someone else to pull from the passenger side while doing the driver side yourself. :)

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Ok we have released the dash but its held in by some sort of plug.. which is connected to a hose.. help!


Im trying to get a picture, but its the small horizontal vents to the right of the cigarette lighter, behind that is a square piece of plastic which is connected via a pipe, this pipe runs backwards.


Anyone know what that pipe is?

Weird pipe.jpg

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Excellent. Thanks for the help so far guys - need a bit more though please!


We have progressed - Dash is out.


Now stuck on the next part (wondering why I actually started this in the first place now).


The heater matrix box, according to the walkthrough. 4x 12mm bolts top, 3x10mm bolts in the footwells.


I have removed 3 of 3 of the 10mm ones,


I have removed 3 of 4 of the 12mm ones.


Cannot find the fourth 12mm one.. I have drawn red cirlces on the pics to show the locations of where the bolts were.


Any ideas where the missing 12mm one is hiding?


Also- once the bolts are out, do I just pull the whole of it out? Is there a way to get at the matrix without pulling that lot out as it wont budge.


Loosing hope with this quite rapidly :(



*edit - There are two bolts holding in a plate within the engine bay. I had disconnected those pipes previously, to stop coolant flowing to the matrix. However, do I need to remove these bolts from that plate? (pic added)


The system still has air con in it also, Dont want to drain the gas unless its needed as its only been in a few month.




Engine bay 1.jpg

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Ok, yes you need to drain the air con, yes you need to totally disconect the air con pipes and yes you will need to undo and remove that small plate.


From memory you may need to get upside down with your head in the passenger footwell to look up the back of the heater to find the last of the bolts. Also there is (IIRC) a small bolt that is on the far right side of the unit, almos next to the door.

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Ah crap, that means a mobile callout to drain air con then I guess as it aint going nowhere at the moment.


Ive called it a day for today, will have round 3 with it tomorrow. Might have to wait till Monday though to get that gas drained. Im really not sure which pipes to disconnect for the air con.


Tempted to put it back together and just be cold lol.


So close yet so far.. Thanks for the help so far though guys, really really appreciate it!

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Homer.. damn you!! lol. I am currently totalling 8 hrs and not done yet.


Not sure what you mean by take the whole heater box out.. is that the thing secured by 4 bolts at top and three below? I cannot find the 4th unless its the one far right, that seemingly isnt part of the system..

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Maybe I read Hatevents reply wrong, I removed the entire unit which seems to be the same you're trying to do.


I only remember there being 3 bolts along the top and 3 underneath, so maybe Jez's guide isn't correct... Will check the service manual in a bit and see what they say.


EDIT: Just checked, yep, only 3 at the top, 3 at the bottom :)

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^This^ Much easier way to do it.


I just did this swap this afternoon, only took 3.5 hours :D




You have to remove the whole box don't you? Didn't think the matrix would come out otherwise. Think it took me around 5 hours last time, i'm going to time it next time to see if I can beat you! :p

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You have to remove the whole box don't you? Didn't think the matrix would come out otherwise. Think it took me around 5 hours last time, i'm going to time it next time to see if I can beat you! :p


Yeah, I meant I removed the whole box, as per Jez's thread. Think I mistunderstood the comment ealier!


We've got some way to go to beat Graham S's record, IIRC it was about 2 hours!! He's a mechanic though so doesn't really count :D

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For being a mechanic he should suffer an automatic 2 hour penalty added on lol.


Cheers for checking Homer, seemed as if I did have all the bolts off that I could find.


Spoke with Jezz too and now I have to remove the plates on the bulkhead for the air con and the water pipes and the whole thing should pop out, then bang in the new matrix and bobs your uncle.


Really glad I put masking tape labels on all the plugs though. I wanted the dash retrimming or flocking, but after seeing how big / fragile it is, dont think I will risk shipping it. Plus probably need to strip the looms out of it too.


J_J.. your crazy if you enjoy doing these lol. There will be no "next time" for me :)

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Oh yes, the the bulkhead plate must come out, it won't move an inch with them in place. I'd assumed you'd done that already ;)


You're 99% done now, the rest is easy :)


BTW, removing the loom from the dash is very easy to do, it's very well designed (unlike the heater matrix!!)

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Explains why the thing didnt move then haha. Almost cracked the dash getting it out as there were a few extra bolts I didnt notice.


I just dont think I would remember where all the looms went on the dash, however now I know how to get it out, should be easier if I decide to do it in the future :)


Can see light at the end of the tunnel at least..be glad when its done (and it works)

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