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This new War of t'worlds film.


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It's nothing to do with the Jeff Wayne musical, if that's what you're referring to, so unlikely. There is a separate (unrelated) CGI movie been made based around the musical though.


The Spielberg movie sure looks promising. Cool trailers and awesome website (love the music on that). And what can I say, tripods rock!



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I'd imagine it'll be a re-make of the american film, rather than a screenplay based on the book.


I'll be ecstatic if it has "four minutes to bomb time" in it.



nope according to spielburg its actually based on the book!


i cant wait for it now, the tripods look awesome :ecstatic:

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I'm sure I read that it was going to be three films. Now it looks like it'll only be one. Anyone shed any light on this?


I wonder if that is someone confusing it with The Tripods trilogy of books, and TV series.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw this on Saturday night. Utterly superb!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


Loved the book and the JW musical as well (still have them both somewhere...) As a child I felt totally let down by the 1950's flim adaptation, so I was both surprised and glad that the new film managed to keep the main plot points of the original storyline, even if it had suffered the inevitable re-location to the good ol' US of A.


And stop calling them "tripods". Everyone knows the proper name for them is fighting machines :)


***Maybe some spoliers***


The only downside I could think of was that the whole "machines already buried millions of years ago" thing was totally uneccesary, and added a plot hole which would never have been there if they had stuck to the original manner in which the martians arrived. Also, I was kind of hoping that the fighting machines and martians would pay a bit more homage to the artwork included with the musical version with big, bulky aliens, rather than being a complete re-hash with smaller, nimble beings.


BUT...! :)


The whole film really did have an amazing feeling of hopelessness to it, and even though it focussed more on the human side of the story and didn't dwell too much on actual martians, there was a brilliant sense of eerie, ever-present menace right the way through.


One for the DVD collection when it comes out! :D

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excellent film, loved the special effects. Well thought through and a real sense of 'shit we are going to get fecked on' :D







IMO ended a little abruptly with only one tripod being taken down by the military and the rest shown as stills which had gone done, would have been nice to see some alien butt being killed and more of a final fight

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IMO ended a little abruptly with only one tripod being taken down by the military and the rest shown as stills which had gone done, would have been nice to see some alien butt being killed and more of a final fight

It's not Independance Day :)


The ending was one of the best things about the film IMHO. It ended exactly as the book ends. It would have been so easy for Speilberg to do a set-piece battle at the end, but instead he chose to stay to the original storyline.

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It's not Independance Day :)


The ending was one of the best things about the film IMHO. It ended exactly as the book ends. It would have been so easy for Speilberg to do a set-piece battle at the end, but instead he chose to stay to the original storyline.



I havent read the book but I thought that might have been the reason, speilberg is the master and I'm sure he could have done something better if he wanted to but I still think it could have been more graphical with at least a bit of alien butt kicking, possibly some kind of interstella wresting match? :nana: /gets coat

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I have to say I hated it - the whole burried millions of years ago bit made no sense at all (as in they wouldn't know what would evolve so why bother and did they not catch diseases and die when burying them and did we never dig one up and so on and so on but hey it's only a film) - the ending was true to the book but kind of glossed over and frankly the son and daughter were so annoying you wanted them to die....


Did anyone else notice the voice over at the beginning was James Earl Jones (recorded presumably a while ago as he sadly passed away) but at the end was Morgan Freeman?

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Did anyone else notice the voice over at the beginning was James Earl Jones (recorded presumably a while ago as he sadly passed away) but at the end was Morgan Freeman?


er James Earl Jones isn't dead :conf:


he's got pneumonia but he hasn't died


EDIT: Damn it beaten again! :p

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