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Anyone Still Feel Weird Regarding Ex's?


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Hay gang.


After 4 years of lossing an ex of mine it still churns my stomach and really bums me out if i hear of any news or see a pic of her pop up some where? Only recently her name can be mentioned without me nauseous as much.

Doesnt help with a stomach condtion.


Near on every other ex im mates will and still ctach up now and again...

Its a rite pain up the ass and iv had a good mate to go into facebok to make adjustments to she never pops up as a suggested friend etc....


Ok just seeing if anyone else has this issue? Or is it just me being a looser? lol




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Not just you men that suffer, been a year since I split with my last boyfriend and I still miss him loads, dont help that he was into toyota cars in a big way and everytime I go to a car meet etc I just wish he was with me as I know how much he would love to have been surrounded by the supras

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Was you with her for long?


2 years.


If she lives right around the corner then I can feel you.


Lucky enough not...


Without sounding harsh its good to hear im not as much of a sucker as i thought with peoples replys so far.


I think at time i kinda took her reasuring comments of "no matter how ill u get im yours" and " im not the one thats ever goin to end this" so i never told her enough how much i appreicated waht she did for me. It was so much of a shock to my friends they didnt belive me when i told them even to my family. So to me it was a kick in the face.


To show that i dindt wanna loose her i travelled to her (3 hours away) in abuslute pain (stomach probs) but sadly at the time it wasnt enough, I think her new mates she met were most probley telling here things and that would explain the sudden change of " i cant do this no more"


I dont think i still love her as IF she ever got in contact again (which wont ever happen, and for me thats the best) i wouldnt ever take her back etc...

The lack of not being able to meet new people and get out much most probly play a big roll in it.

Embarassing to say but i have had theropy help with the issue but tied in with my pysical problem (wont just go about her)


Sorry if im sounding a complete drag


All other girls iv met in the mean time have been complete nut jobs..... I with the ratio of genuine girls to insane ones its sumin like 1/100, Im sure u nice lady members are in the 1 not the 100 :)

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Can't say I have ever felt that way with an ex as I have always felt it was the end of our relationship. One time many moons ago I did contact an ex as I thought there were still feelings there but I think it was loneliness rather than anything else. The need for someone was more aparent than the need for that particular person.


It's a dangerous game to play as you may think it is her you have the feeling for, when in actual fact it is loneliness and rememberance of the relationship you had. It almost tricks your mind into believing it is her all these feelings are surfacing for.


That's just my experience of it though, everyone is different :)

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suck it up big guy. i know what you mean , i wish i could teach my wonefull ability to switch off emotion . i know that sounds daft but if something feels like it couyld cause emotional disturbance i can switch it off and feel nothing, its a state of mind mate , just be mentally strong.

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Guest alan3579

gonna be hard no matter how it ended, when you spend time with someone, it will always hurt when they are not around any more.


I would say you are perfectly normal, smile, move on and remember the good times..

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I know what you mean fella, I can not stand the sight of my ex and makes my blood boil when my family talk to her. Although my situation was a bit different, I had a bad accident, lost everything and was suffering with deep depression at the time that had me in and out of hospital.

It does get better, but takes a while. It's been 4 years now and Im happy in a relationship and getting married in April. Although I still hope the bitch burns in hell lol.

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get that chin up buddy!! you will find someone else and forget all about it. I did.


Was with my a previous GF for 7 years, got right to the point of buying a house and she screwed me over, lost the deposit and all because she wasnt sure. massive kick in the nuts.


had a few brief encounters with some serious nut jobs inbetween and have ended up with a GF who is pure awesome. She loves gaming, she loves the gym and best of all she loves supras and is trying to get my to buy one asap.


A keeper for sure!!! :D


Head up dude, still think about my ex, then i see how much better it is now, give it time and all will come through for you!

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Everytime I see my ex I think murderous thoughts. She is the most selfish women I have every encountered in my life.I have custody of our son,who is now 6,she hasn't bothered to see him since he was 1,not even a birthday card.nothing stopping her seeing him either.


Chin up anyway fella,you'll find someone else

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i wish i could teach my wonefull ability to switch off emotion . i know that sounds daft but if something feels like it couyld cause emotional disturbance i can switch it off and feel nothing.

+10 QFT, I have the same thing, in respect of feelings be it love, hate, or even death.

I click my fingers and everything I have previously felt ends, even if it was less than 5 minutes ago.

It is something I have learnt as a child growing up, and brought it into adulthood - it can however be a curse.

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I don't get how people can get screwed over by women. I've never been in a relationship (granted I'm on 22) where the girl was crazy or I hated her.


I'm in pretty much my first serious relationship with my girlfriend now and it's been 3 years. She's never screwed me over or done anything crazy and I can see myself being with her for a long time to come. We're saving up to get a house and starting to think about the future.


This isn't a dig at anyone but it seems weird how you'd let a girl mess you around.


For example my mate decided to break up with a girl (who was crazy and would call him up screaming and crying demanding he go get her, if drunk to get a taxi to her) to go after a weird girl who was in a relationship with another girl at the time. She was a full on lesbian, never been with a man kind of thing.


She was living with a few lesbian mates (none were hot so no pics were taken/warranted) who then all decided to fall out.


Long story short, mate and the girl pretty much hated each other as soon as they moved in together and he paid for everything. She had him pay outstanding bills to her ex and he bought her a car. They broke up and he's never asked for the money back and the £600 he spent on the car was apparently not needed back as he didn't want to see her again.


He was extremely unhappy the whole relationship and because of it we went from being best mates since the start of high school to hardly ever seeing each other which is what it's like now.


I'd like to think I'm strong enough that if my girlfriend started messing me about and cheated on me or anything, that I'd get rid of her straight away. As well if I started doing that I'd expect her to leave me too.


Edit: the ex-lesbian girl was so crazy she called my mate once saying she'd been raped and to go get her from town (where she was on a night out). After racing there it turned out she'd lied just to get a lift. Also on more than one occasion he returned home from work to find her in the bath with her wrists cut which she said was so he'd love her again.


Crazy, crazy, crazy.

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