Matt H Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 Following on from Michel's thread, I'm interested to know how many people believe that things exist in our world such as ghosts or demons or spirits etc - anything 'supernatural'. Perhaps you believe that clairvoyance is possible or that something or someone haunts your house?... Or maybe you simply believe in a religion? So, do things exist that are beyond the realms of physics? Do forces exist that can’t be explained by conventional means? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supralad Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 Is this a joke? Cant tell if your being serious; if you are...... dont be stupid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a98pmalcolm Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 Nope... Things are as we see it im my eyes.. A tree is a tree, a car is a car. Humans are just humans.. All of which are made of the same atoms and cells along with everything else. When you really see things that way. You then realise how daft the term "supernatural" really is... However some great films have come out of it... Our minds play tricks on us at time only becuase of stories we have heard being bort up with i.e: Spirits... If we all got told there was a very common ghost called "The Donkey Raping Sheep Moose" im sure we would beleive in that... "I saw it.. It was there having his way with this poor poor donkey, it had the head and legs of a sheep and the body of a Moose" lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lbm Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 No. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr lover Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 obviously not, it is all bull$h1t Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supra_aero Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 Gotta be a no despite my love of horror films Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 I think I do. My great nan died when I was about 2 and she left my Mum a very old clock that hadn't worked for about 20 years. We tried winding the clock up and all sorts of things but couldn't get it working. My Mum and brother share a birthday (18th July). At midnight on the 18th the clock started to chime. Once it had stopped it wouldn't work and hasn't worked since. My uncle died unexpectedly last year and the next day weird things were happening like doors opening and closing and lights turning on by themselves. I believe in it to an extent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j_jza80 Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 I don't believe in anything specifically, but I would be small minded to beieve that science has the answers to everything Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lbm Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 I don't believe in anything specifically, but I would be small minded to beieve that science has the answers to everything I would say that science itself acknowledges it doesn't have the answers to everything Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampy442 Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 Also no. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted December 7, 2010 Author Share Posted December 7, 2010 Is this a joke? Cant tell if your being serious; if you are...... dont be stupid. I'm confused, why would this be a joke and why am I being stupid? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TonyP Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 No. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lbm Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 Ok, having been a big fan of Penn & Teller, Derren Brown etc for many years and also finding Derek Acorah a curious fellow...I decided about 6 years ago to attend a spiritualist church meeting (in Harrow) to see for myself the incredible talents of several mediums. I was sceptical before I went in, in part, due to my penchant for magicians and mentalism acts who openly admit to using cold reading and pickpocketing/peeking techniques as part of their show. Still, it would be good to see/feel/hear something for myself. I also went with two friends, a guy and a girl for some kind of balance. Well well well...plenty of spirits came through to the mediums (not for me though sadly) As I discreetly looked around the room, studying the hopeful and the perhaps somewhat desperate and most certainly vulnerable types, I began to feel a bit sorry for them and also I was starting to get mildly annoyed by the mediums/performers. Their success rate was more or less nil imho, and yet the crowd seemed impressed. Some of the punters (it was free admission btw) were positively delighted and of course some became a bit weepy too. The truth is, as has been said by pro magicians and sceptics around the world eg James Randi; 1. The mediums simply asked questions... 2. They were given answers... 3. They then gave the people who had just told them their own answers, back to them, plus a bit of embellishment here and there... 4. The crowd gasped in wonderment as to how they could posibly know all this personal stuff. My three favourite stand out moments from that evening were as follows: 1. Two gentlemen looking a bit like the Proclaimers, approx mid forties, flat top hair, rimmed glasses and wearing his and his matching jackets were sitting closely next to each other in the congregation. I'm not a betting man, but I suspected they may be item! The lady medium homed in on the one whose glasses were especially thick full of glass.. "I've got a lady here who tells me you've got an eye sight problem...does that make any sense my love?" (At this point I really did nearly p!ss my pants) "Yes, I have" he replied in a pleased way. Medium: "Is it your mum I've got with me?" He: (trying not to nod yes) Medium: "Yes, I believe it's your mum etc..." Anyway the long and the short of it was it seemed he'd never told his mum about his sexuality and he would have liked to...but it's ok now because mum understands This in itself was quite a moving thing to observe, but I felt it was massively manipulative/opportunistic too - A gay middle aged man seeking his mothers approval? Never? Just looking at how he was with his partner spoke volumes to me, in love yet sheepish etc... The second magnificent moment for me was when the lady medium asked... "Who like chips? C'mon! Who likes chips? I've got a gentleman here etc..." Again this was truely a genius way to get the ball rolling...perhaps people felt her culinary intuition was somehow...accurate, and yet touching...I mean how could she possibly know that they might like chips...some keenly put their hands up... My third moment that comes to mind was as follows: Medium speaking to 18 year old lad with his girlfriend present. "I'm getting an elderly gentleman (God no! Please don't tell me she's going for the Grandad option..She is!!! Hooray) ...coming through for you. Is it your's Grandad isn't it? At this point the lad cunningly interjects with: "Yes, but which one?" Without missing a beat and reminiscent of Brucie, she says: "The dead one my love!" She immediately laughs out loud, the crowd laugh out loud, the lad laughs out loud. Even his girldfriend laughed out loud - Goodness me, we all laughed out loud... He says: "Yeah, fair enough." Well f&ck a duck! I thought. She didn't even need to establish which one...because she didn't need to - he was hooked. Well the evening ended and I left with my chums to discuss our findings in the pub back in Watford. The mediums seemed nice and polite, and were utterly convinced they'd genuinely helped their flock that night. I'm not so sure. By the way, if you've read all of this - you're probably quite dead by now. So come and knock on my door later or move some furniture around in the middle of the night - I may still not beleieve it, but it'll give me something to write about tomorrow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Westcoaster Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 No such thing as the supernatural, it's a total load of shite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tricky-Ricky Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 I thought it was a great series. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lbm Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 No such thing as the supernatural, it's a total load of shite! I wish I'd just said that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havard Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 Good album, Carlos's duets with Chad Kroeger, Seal and Dido are great. Do I believe in it? I suppose I have to, there is a copy in my CD rack and I have also seen it in HMV at £5.99..!! H. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigcol Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 No problem with being skeptical at all but dont dismiss it to quickly, ive just finished a degree in parapsychology and i also am a qualifed paranormal investigator and have to agree with most people, its mainly bull$hit and most things can be explained within the realms of science BUT there are some things that ive experienced that are not explainable including private houses that we have been asked to look at, now as for the derek achoras of the world well they are just bollox they talk, breath, and live bollox they are con men, any "medium" (term used very lightly) who charges is 99% fake, they are very good at manipulating people into there way of thinking, it basically is working on the principles of "power of suggestion" and yes they are known to use stooges on stage. Achora was outed as a fake on live tv etc its just a pity more of them were outed it would save vunerable/grieving people money and false hope. But as an investigator i must say i am not one of the creaky floorboard brigade, i go to an investigation with an open mind and with a view of disproving what is supposedly going on, sometimes though you just cant explain things with a logical or scientific answer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Animal Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 I thought I saw a dead baby ghost in the bushes a while back. Turned out it was just a hanky... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Doom Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 I clicked 'no'.. I hope my house doesn't go all Poltergeist on me later to prove me wrong lol! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jagman Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 qualifed paranormal investigator ,,,,, love to see the exam paper for that one ,LOL , is it a practical exam , like a load of people in a dark room going ,,,, Hushh ,what was that ...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigcol Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 qualifed paranormal investigator ,,,,, love to see the exam paper for that one ,LOL , is it a practical exam , like a load of people in a dark room going ,,,, Hushh ,what was that ...... no its actually a degree course in parapsychology from St Andrews University but not being a smart a$$ you wouldn't know that :-) and no we dont sit in dark rooms (except on investigations, which are all over the place, just back 6 weeks ago from an investigation in Canada all expenses paid and in January im off to Costa Rica for a fortnight of investigations, again all expenses paid, i love this course its great lol) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jagman Posted December 7, 2010 Share Posted December 7, 2010 External scientists and skeptics have criticized the discipline as being a pseudoscience because, as they see it, parapsychologists continue investigation despite not having demonstrated conclusive evidence of psychic abilities in more than a century of research,, Ah well maybe next century ,,,, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigcol Posted December 8, 2010 Share Posted December 8, 2010 Ah but not all parapsychologists claim to have psychic abilities, i certainly dont lol, my view on mediums,psychics etc remains the same its all bollox lol. But there certainly are some things that cant be explained by rational judgement or scientific analysis and thats the part that i concentrate on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaz6002 Posted December 8, 2010 Share Posted December 8, 2010 Poll needs more options Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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