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would it not be better just to make a post and a brief description of the problem / solution / thanks, in the traders section.


That way when people want to do business they can search for the traders history, and see both sides of the coin





Simple and plain. Then A short description in the post a chance for the trader to reply and then locked for everyone to see!!

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would it not be better just to make a post and a brief description of the problem / solution / thanks, in the traders section.


That way when people want to do business they can search for the traders history, and see both sides of the coin





Simple and plain. Then A short description in the post a chance for the trader to reply and then locked for everyone to see!!

That would also work. There are soo many ways to do this and probably the simpler one (the above) would probably be the easiest.


I just don't understand the reluctance of some people .. for implementing this system. It's not difficult. Infact it's soooo bloody easy.


The traders can also use this to their advantage over competitors. If I was a trader I'd be thinking about making sure all of my feedback was positive - to the best of my ability - or if there's a problem trying my damnest to turn a negative into a positive.

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Sorry to hijack the thread, but I am not one to mince words


The problem with any points rating system is that it is totally subjective so is a total waste of time.


Trader A bolts on a exhaust and AM air filter (which to be honest anyone with a spanner can do) and car the sounds awesome . Happy punter rating 10/10


Trader B Investigates and intermittent misfire (can be notoriously difficult to find) changes a few parts but the misfire is still there, so needs another visit. Unhappy punter rating 3/10. Some time down the line Trader B finds the fault (Caused by Trader C fitting a ECU attachment, but the fault was not apparent until the punter did many miles and the original poor install connections were made worse by vibration.) So Trader B get the rating that trader C should have got, but probably got a 10/10. But the is damage done to trader B.


All of the above have happened, apart form the points allocations.


How can traders deal with that, they can't defend them selves against armatures who by there own admission can even change a spark plug so are unable to judge, what is good work and what is not.


If you really have a problem with a trader use trading standards they are qualified to judge whether the workmanship is up to standard or not.

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Trading standards is fine Phil - but we're talking about some form of system that provides the member a "picture" of the traders level of service.


At the this moment - we get threads saying: "Not good service from Trader X". Now we both know, threads like that have a slanging match & will no doubt end up getting locked or perhaps deleted.


I see you're point with regards to the rating system - but to be honest Phil, I think with any system it's not going to be perfect & suit everyone 100%. I think people that object are mainly trying to think of a system that keeps everyone happy ... and that won't work .. either in the real world or an internet forum.


The Ebay system is pretty fair, if someone posts negative feedback - the seller has the opportunity to post a rebuttal. At the end of the day, this feedback system .. should only be used as a guide - it's not written in stone and shouldn't be taken literally. People will still ask for advice on who to buy from and where to get their car serviced from - and they will make their own minds up.


Lest we forget ... this is about the members .. trader/non-trader alike.

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Bottom line is:


We are all customers and they have a business to run.Thats how someone gets a good reputation or a bad one.When you hear lots of bad comments there must be a good reason...The word spreads around..Its up to the trader to keep a customer happy!.When they get a bad rating its for a reason!.If they deserve it then why not? It protects US from getting ripped off by greedy traders.


When a trader rips someone's head off he can't expect to be around for long!


PS. This comment goes for all the traders nothing against anyone in here..

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