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Respect for the dead

supra steveo

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just heard there have been muslims breaking the 2 Min's silence in London today and burning poppies again , really not happy, did they have anything to do in the 2 world wars we have had ?? probably not , so why cant they just let us respect our dead ? well i was on parade today and its a good job there was none of them about coz i would of been glad of fallen out to go introduce a few of them to the concrete head first


we told that guy not to burn korans or whatever so i rekon they should screw the nut too , they are blatantly looking for a fight but i guess when it comes down to it they wont fight, they will just play the race card again, all ive got to say is its not coz your from middle eastern decent its because you are not showing respect for our dead, if you dont like England you know where the ferry is , sod off back to where you came from


if i upset any one on here that was not my aim

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Not muslims dude, just 10-15 fanatics with nothing better to do.


Though them 10 idiots managed to get into the News Headlines & I am sure that every person reading the whole thing as all the Muslims came out and did this. They represent nothing in our religion, they are just people trying to get back for lost relatives or friends in Iraq/Afgan.


Don't let it annoy you, this people should have been moved swiftly.

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What rattles my cage is the number of people I know who know nothing about rememberance day :(


It was sad seeing the list of those who have died in the last 12 months defending our countries interests :( there must have been circa 150 of them, some as young as 18 or 19.


Paying any attention to these extremist fools gives them satisfaction. I'd rather spend my time thinking of those who have died so that we can live, than Muslim extremist slime.


BTW, many Muslims were involved in the Second world war, on both sides. My Grandad often talks highly of the Muslim community he worked in, while being a radio operator in India during the war :)

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  j_jza80 said:
What rattles my cage is the number of people I know who know nothing about rememberance day :(


It was sad seeing the list of those who have died in the last 12 months defending our countries interests :( there must have been circa 150 of them, some as young as 18 or 19.


Paying any attention to these extremist fools gives them satisfaction. I'd rather spend my time thinking of those who have died so that we can live, than Muslim extremist slime.


BTW, many Muslims were involved in the Second world war, on both sides. My Grandad often talks highly of the Muslim community he worked in, while being a radio operator in India during the war :)


well its good to see they were once allies ....... what the hell went wrong

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  supra steveo said:
its good to hear you say that Abz thing is why are they even in this country if they have feelings like this
Because they wouldn't be able to have this effect if they were in their country, or they will most likely be dead dude.


  j_jza80 said:
What rattles my cage is the number of people I know who know nothing about rememberance day :(


It was sad seeing the list of those who have died in the last 12 months defending our countries interests :( there must have been circa 150 of them, some as young as 18 or 19.


Paying any attention to these extremist fools gives them satisfaction. I'd rather spend my time thinking of those who have died so that we can live, than Muslim extremist slime.


BTW, many Muslims were involved in the Second world war, on both sides. My Grandad often talks highly of the Muslim community he worked in, while being a radio operator in India during the war :)

Same here, some people were like "Oh, is it today?"


My grandad father was in the british army for the second world war :)

A lot of people are surprised to hear Muslim people being in the British army.


:thumbs: to the bold text :)


  Josh said:
Yeah I find it weird. I'm not turning this into a race/religion arguement but with the extremists preaching hate to the west, why the hell are they are they living here if they hate it? Ship 'em out or do away with them.
Yep I agree (And that is coming from a Muslim), if it is a peaceful protest like the stop the war thing we had like 3/4 years ago I don't mind, anything peaceful is fine, which the religion permits. Our religion brings us up telling us that bad mouthing is extremely bad, back biting is described as being the same as eating your relatives flesh! We know the war is wrong in Iraq & Afgan but their are better ways to try stopping it. People like hook dude and others who insight hate (regardless of religion, background) should be deported or locked up, they are no good in this society.
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  Abz said:
Because they wouldn't be able to have this effect if they were in their country, or they will most likely be dead dude.



Same here, some people were like "Oh, is it today?"


My grandad father was in the british army for the second world war :)

A lot of people are surprised to hear Muslim people being in the British army.


:thumbs: to the bold text :)


Yep I agree (And that is coming from a Muslim), if it is a peaceful protest like the stop the war thing we had like 3/4 years ago I don't mind, anything peaceful is fine, which the religion permits. Our religion brings us up telling us that bad mouthing is extremely bad, back biting is described as being the same as eating your relatives flesh! We know the war is wrong in Iraq & Afgan but their are better ways to try stopping it. People like hook dude and others who insight hate (regardless of religion, background) should be deported or locked up, they are no good in this society.


:D Do we need to watch out for him now?



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I have no problems with Muslims in the overall context, but trouble mostly comes from the minority that belong to the Muslim group. And I have to say that they are disrepectful not only to the people of our country and the rest of the world but to their own religion. I feel sorry for the Muslims due to the complete idiotic prats that put a bad name to them. And unfortunately it has put a bad name to them. It makes everyone feel wary about those who choose to become that religion.


If they don't like this country or what this country believes in, they should be forced to leave, not told they should. And so it should be the other way around. If we go to their country and do the same, we should be forced to leave. Simple as that.

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  Attero said:
I have no problems with Muslims in the overall context, but trouble mostly comes from the minority that belong to the Muslim group. And I have to say that they are disrepectful not only to the people of our country and the rest of the world but to their own religion. I feel sorry for the Muslims due to the complete idiotic prats that put a bad name to them. And unfortunately it has put a bad name to them. It makes everyone feel wary about those who choose to become that religion.


If they don't like this country or what this country believes in, they should be forced to leave, not told they should. And so it should be the other way around. If we go to their country and do the same, we should be forced to leave. Simple as that.


Their Country? For many of the extremists in the UK, this IS their country, born here.


I suspect if a radical Christian was in a largely Muslim country, and behaved in a similar fashion, the punishment would be a little worse than being asked to leave :D

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What about respect for the millions of foreigner's that 'we' have killed for no good reason, like the mindless, hypercritical thugs that us and The U.S. have become in the eyes of every other nation?


One of "Our Boys" dies and it's headline news for a week whilst we drop cluster bombs on villages that are the same size and colour as yellow food packets so that children lose their feet looking for food.


We are the world's biggest hypercrits. It's a testament to the courage and grace of Muslims (though not just them by any means), that you don't have real terrorism in this country on a daily basis.


You can't have a war if no-one turns up and the sooner everyone figures that out the better.


Personally I find the OP's lack of discipline and English language skills somewhat more offensive and frankly, quite disturbing after 10 or 11 years of schooling.


People are easy to manipulate when they don't think for themselves and you're being told what to think and how to REACT.


Try to imagine why someone does something that you disagree with instead of judging them unfit to breathe the same air.


My Grandfather didn't survive D' Day to defend a country where people can't even be bothered to learn their own language. Most Asians on here have better English than the English.

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  Beast of Bomex said:
What about respect for the millions of foreigner's that 'we' have killed for no good reason, like the mindless, hypercritical thugs that us and The U.S. have become in the eyes of every other nation?


One of "Our Boys" dies and it's headline news for a week whilst we drop cluster bombs on villages that are the same size and colour as yellow food packets so that children lose their feet looking for food.


We are the world's biggest hypercrits. It's a testament to the courage and grace of Muslims (though not just them by any means), that you don't have real terrorism in this country on a daily basis.


You can't have a war if no-one turns up and the sooner everyone figures that out the better.


Personally I find the OP's lack of discipline and English language skills somewhat more offensive and frankly, quite disturbing after 10 or 11 years of schooling.


People are easy to manipulate when they don't think for themselves and you're being told what to think and how to REACT.


Try to imagine why someone does something that you disagree with instead of judging them unfit to breathe the same air.


My Grandfather didn't survive D' Day to defend a country where people can't even be bothered to learn their own language. Most Asians on here have better English than the English.


Someone's been on the Meth again :)

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Guest samurai infidel

Excuse me, but what does a persons lack of English language skills have to do with what he is upset about?


My personal opinion of those individuals (of any nationality or race), who whilst attending a remembrance day parade or activity, that do not adhere to the 2 minutes silence, or burn poppies, union jacks and the like, are NOT fit to breathe the same air as myself.


I have proudly served in the British army, and continue to work alongside soldiers in my civillian job, I have lost 6 friends in Iraq and Afghanistan. And attend remembrance parades to remember them and the countless men and women who never made it home.


I'd like to ask you a question if i may.


Have you ever served in the armed forces, or even been to Iraq or Afghanistan ?


In my time there, i have met many people from both countries who for the most part are gratefull for assistance from the military forces that are in their countries.

Of course there are individuals who disagree with them being there, as is their right, its their country after all.

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My problem is and was,


I always think of the WW1 and WW2 when the poppys come out. To see someone burning the symbol of the bravest men and women this world will ever see is makes me sick. However these people are protesting at Iraq and afgan issues, which in the case of Iraq they kind of have a point in.


The soilders that fought and died all those years ago did it to rid the world of evil, no other reason and for that they will always have my respect and thanks.

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  Beast of Bomex said:
What about respect for the millions of foreigner's that 'we' have killed for no good reason, like the mindless, hypercritical thugs that us and The U.S. have become in the eyes of every other nation?


One of "Our Boys" dies and it's headline news for a week whilst we drop cluster bombs on villages that are the same size and colour as yellow food packets so that children lose their feet looking for food.


We are the world's biggest hypercrits. It's a testament to the courage and grace of Muslims (though not just them by any means), that you don't have real terrorism in this country on a daily basis.


You can't have a war if no-one turns up and the sooner everyone figures that out the better.


Personally I find the OP's lack of discipline and English language skills somewhat more offensive and frankly, quite disturbing after 10 or 11 years of schooling.


People are easy to manipulate when they don't think for themselves and you're being told what to think and how to REACT.


Try to imagine why someone does something that you disagree with instead of judging them unfit to breathe the same air.


My Grandfather didn't survive D' Day to defend a country where people can't even be bothered to learn their own language. Most Asians on here have better English than the English.


Cluster bombs ? Kids loosing there feet while looking for food ? ......... Where the hell are you getting your info fella ? It was nothing like that when I was over there, as for the personal dig, you do not know me so do not feel you have a right to comment on me having a lack of discipline, however yeah I do sometimes have a little trouble trying to get what i mean across , but what is the problem there ? I've seen worse, Don't think you can shut me up from that angle


If you want to get personal , I've got a an inbox ...... Pm me

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  The Raven said:

The soilders that fought and died all those years ago did it to rid the world of evil, no other reason and for that they will always have my respect and thanks.


Great post. They were fighting for OUR freedom, on our shores, it was pretty touch and go at times.


When there are wars away from our own country, away from our comprehension, it's easy to get blase about what the soliders do in the likes of Afganistan.


I hate the way it's 'Muslims' that are doing x or y - do they wear badges? It's not muslims as a race it's a few random nutjobs, and if anything we should be uniting against people that threaten our way of life.

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Poppies are remembrance tokens for the First World War - "In Flanders Field", for example. When it comes to Remembrance Day, I think of the sacrifice made by ALL soldiers (not just the Allies, but the young idealistic Germans / Italians / Japanese as well) for the sake of politics. I think Sting said it very well in "Children's Crusade" - "Corpulent generals safe behind lines - history's lessons drowned in red wine. Poppies for young men - death's bitter trade, and all for a Children's Crusade."


And if people don't understand why the Middle East hates the West, perhaps you should read a history book. Britain's foreign policy in Arabia, for example.

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  Beast of Bomex said:
Personally I find the OP's lack of discipline and English language skills somewhat more offensive and frankly, quite disturbing

My Grandfather didn't survive D' Day to defend a country where people can't even be bothered to learn their own language.

We are the world's biggest hypercrits.
hypercrits? :think: Did you mean hypocrites?




Most Asians on here have better English than the English.

Many of the Asians on here are English.

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